Grand Theft Wiki:IRC
Our IRC channel is #gtawiki on - or you can join us on the web |
- See also Freenode help
Grand Theft Wiki's IRC channel is a public discussion channel for discussion about GTA and Grand Theft Wiki.
Logging On
Our channel is #gtawiki on
Using a Web Client
- Go to Special:WebChat
- You will be logged in as a guest with your Grand Theft Wiki username
- To change username, type /nick USERNAME
- To register your username, or log in to one you already registered, see below
Using a Standalone Client
- Install a client (e.g. mIRC)
- Use
as the server - Type
/join #gtawiki
to join our channel - Pick a nickname to use when logging into IRC
- To register your username, or log in to one you already registered, see below
Registering your nick will make you personally identifiable on the IRC server. Nobody has the right to any particular nick (username) unless they register it. You might not get the same nickname as you use on this wiki, and be aware that other people might not be who you think they are.
To register your nick, simply type the following directly into IRC. Change PASSWORD
for a password of your choice.
/msg nickserv register PASSWORD
Add a valid email address to your primary nickserv entry so that you have a way to reset your password
/msg nickserv set hide email on
/msg nickserv set email EMAIL@ADDRESS
If you don't use your nick, someone can request that it be dropped so that they can use it. Likewise, if the nick you want is registered by someone else who doesn't use it, you can request for it to be dropped. Freenode consider IRC nicks expired after 60 days without use. Nicks which are at least two weeks old and which were last used less than two hours after their creation are also considered to be expired. Simply ask a Freenode staff member to do this for you.
Logging In:
The next time you come to use IRC, you need to login. First, connect using your nick. Then type the following command:
/msg nickserv identify PASSWORD
Some users can be made an operator (Op) on the IRC channel. This gives them the capability to change the topic title, silence, kick or ban unruly users.
Operators automatically have an @ in front of their name (like ChanServ always does). However, operators can add and remove their operator status, so they only have it when they need it. To find an operator (when they aren't showing their @ badge), type /msg chanserv access #gtawiki list
We pick our Ops strictly on the bases of merit and requirement. If we need a new op, we will look ourselves for users that are regularly on the channel, know how it works and are. Being staff on the wiki is not an automatic right to be an op, but usually this will be allowed.
Operator commands:
- Activate an operator on one channel:
/msg chanserv OP #gtawiki username
- Deactivate an operator on one channel:
/msg chanserv DEOP #gtawiki username
- Show who has access (find an operator):
/msg chanserv access #gtawiki list
- Apply a mask (see masks below):
/mode #gtawiki +maskletters username
- Op: +o
- Voice: +v
- Quiet: +q
- Ban: +b
- Eg, to Op and Voice gtabot on #gtawiki:
/mode #gtawiki +ov gtabot
- Remove a mask:
/mode #gtawiki -maskletters username
- Perform a ranged ban:
/mode #gtawiki +b nickmask!*foo@hostmask
Senior staff commands:
- Add a username to the access list
- This grants the following flags: +votriA
- This user will then be able to acquire voice and op status at any time
ChanServ is Freenode's robot that guards our channel. It ensures that the channel is always there, and it offers Op access to those who have been allowed it.