User:Gta-mysteries/Roman Friendship Dialogue: Difference between revisions

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''(Roman declining)''
''(Roman declining)''
'''Roman''': Call me later, man. I have an important game to play.
'''Roman''': Cousin, I cannot be bowling just now. Another time.

'''Roman''': Niko, man, I'm online. I can't get away to bowl just now.
'''Roman''': Niko, man, I'm online. I can't get away to bowl just now.

Revision as of 17:28, 22 October 2014


Calling Roman

Niko: Cousin.

Niko: Cousin, hello.

Niko: Hello.

Niko: Hey cousin.

Niko: Hey Roman.

Niko: Roman, what's up?

Niko: What is going on Roman?

Arranging an activity

Niko: Cousin, I shall be there soon.

Niko: Good, I will collect you cousin.

Niko: I am coming to get you, Roman.

Niko: I be with you soon, Roman.

Niko: I come to get you Roman.

Niko: I see you soon then, Roman.

Niko: I will see you soon.

Niko: Wait for me then, cousin.

Roman calling

Roman: Hey man, it's me.

Arranging an activity

Roman: Cousin, this is wonderful news. See you soon.

Roman: Great, Niko. See you in a while.

Roman: Okay, man. I will see you soon then.

Roman: We have a date, I am waiting for you.

Meeting Roman

(Niko on foot)

Roman: NB, my cousin. Why don't we find a car so we can go.

Roman: Niko. Good to see you. We need to find a vehicle.

(Niko in a car)

Roman: Ahh, NB. Seeing you puts a smile on my face. Let's go.

Roman: My cousin, is so good to see you. Let's do this.

Roman: My one and only cousin, except for the other ones. Let's go.

Roman: NB, the big man. Let's hustle.

Roman: Niko, good to see you, let's go.

Roman: There you are cousin, let's move.

(Niko on a motorbike)

Roman: Cousin, you now these things scare me. No matter, we go.

Roman: Niko, you like it when I hold you on these motorbikes, don't you. Let's go.

(Niko in a helicopter)

Roman: Niko, you are really moving up in the world, no? I tell you we are going to the top when you arrive.

(Arriving late)

Roman: Disgraceful to keep your cousin waiting. Well, we go now.

Roman: Finally cousin, you're late. We should go now.

Roman: Niko, I was starting to think you wouldn't come. Let's go now.

Finishing an activity

Roman: Can you drop me off at home, cousin?

Roman: It is time to go back home, will you take me?

Roman: Let us go now, cousin. Take me home.

Roman: Okay, I am ready to go home. You will drive your cousin.

Roman: Take me back won't you?

Roman: Take me home, Niko.

Roman: Thank you in advance for driving me home. Let's go now.

Roman: You mind driving your tired cousin home? Thank you.

Taking Roman home

Roman: I didn't sign up for this, cousin. What gives?

Roman: Sorry, Niko. I don't feel like doing this just now.

Roman: I'm not really feeling the vibe right now, cousin.

Roman: Ummm, you didn't check this by me. I'm not in the mood, Niko.

Roman: Call me cousin, I'll see you soon.

Roman: I'll catch you round, NB. Call me if you want to hang out again.

Roman: Later, Niko. Give me a call sometime, okay?

Roman: See you later, NB. Give me a call, yes?

Roman: Thank you, cousin. We should hang out again soon.

Roman: That was fun NB. Hit me up if you want to hang out again soon.

Declining an activity

Roman: Alright, Niko. Maybe we do something when you have some free time.

Roman: Cool, cousin. Another time then. Call me.

Roman: Okay, man. We shall do something another time.

Roman: Sure, cousin. Call me when you have moment.

Canceling an activity

Roman: Alright, Niko. We shall do this another time. Later on.

Roman: Don't worry cousin, I have hot bitches that are begging me for my company, see you soon.

Roman: Okay, Niko. We shall rain check this for a different occasion.

Roman: That is cool, cousin. We do this on another occasion.

