User:Gta-mysteries/Roman Friendship Dialogue: Difference between revisions

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===Roman calls===
===Roman calls===
'''Roman''': Niko, I am thinking we should be playing some darts together. We have not done this in Liberty City yet.
'''Roman''': We should play each other at darts.
'''Roman''': We should play each other at darts.

Revision as of 04:43, 27 September 2014


Niko: Cousin.

Niko: Hello.

Niko: Hey cousin.

Niko: Cousin, hello.

Niko: Hey Roman.

Niko: What is going on Roman?

Niko: Roman, what's up?

Niko: I will see you soon.

Niko: Cousin, I shall be there soon.

Niko: Wait for me then, cousin.

Niko: I see you soon then, Roman.

Niko: I am coming to get you, Roman.

Niko: Good, I will collect you cousin.

Niko: I be with you soon, Roman.

Niko: I come to get you Roman.

Roman: Hey man, it's me.

Roman: Cousin, this is wonderful news. See you soon.

Roman: We have a date, I am waiting for you.

Roman: NB, my cousin. Why don't we find a car so we can go.

Roman: It is time to go back home, will you take me?

Roman: Let us go now, cousin. Take me home.

Roman: Call me cousin, I'll see you soon.

Roman: See you later, NB. Give me a call, yes?

Canceling an activity

Roman: Alright, Niko. We shall do this another time. Later on.

Roman: Don't worry cousin, I have hot bitches that are begging me for my company, see you soon.

Roman: Okay, Niko. We shall rain check this for a different occasion.

Roman: That is cool, cousin. We do this on another occasion.


Niko calls

Niko: Want to go bowling?

Niko: Why don't we do some bowling?

Niko: How about we go bowling?

Niko: You want to hit the bowling alley?

Roman: Cousin, I am loving the bowling. Pick me up in next hour.

Roman: Haha, I love to watch the girls bend over and pick up balls, of course I will bowl with you. Pick me up in next hour.

Roman: Niko, this is a great American activity. We bowl together if you pick me up in next hour.

Roman: We bowl like two cousins in American sitcom. Pick me up in next hour.

Roman calls


Roman: Okay cousin, let's hit the alleys.

Roman: Niko, good game. You are good at bowling and I'm good with the ladies. We both have skills.

Roman: Do not worry about losing. At least you are better at stealing cars and shooting things.


Niko: Roman, sorry but I cannot bowl with you anymore. Another time.

Niko: I am sorry, cousin, but I must cancel our bowling.


Niko calls

Niko: How about we throw some darts?

Niko: I was thinking we play some darts.

Niko: Want to go play darts?

Niko: Why don't we go play darts?

Roman: Great, I would like to play darts with my cousin. I wait for you one hour.

Roman: I have won a lot of money throwing darts before, pick me up in next hour.

Roman: I would like to do darts. Come get me in next hour.

Roman: Just like in Old Country, eh? Collect me in next hour and we play the darts.

Roman calls

Roman: Niko, I am thinking we should be playing some darts together. We have not done this in Liberty City yet.

Roman: We should play each other at darts.

Niko: Alright, man. Let's play darts. I pick you up in next hour.


Niko: Cousin, I am no longer able to do darts with you. Sorry.

Niko: Sorry, Roman. Something has come up. I cannot throw darts with you now.


Niko calls

Niko: How about we go drink some vodka.

Niko: How about we try to numb the pain with vodka?

Niko: You want to go for a drink?

Niko: You want to go drinking like we did in the old days?

Roman: Hopefully the booze will not make me lose my sight in one eye like that stuff back home. Get me in next hour.

Roman: I was thinking my liver was having an easy time. We drink together. Come get me in next hour.

Roman: Okay, man. Let's go drinking. Come get me in next hour.

Roman: Wine, women and my cousin, Niko. I could not say no. Pick me up in next hour.

Roman calls

Roman: Cousin, we should go out together. Open a bottle of vodka and drink it all like we did in Old Country.

Niko: Okay man, we go drinking together. I pick you up in next hour.

Niko: We have a date, I am waiting for you.


(Comrade's bar)

Roman: I like that place, now that Vlad is gone I can really appreciate the atmosphere.

Niko: I'm not exactly sober, I better not be driving.


Conversation One

Roman: You see the way that man was looking at me? Did you see him?

Niko: An ex-boyfriend?

Roman: Fuck you. Fuck you, Niko Bellic. He was looking at me like he wanted to fight. Like he thought I was nobody. I'm a somebody. So what if I moved here. Everyone except the Native Americans are immigrants to this country and even they were meant to have walked here from Russia when the sea was frozen over.

Niko: I didn't know that.

Roman: Stick with me, cousin, and you'll learn a lot. About games of chance, about hard work and opportunity, about pleasuring women - you'll learn a hell of a lot. What did that scumbag think he was staring at? I'm a continental lager, he's just a domestic brew. Tastes like fucking piss. Everyone loves an imported and classy beverage. If I knew where he lived I'd go there and seduce his wife.

