Community:GTA V Wishlist/archive6

Community:GTA V Wishlist/archive6/instructions

  • GTA V needs to have a wider range of missions, cars, guns and it must bring back the ability to swim under water. GTAno.1
  • Have a suite hotel with a helicopter landingzone ,and if a house doesnt have a garage it could have a parkingzone like the ones in GTA lV
  • Make the next game take place in 2002
  • Bring back the sadler and make it look like a 1994-1998 Chevrolet S-10
  • More realistic car and building damage
  • Make it so when you shoot at things, bullet holes appear
  • Make the Bobcat look more like a 1994-1998 Ford Ranger
  • More realistic pedestrian actions (eg talking on cell phone, drunk, etc.)
  • Have wrecks of cars from GTA3 and GTA vice city
  • Make a wreck of a GTA3 Pony with a bloody dead body inside
  • Make realistic recycle bins (like in San Andreas) but this time with wheels and waste inside
  • Bring back the Master B8R card a have the logo posted on some windows along with FleecaGamerman98 18:16, May 29, 2010 (UTC) Gamerman98
  • Not be in modern days have it be in the 60s or 70s Alfie9000
  • Definatly has to be in modern day, needs to have a Lambroghini for a car, needs to be BACK IN SAN ANDREAS!! and if possible, a mixture of all three Vice City, Liberty City, and San Andreas, you'll be able to fly to the three by the City's respective airports. now THAT would make an impressive game-Idunno1234567891011 Idunno1234567891011

Gta 5 Should Be in San andreas and you should be able to ride horses like in red dead redemption

  • it should have at least 200 missions
  • It should have a TASER
  • The brakes system needs to be fixed it was pretty bad on 4. And some small things like when running after Ivan on a mission for Vlad and hit a railing don't automaticly run over the railing and fall to your death. Another thing if you reload you game EVERYTHING should get reloaded like if you had a car parked outsie your apartment and moved it then reloaded to BEFORE you moved it it should STILL be thereI'mathing
  • Airport with airplanes where you can go to previous gta city's as a passenger or steal the airplane. Canur11
  • More types of races, like biker races with bats, extreme races (Skydive in boat etc.). Canur11
  • They should make it so that if yo shoot anybody in leg or knee, they wont just hold their stomachs and walk away. and if you shoot them in the arm they hold their arm.
  • Be able to switch between third and first person views but make third person the default view.
  • Be able to enter most buildings or at least lots of them.
  • A god mode cheat code.
  • Populate the world A LOT more. If I enter an air port, I want to see tons of people.
  • Make a CD place so not only do we have radio stations but now we can buy CDs that have real life music on them (along with music composed by developers). If you want to use the CDs in a car, first you turn off the radio and then you have 2 options: 'Turn on Radio' or 'Listen to CD'. Then a windows pops up and asks you for which CD you want to play. You select one and go. If you want to get custom CDs (like from your own MP3 files) then you have to go to the Music Shop / CD Place (where you get the CDs) and then get on the computer at the shop. Then you select, 'Upload Music' and basically you get a disk, put it in the computer and then select files on your system (a window will pop up) to upload onto the disk. Then wait for it to finish and get your CD out of the computer. Congratulations, you now have a custom CD.

--Insane! 06:31, May 30, 2010 (UTC)


GTA V 5 Like an more Multiplayer Based Game more Multiplayer Game Modes like Roleplay GameMode where every one can chose what they want to be in game and do what they wanna to do more info of the game mode here GTA RolePlay Online Game Mode more choices in the online gameplay modes be who want to be in a player model any player model and in online game play more choices to be more gta communities like in real life bring some police communities for clans and terrorrists racers heroes singers and not only mafia based game like gta iv we want a more online and based game more realistic and allmost the games use shell gas stations a real car brands idk why RockStar Games do not use too but ill be more cool idea and maybe with that prevent from the GTA mods and about gta v 5 city i think gta london

  • More realistic pedestrians, have pets and kids in the game. The game should be set in 2002, and have a similar map size to San Andreas. Gunshot wounds and other damage to buildings will be better. Campsolkyweb
  • the inclusion of things like 'Rampages' would be cool.
  • i want it to be in london

  • I think you should have to ability to damage buildings, not so that they never come back or they are permanently damaged but so that over a period of something like 14 in game days they building is repaired. More buildings should be accessable and have small things to do in them whether it be rob it or something. I think more weapons should be added with realistic prices for ammo, about 5 melee weapons, 4 pistols, 4 shotguns, 5 SMG's, 3 assualt rifles, 3 heavy weapons, 2 snipers, 3 thrown items. if possible mabe two different types of ammo for each gun, like one ammo which is less accurate but more powerful and the other vice versa so it suits what you need it for. The story should have at least 150 missions with at least half of them having different endings. The story should be more revolving around gangs with you at the start of the game being able to join a gang and eventually rank up the board to be the leader (this is separate to the story line, its like a "big side mission".) You should be able to recruit people off the street into your gang and some of your loyal members you should be able to equip things to them like guns. You should be able to sell and deal drugs. Pedestrians should do even more realistic things like get drunk :P I think more cars should be added as well as more streets, maybe the size of San andreas and Vice City put together. It should be in the hood, so it feels more "gangsta" lol. Have it either set in Los Angeles or Kingston, Jamaica so it has the gangsta feel. You should be able to do more things with your money on the game instead of only using it for buying guns. This means you should be able to mod your house with new furniture and stuff. You should be able to buy your own unique car with interior and exterior to your taste. Bring back modding your ride like in San andreas! Siloz141097