Roman declining an activity

Niko: Alright cousin, another time.

Niko: Okay, Roman, another time then.

Niko: Sure, Roman, we do this some other time.

Niko: We can make arrangement for another time.


Niko calls

Niko: Want to go bowling?

Niko: Why don't we do some bowling?

Niko: How about we go bowling?

Niko: You want to hit the bowling alley?

Roman: Cousin, I am loving the bowling. Pick me up in next hour.

Roman: Haha, I love to watch the girls bend over and pick up balls, of course I will bowl with you. Pick me up in next hour.

Roman: Niko, this is a great American activity. We bowl together if you pick me up in next hour.

Roman: We bowl like two cousins in American sitcom. Pick me up in next hour.

(Calling too soon after bowling)

Roman: Niko, you junkie, we went bowling just recently. Maybe later.

(Roman declining)

Roman: Call me later, man. I have an important game to play.

Roman: Cousin, I cannot be bowling just now. Another time.

Roman: Niko, man, I'm online. I can't get away to bowl just now.

Roman calls

Roman: Let's go bowling.

Roman: Want to go bowling?

Niko: Okay man, we go bowling. I come to get you in the next hour.

Niko: Sure, bowling sounds good. I will come to collect you in next hour.


Niko: Roman, I cannot bowl with you. I am doing other things now.

Niko: Sorry man, I got shit to do. Can't bowl with you right now.


Niko: Roman, sorry but I cannot bowl with you anymore. Another time.

Niko: I am sorry, cousin, but I must cancel our bowling.


(Niko and Roman arrive at the bowling alley)

Roman: Bowling, Niko. This is a surprise. You know that I like to beat you tough. Let's do it.

Roman: Okay cousin, let's hit the alleys.

Roman: We're here Niko. Let's do some bowling.

(Niko wins)

Roman: Niko, good game. You are good at bowling and I'm good with the ladies. We both have skills.

Roman: Niko, you're pretty good. It's clearly those Bellic genes you've got. If we were a team we'd be unstoppable.

(Niko loses)

Roman: Do not worry about losing. At least you are better at stealing cars and shooting things.

Roman: Niko, how could you expect to beat someone as supremely skilled as me? It was foolish.

(Not finishing the game)

Roman: Maybe we will play a whole game the next time we bowl, cousin.

Roman: Next time let us finish the game, okay?


Niko calls

Niko: How about we throw some darts?

Niko: I was thinking we play some darts.

Niko: Want to go play darts?

Niko: Why don't we go play darts?

Roman: Great, I would like to play darts with my cousin. I wait for you one hour.

Roman: I have won a lot of money throwing darts before, pick me up in next hour.

Roman: I would like to do darts. Come get me in next hour.

Roman: Just like in Old Country, eh? Collect me in next hour and we play the darts.


Niko: Cousin, I am no longer able to do darts with you. Sorry.

Niko: Sorry, Roman. Something has come up. I cannot throw darts with you now.

Roman calls

Roman: Let's play darts.

Roman: Niko, I am thinking we should be playing some darts together. We have not done this in Liberty City yet.

Roman: We should play each other at darts.

Niko: Alright, man. Let's play darts. I pick you up in next hour.


Niko: No darts for me, cousin. I have other missiles to launch.

Niko: Sorry, cousin. I cannot play darts with you right now.


Roman: Get ready to watch a master at work. I am to darts what Perseus is to clothing.

Roman: I did not expect an opportunity to kick your ass at darts. How could I refuse?

Roman: Okay Niko, watch out for all the bullseyes I will be getting.

(Niko wins)

Roman: Do you you see something in my eye. I am not seeing so good. Must be how you beat me.

Roman: Niko, congratulations. It is not often that someone beats me at darts.

(Niko loses)

Roman: I could have beaten you with my eyes closed, cousin. I'm sorry but I'm that much better.

Roman: Niko. You had lost before we even got here. Darts is about having the mental edge.

(Not finishing the game)

Roman: Niko, I like to finish my darts games. Maybe next time we do that.