Niko: She wouldn't be able to resist you, Roman.

Roman: Not many women can, not many can...

Conversation Two

Roman: I'm sober. I had a lot to drink, but I'm straight sober.

Niko: Sure.

Roman: I am... listen, man... I'm seeing funny. I think I got spiked.

Niko: What? What is spiked?

Roman: I think someone put something in my drink. Evil people do it to women they wish to take advantage of.

Niko: And which nice sailor in there do you think wanted to take advantage of you, pretty lady?

Roman: Firstly, I wasn't in the fucking merchant navy. And secondly, cousin and friend, fuck you. And thirdly, people also do it if they want to steal your kidneys or your liver.

Niko: Who would want your kidneys or liver? They must all be shot through by now.

Roman: Fuck you, I'm an alpha male. I'm at the top of the tree...

Niko: Like a fairy.

Roman: Not that tree... the tree of life.

Niko: Oh, that tree. Stop talking shit.


Niko: Cousin, our drunkenness will have to wait. Something has happened.

Niko: Sorry Roman, you may have to drink alone. I can no longer join you.


Niko calls

Niko: Hey cousin, want to sit down with me and eat something?

Niko: How about we go eat something?

Niko: Want to go grab some food?

Niko: We should eat together like cousins?

Roman: Good idea cousin, we eat together. I wait for you for one hour.

Roman: I have a hunger, cousin. Come collect me in next hour.

Roman: This is a good thing for family to do. Collect me in next hour.

Roman: This will be a bonding experience. Get me in next hour.

Roman calls

Roman: Niko, it's Roman. We should eat together.

Niko: Okay man, get ready. I will be with you in next hour.


(69th Street Diner)

Roman: Ahh, is this where we eat, cousin? Let's do it.

Roman: That served it's purpose cousin, my stomach is full.


Niko: Cousin, you must dine alone. I can no longer join you.

Niko: Roman. I can't eat with you. This may help you lose some weight.


Niko calls

Niko: How about a game of pool?

Niko: Why don't we shoot some pool?

Niko: You wanna play some pool?

Niko: I did like to play some pool with you.

Roman: Two cousins playing pool, I like the sound of that. Pick me up in next hour.

Roman: Sure, let's go shoot some pool. Pick me up in the next hour.

Roman: You want to play pool with me, come pick me up in the next hour.

Roman: Okay man, pool it is. Collect me in next hour.

Roman calls

Roman: Cousin, how about we play some pool? Remember how we used to hustle those American soldiers back home when the war started?

Niko: Sure, cousin. We play some pool. I come get you in next hour.

Roman: Okay, man. I will see you soon then.


Niko: Cousin, you will be shooting pool alone today. Do not place bets, okay?

Niko: Sorry, Roman. I cannot play pool with you anymore. I have another plan.


Niko calls

Niko: How about we go to see something?

Niko: Let us go out to see something.

Niko: Want to go to a show?

Niko: You want to join me at the show?

Roman: Good call, Niko. We go to show together. Come collect me in next hour.

Roman: I like to see something. Collect me in next hour.

Roman: Sure, cousin. I would like that. Pick me up in next hour.

Roman: This is a good idea. I'd like to see a show with you, Niko. I wait for you for one hour.

Roman calls

Roman: Cousin, you really want to experience America, you must see a show here. How about it?

Niko: Alright man? We go see something. I should be with you in no more than one hour.

Roman: Great, Niko. See you in a while.


Niko: Sorry, cousin. I cannot see the show with you no more. Hope that's cool.

Niko: Hey, Roman. You mind if we catch the show on another night? I have something else to do.

Strip club

Niko calls

Niko: How about we check out some massive fake titties at a gentlemen's club?

Niko: You know I will dream of titties for many nights after this? Come collect me in next hour.

Niko: You want to go see naked American girls with me?

Niko: You want to go to a strip club?

Roman: If I could only touch those girls, I would be in Heaven. Come get me in next hour.

Roman: There is nothing your cousin loves more than titty, come get me in next hour.

Roman: You are a good cousin, Niko. This is just what we should do. Collect me in next hour.

Roman: You know I will dream of titties for many nights after this? Come collect me in next hour.

Roman calls

Roman: Niko, it's your cousin. Let us go to a stripclub together.

Roman: Is about time I show you some fine American silicon filled titties. You want to come to strip club with me?

Niko: Sure man, I could do with going to strip club. I come get you in next hour.

Niko: Sorry, Roman. I have no time for these women.

Roman: Okay, man. I will see you soon then.

Roman: Okay, man. We shall do something another time.


Niko: Roman, I cannot go look at titties with you. I have to do something else.

Niko: Sorry, cousin. I cannot join you at the tittie bar. You can still go by yourself though.