User:Gta-mysteries/Kate Dialogue: Difference between revisions

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'''Kate''': You see? Not difficult.
'''Kate''': You see? Not difficult.
==Date ten==
'''Niko''': How you doing, Kate?
'''Kate''': Great.
'''Niko''': Really?
'''Kate''': No. Not really. I was trying to be more optimistic. My shrink tells me I need to be more optimistic silly idiot that she is.
'''Niko''': Why do you go?
'''Kate''': Because I want to be happy - because I want to move away, have a family myself, not be caught up in craziness?
'''Niko''': Why don't you get involved with someone?
'''Kate''': I'm not ready - I'm scared of all of that - you care about people, they die. I'm pretty messed up.
'''Niko''': You seem okay to me.
'''Kate''': You're scarcely a good judge. No, I'm not ready for a relationship... but... but if I was, I'd want to be with you.
'''Niko''': Thank you.
'''Kate''': But you're not ready either. You're a lunatic. I don't know if you can change... Doesn't really matter, you'll probably die tomorrow.
'''Niko''': Probably.

Revision as of 09:39, 17 October 2014

Date one

Kate: This is nice, isn't it?

Niko: What's nice?

Kate: I don't know... getting out, doing stuff, not working or fighting with my family. Getting to know you.

Niko: Is nice to get to now you too, seems like I've gotten pretty close to everyone else in your family.

Kate: You poor bastard, you have. I don't normally socialize with people that know my family. Try to keep those two sides of my life separate. I guess it's nice to be honest for a change. Rather than me keeping secrets about my family from you, you're probably keeping secrets about my family from me?

Niko: No comment. You don't normally take the guys you date back to meet the family?

Kate: Date? This isn't a date, Niko. We're just getting to know each other. We might be friends and that's all. I couldn't date you.. someone like my brothers. I couldn't do that to myself.

Niko: Alright then, this isn't a date. We're just two people, hanging out.

Kate: That's it. But it's nice. I'm enjoying myself.

Niko: Me too.

Date two

Kate: So.

Niko: So what?

Kate: So, you.

Niko: So me what?

Kate: So, are you another one?

Niko: Another what?

Kate: Another one like my brothers. A tough guy with a death wish. A man eager to get into Hell as soon as possible.

Niko: Probably.

Kate: How annoying. What is wrong with you people? You mean.

Niko: What's wrong with me? Quite a lot, I'm sure.

Kate: Why don't you want to live? To live a normal life, I mean - get married, have kids, not steal, rob, kill. It can't be easier, than having a job I mean?

Niko: I don't know. I have lived a complicated life. I was in a war.

Kate: Sounds like you still are.

Niko: Maybe.

Kate: Well, for a murdering, thieving idiot who can't talk about things, you're kind of nice.

Niko: Thank you.

Kate: Don't mention it.

Date three

Kate: It's nice to have a friend who understands the madness that I've lived through. You know what my family is like.

Niko: I do, but I don't think that any life is not mad. You were here in America. You have had opportunities that most of the world could not imagine.

Kate: An Irish family manages to make it the eighteenth century when or whenever they are. The men in my family are just highwaymen and moralists, usually both in equal measure.

Niko: I don't know if I'd agree that Packie was a moralist. He seems like a highwayman through and through.

Kate: You should see him around me, if a man even looks in my direction, he threatens to rip his heart out.

Kate: Well, is a good thing that we are just friends. If this was a date, I'd be scared.

Kate: It's nice to have a friend, Niko. I feel like you are someone I can speak to.

Date four

Kate: What have you been up to? Actually, I don't think I want to know. I'm sure it made you feel big and strong.

Niko: Not really.

Kate: Lord above - you don't even enjoy it? Then why do it?

Niko: Can you do me a favor, and stop preaching? I'm fine. I am what I am, for better or worse.

Kate: Fair enough. A life time of trying to sort my brothers out has left me a little sanctimonious. Forgive me... I'm sorry if this is a weird question - what was the war like?

Niko: It was great - you got to see people turn into animals and your close friends die.

Kate: Sorry. I knew it was a dumb question. It's just, I hoped it wasn't so awful for you.

Niko: No. It was seeing your home destroyed, seeing members of you family die. My aunt, Roman's mother, she was... she was... she was raped and murdered. I found her. Roman does not know - he thought she died in a house fire.

Kate: I'm so sorry.

Niko: The world is hard. What are you going to do?

Kate: Maybe you're right.

Niko: The war taught me a lot of bad things, but it also taught me to enjoy life.

Kate: I like that.

Date five

Niko: How is your Mother?

Kate: You know, just waiting around and wasting time until she can join my father in the eternal splendor of Heaven.

Niko: Do you think that that is where he is?

Kate: I hope so, I don't want to believe that every man in my family was as bad as my brothers. My dad was a drinker and he sure had a temper, but I believe in my heart of hearts that he was a good man.

Niko: What did your brothers think?