Roman: You must be in a hurry, Niko. It does not take long to finish a game of darts with your cousin.

(Roman declining)

Roman: Shit cousin, this is bad time. Shit is kicking with Mallorie. Maybe we do darts later.


Niko calls

Niko: How about we go drink some vodka.

Niko: How about we try to numb the pain with vodka?

Niko: You want to go for a drink?

Niko: You want to go drinking like we did in the old days?

Roman: Hopefully the booze will not make me lose my sight in one eye like that stuff back home. Get me in next hour.

Roman: I was thinking my liver was having an easy time. We drink together. Come get me in next hour.

Roman: Okay, man. Let's go drinking. Come get me in next hour.

Roman: Wine, women and my cousin, Niko. I could not say no. Pick me up in next hour.


Niko: Cousin, our drunkenness will have to wait. Something has happened.

Niko: Sorry Roman, you may have to drink alone. I can no longer join you.

Roman calls

Roman: Cousin, we should go out together. Open a bottle of vodka and drink it all like we did in Old Country.

Niko: Okay man, we go drinking together. I pick you up in next hour.

Niko: We have a date, I am waiting for you.


Niko: Apologies, cousin, I can no drink with you now. I need to be in control.

Niko: I am sorry cousin, but I must keep my senses sharp at the moment.


(Comrade's bar)

Roman: Ahh, Comrades. We shall raise our glasses to the late Vlad while we're here.

Roman: Shit, I hope to God that Vlad isn't here.

Roman: Old Vlad's bar. We shall see if he can add our drinks to the rest of my debt.

Roman: Fucking Vlad. I cannot help but think of that scumbag in that place.

Roman: It is a shame we did not meet Vlad in there. I wanted to tell him what a good loanshark he is.

Roman: I like that place, now that Vlad is gone I can really appreciate the atmosphere.

(Drunk driving)

Niko: Driving in this state - not a good idea.

Niko: I can barely walk or think, let alone drive.

Niko: I don't feel so hot, I shouldn't get behind the wheel.

Niko: I'm not exactly sober, I better not be driving.

Niko: I'm not in position to make good decisions right now.

Niko: I'm wasted. Maybe I better not drive.

Niko: Oh boy, I definitely should be walking home.

Niko: You, if you drink and drive, Niko, you're a bloody idiot.

(Steinway Beer Garden)

Roman: Niko, this is just the place. I hear it is filled with girls with low self esteem.

Roman: We shall drink and remember the old days. I'll buy the first round. That's if I remember my wallet.

(Roman declining)

Roman: Ah, Niko, I must please a lady later and will not be able to if I am drunk. You understand?

Roman: Cousin, I cannot trust myself to drink right now. I will lose much money online if I do.

Roman: Niko, I cannot drink with you just now. I have to keep clear head for the cards.

Roman: Sorry, cousin. I have hot date. No drinking for me.


Conversation One

Roman: You see the way that man was looking at me? Did you see him?

Niko: An ex-boyfriend?

Roman: Fuck you. Fuck you, Niko Bellic. He was looking at me like he wanted to fight. Like he thought I was nobody. I'm a somebody. So what if I moved here. Everyone except the Native Americans are immigrants to this country and even they were meant to have walked here from Russia when the sea was frozen over.

Niko: I didn't know that.

Roman: Stick with me, cousin, and you'll learn a lot. About games of chance, about hard work and opportunity, about pleasuring women - you'll learn a hell of a lot. What did that scumbag think he was staring at? I'm a continental lager, he's just a domestic brew. Tastes like fucking piss. Everyone loves an imported and classy beverage. If I knew where he lived I'd go there and seduce his wife.

Niko: She wouldn't be able to resist you, Roman.

Roman: Not many women can, not many can...

Conversation Two

Roman: I'm sober. I had a lot to drink, but I'm straight sober.

Niko: Sure.

Roman: I am... listen, man... I'm seeing funny. I think I got spiked.

Niko: What? What is spiked?

Roman: I think someone put something in my drink. Evil people do it to women they wish to take advantage of.

Niko: And which nice sailor in there do you think wanted to take advantage of you, pretty lady?

Roman: Firstly, I wasn't in the fucking merchant navy. And secondly, cousin and friend, fuck you. And thirdly, people also do it if they want to steal your kidneys or your liver.

Niko: Who would want your kidneys or liver? They must all be shot through by now.

Roman: Fuck you, I'm an alpha male. I'm at the top of the tree...

Niko: Like a fairy.

Roman: Not that tree... the tree of life.

Niko: Oh, that tree. Stop talking shit.

Conversation three

Roman: Did you see those titties in there? I could have covered them with butter and syrup and had them for breakfast.

Niko: What about Mallorie's titties? Don't you like them?

Roman: Have you been balling Mallorie, cousin? How could you? She's the love of my life. The woman of my dreams. My own cousin is thinking about her firm sweet titties. You make me sick cousin, sick to the bone.

Niko: You're drunk, Roman.

Roman: That is no excuse for giving it to Mallorie, Niko. Just because I might not be able to perform right now doesn't mean you should step into the ring for me. I'll be on fighting form again tomorrow morning.

Niko: Lucky Mallorie.

Roman: Since you have got to Liberty City I have shared everything with you, everything. But I won't share that, no I won't share that. I love you, Niko.

Niko: I know you do, Roman.

Conversation four

Roman: I'm drunk, cousin.

Niko: You don't say? As usual, one smell of the alehouse and Roman Bellic is about to vomit!

Roman: Piss off! I can hold the drink. I am a warrior. I am an animal. I am the beast. The beast.

Niko: If you say so.

Roman: A wild fucking animal. Ask any woman! Ask Mallorie!

Niko: I did - she said you were like a wild animal... like a wild pig.

Roman: Fuck you! You can't take me. I'm a maniac. I'm a beast. I eat! I sleep! I fuck! I drink!

Niko: You vomit, you cry, you read self help books. You are all man, Roman!

Conversation five

Roman: We need to get home, quick.

Niko: Are you throwing up, Roman?

Roman: I'll throw up on you if you give me any more lip, NB. No I need to place some bets. I'm feeling lucky.

Niko: You're lucky to be conscious you drunk so much.

Roman: I have a good feeling in my gut. There is money to be won, Niko. Wonderful dollars to collect from stupid chumps who can't pick a winner from loser, a bad hand from a good one.

Niko: If I was a betting man, Roman, which I'm not. I would bet against you in this state.

Roman: Always the pessimist, cousin. Always hating on me. You will see. You will see.

Niko: I'll see something.


Niko calls

Niko: Hey cousin, want to sit down with me and eat something?

Niko: How about we go eat something?

Niko: Want to go grab some food?

Niko: We should eat together like cousins?

Roman: Good idea cousin, we eat together. I wait for you for one hour.

Roman: I have a hunger, cousin. Come collect me in next hour.

Roman: This is a good thing for family to do. Collect me in next hour.

Roman: This will be a bonding experience. Get me in next hour.


Niko: Cousin, you must dine alone. I can no longer join you.

Niko: Roman. I can't eat with you. This may help you lose some weight.

Roman calls

Roman: Cousin, we are family. We should be like family and eat together. How about it?

Roman: Niko, it's Roman. We should eat together.

Niko: Okay man, get ready. I will be with you in next hour.

Niko: Sure, Roman. We eat together. I come get you in next hour.


Niko: I don't want a full stomach for the stuff I have to do. Another time...

Niko: Sorry, man. I'm not hungry. Maybe another time.


(69th Street Diner, 60 Diner)

Roman: Ahh, is this where we eat, cousin? Let's do it.

Roman: Okay cousin, let's have a meal here.

Roman: I am no longer hungry, cousin. That was good.

Roman: That served it's purpose cousin, my stomach is full.