Kate: They hated him, they'd fight with him and scream at him and run away for days at a time before he'd drag them home. None of the boys liked my dad, and he didn't appear to like them much either. He believed in discipline, you know?

Niko: What was different about you and him?

Kate: I was his princess, I was the little girl. And I didn't give him a reason to discipline me. I guess I played up to it even more because my relationship with him was something I had that the boys didn't. Dad drove my brothers mad. I sometimes think that the reason they act the way they do is rebelling against him. Sorry, Niko. Talk about armchair psychology. I'm boring you.

Niko: Not at all, friend. Families are strange things.

Date six

Kate: You seem well, Niko.

Niko: Thank you. How are you?

Kate: Same as always - trying to deal with the reality of my awful family. Tell me about your family. Roman - he's your cousin...

Niko: Yes. Our fathers were brothers.

Kate: Were they close?

Niko: We grew up in the next house to each other. So physically yes. And temperamentally, yes. They were identical. But did they get along? No. They hated each other. They were both assholes, you see.

Kate: Ha ha - I know all about that.

Niko: They were wife beating alcoholics, who, luckily, were both what they deserved to be. My mother - my mother is one of life's victims. I was mostly raised by Roman's mother. She was great. An amazing person. When the war came, she saved up all her money and sent Roman here. She wanted to send me too, but I wanted to fight. I was stupid.

Kate: You're still stupid!

Niko: I know - look at the company I keep.

Kate: Ha ha.

Date seven

Kate: Thanks, Niko. I needed this.

Niko:You don't have to thank me, Kate. Needed what?

Kate: Some downtime. A moment away from the craziness of it all - my family, life in general.

Niko: With a family like yours, I would have thought you would have learnt to cop by now.

Kate: My whole life has been learning to cope. I sort of can, but it's those moments when you can just forget that I value most.

Niko: I too have things I wish to forget. The things that happened to me back home, the war... Actually, I wish to forget some of the things that happened to me here, in Liberty City as well.

Kate: I'm sure you do, Niko. Maybe it's something other than forgetting that you need though. Maybe it's a break from it all... a new beginning.

Niko: I think we all need new beginnings.

Kate: I was in therapy for a long time, Niko. It helped me a lot. It taught me how to get by, how to detach myself from people who upset me. Therapy works... it sort of works.

Niko: I do not need some quack trying to get inside my head.

Kate: I wasn't suggesting that, Niko. I was just saying that therapy is one of the reasons I'm still here today. Everyone needs a way to cope with his or her pain. I just hope that the way you choose to deal with yours is productive, not destructive.

Date eight

Kate: How's my favorite sociopath today?

Niko: I don't know - how is Packie?

Kate: Packie's not a sociopath. He's a psychotic cocaine addict, sure, but he's actually quite sentimental and longs for normality. He just thinks that he'll find it by doing 5 hits of X a day, and smoking crack at weekends after a spot of bank robbing. He's my brother, but he's an idiot. You're not.

Niko: Thank you, I think.

Kate: My pleasure. You know what, Niko, I really... I really...

Niko: You really what?

Kate: I really like you. I mean, not like that. I'm not into that. Not with you. But I like you. You're genuine. Genuinely awful, but at least you're not a fucking hypocrite. That can't be said of many people.

Niko: No.

Kate: I like you. I like what you are, and that's a good thing.

Niko: Thank you. I like you.

Kate: Thank you.

Date nine

Kate: What kind of man do you want to be, Niko?

Niko: Here you are, coming with the big questions straight out of the gate. Give me a break.

Kate: It's important to me. I've been thinking about you a lot and knowing your aspirations is important.

Niko: So you care what you "friend" Wants to do with his life?

Kate: I care about the lives of people I care about... my family, my friends... yes!

Niko: Okay, you want an answer? What sort of man do I want to be?

Kate: It isn't a difficult question.

Niko: It isn't a difficult question if you don't care about the answer. What kind of man do I want to be? I want to be a whole one. I do not want to be owned by anyone. I do now want to be controlled by the actions of others. I want to be able to make the right decision and it be my own decision to make.

Kate: You see? Not difficult.

Date ten

Niko: How you doing, Kate?

Kate: Great.

Niko: Really?

Kate: No. Not really. I was trying to be more optimistic. My shrink tells me I need to be more optimistic silly idiot that she is.

Niko: Why do you go?

Kate: Because I want to be happy - because I want to move away, have a family myself, not be caught up in craziness?

Niko: Why don't you get involved with someone?

Kate: I'm not ready - I'm scared of all of that - you care about people, they die. I'm pretty messed up.

Niko: You seem okay to me.

Kate: You're scarcely a good judge. No, I'm not ready for a relationship... but... but if I was, I'd want to be with you.

Niko: Thank you.

Kate: But you're not ready either. You're a lunatic. I don't know if you can change... Doesn't really matter, you'll probably die tomorrow.

Niko: Probably.