(Burger Shot)

Roman: Niko, I could suck a Bleeder Burger dry. This is my favorite.

Roman: Nothing hits the spot like a Burger Shot, cousin. My fifth chin is all thanks to these guys.

Roman: Those are the best burgers in Liberty City. I promise you this, cousin.

Roman: What amazing burgers, I feel another chin growing on my face. Do you see it?

(Cluckin' Bell)

Roman: Ok we can fill up with good American food. I'm in the mood for a hormone and chemical hit.

Roman: We can get a quick bite here, cousin. Let's go.

Roman: American fast-food. Just think we could have the exact same meal in the Old Country.

Roman: That was quick, Niko. You would almost think you didn't want to sit down and converse with your cousin.

(Mr. Fuk's Rice Box, Superstar Cafe, Pizza This)

Roman: Niko, you are treating your cousin right. This is very sweet of you.

Roman: It was a great restaurant but do not expect me to sleep with you now, cousin. I am not one of your girlfriends.

(Calling too soon after eating)

Roman: Niko, I try to get rid of this double chin. I cannot eat right now.

Roman: Sorry cousin, I am still full from last time. Maybe later.


Niko calls

Niko: How about a game of pool?

Niko: Why don't we shoot some pool?

Niko: You wanna play some pool?

Niko: I did like to play some pool with you.

Roman: Two cousins playing pool, I like the sound of that. Pick me up in next hour.

Roman: Sure, let's go shoot some pool. Pick me up in the next hour.

Roman: You want to play pool with me, come pick me up in the next hour.

Roman: Okay man, pool it is. Collect me in next hour.


Niko: Cousin, you will be shooting pool alone today. Do not place bets, okay?

Niko: Sorry, Roman. I cannot play pool with you anymore. I have another plan.

Roman calls

Roman: Cousin, how about we play some pool? Remember how we used to hustle those American soldiers back home when the war started?

Niko: Is a good idea, cousin. We shall play pool. I pick you up in next hour.

Niko: Sure, cousin. We play some pool. I come get you in next hour.


Niko: I can not play the pool at this minute. Another time, cousin.

Niko: Sorry, cousin. I have no time to play pool right now.


Roman: Even without a warmup you will be no match for me on the pool table.

Roman: Niko, you rack 'em up and I'll knock 'em in. Let's go.

Roman: There is only one thing I'm better at than playing pool, Niko. And, as a man, you won't get to see me in action.

Roman: Niko, you are good with a pool cue. You can teach me about that while I teach you about women.

Roman: There are better things to do on a pool table than play pool. I could show you the things I'd do to a bored housewife on one.

Roman: I'm sorry for beating you cousin, but I'm the better player. That is it.

Roman: Niko, when will you learn? Your cousin is better than you at pool. You are no match.

Roman: Niko, I don't like to stop things half way through. Ask any lady, I always satisfy.

Roman: Niko. Were you afraid of playing out the game for fear that I would beat you? Do not be scared of defeat, cousin.

(Roman declining)

Roman: I don't like the pool so much right now. Maybe I play with you another time.


Niko calls

Niko: How about we go to see something?

Niko: Let us go out to see something.

Niko: Want to go to a show?

Niko: You want to join me at the show?

Roman: Good call, Niko. We go to show together. Come collect me in next hour.

Roman: I like to see something. Collect me in next hour.

Roman: Sure, cousin. I would like that. Pick me up in next hour.

Roman: This is a good idea. I'd like to see a show with you, Niko. I wait for you for one hour.


Niko: Sorry, cousin. I cannot see the show with you no more. Hope that's cool.

Niko: Hey, Roman. You mind if we catch the show on another night? I have something else to do.

Roman calls

Roman: Cousin, you really want to experience America, you must see a show here. How about it?

Niko: Alright man? We go see something. I should be with you in no more than one hour.

Niko: Is good idea, Roman. I come to collect you in next hour.


Niko: Cousin, I am in no mood to be entertained. Another time will be better... perhaps.

Niko: Sorry, cousin. I have no time for shows.



Roman: This is a good idea. It will remind us how lucky we are to have gotten out of the Old Country.

Roman: Faustin's Club, eh? So this is where he hangs out when he's not shooting innocent men in their stomachs.

Roman: You are taking me to Perestroika. I hope that Mr. Faustin gives you an employee discount?

(Leaving early)

Roman: Niko, why you so impatient? We could have stayed until the end.

Roman: Niko, why you want to leave, cousin? We could have at least seen the end.

(After seeing a show)

Roman: Niko, that was fun. I was at a place belonging to Mikhail Faustin and I was not even shot.

Roman: That would have been even more fun if I hadn't been fearing for my life. Your Russian gangster friends are scary.

Roman: Those Russians are a strange group, no?

Roman: You see, aren't you pleased you are not in Old Country where that is all that is on.

(After Master and the Molotov)

Roman: You must have happy memories of your time here with the late Mr. Faustin. Isn't that right, cousin?

Roman: It is a shame that Mr. Faustin your Russian gangster friend, is dead. The place is going to pot.

(Roman declining)

Roman: Niko, I have hot date. Only thing I'm seeing is titties.

Strip club

Niko calls

Niko: How about we check out some massive fake titties at a gentlemen's club?

Niko: You know I will dream of titties for many nights after this? Come collect me in next hour.

Niko: You want to go see naked American girls with me?

Niko: You want to go to a strip club?

Roman: If I could only touch those girls, I would be in Heaven. Come get me in next hour.

Roman: There is nothing your cousin loves more than titty, come get me in next hour.

Roman: You are a good cousin, Niko. This is just what we should do. Collect me in next hour.

Roman: You know I will dream of titties for many nights after this? Come collect me in next hour.


Niko: Roman, I cannot go look at titties with you. I have to do something else.

Niko: Sorry, cousin. I cannot join you at the tittie bar. You can still go by yourself though.

Roman calls

Roman: Niko, it's your cousin. Let us go to a stripclub together.

Roman: Is about time I show you some fine American silicon filled titties. You want to come to strip club with me?

Niko: Sure man, I could do with going to strip club. I come get you in next hour.


Niko: I am too busy for the strippers. Another time, cousin.

Niko: Sorry, Roman. I have no time for these women.


Roman: Oh cousin, I salivate at the thought of all the naked flesh in there. Let's go.

Roman: Titties, titties, titties. Let me at them, cousin. Unleash me.

Roman: I worry for you, cousin. How could any red blooded male want to leave all those lovely titties so soon?

Roman: Niko, how could you want to leave so early. You haven't been hanging out at Hercules Nightclub or something have you?

Roman: Niko, I love that place. Is hard to believe but man cannot live on titties alone.

Roman: Niko, we have left now but those titties will inhabit my dreams for many nights to come.

(Roman declining)

Roman: Niko, I could cry. I have already said I see Mallorie. Next time.

Standing Roman up

Niko, what's going on? Why'd you stand me up? Drug dealing and killing more important than spending time with family? Rom

Abandoning Roman

Why did you leave me behind, Cuz? That's not cool. You cut out on me like I was a one night stand. Rom


Roman: Cousin, I'm getting out of hospital. You couldn't pick me up could you?

Roman: Niko, I'm being discharged from the hospital. Would you mind picking me up?


Niko: I can do that for my cousin, I shouldn't take longer than an hour to get there.

Niko: Sure Roman, I'll come and get you in the next hour.

Roman: Thanks, Niko. See you then.

Roman: You are a life saver, cousin. I'll see you soon.

Roman: Thank you for picking me up, cousin. Will you take me home?

Roman: You are a good cousin. Thank you for collecting me. I need to go home now.


Niko: I am sorry cousin, but I have no time. I'll see you soon though.

Niko: Sorry, Roman. I can't do it right now. Can't you get Mallorie to do it?

Roman: Alright then, I might get cab or something.

Roman: Okay cousin, if you have no time you have no time.