She's a Keeper

Revision as of 19:16, 11 June 2009 by Black Artist (talk | contribs)
She's a Keeper
For Gerald McReary
Reward $9750
Unlocks Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
Unlocked by Ransom

She's a Keeper is a mission in GTA IV for Gerald McReary. Building off the eariler mission, and over the watched prison phone,, Gerald tells Niko in code to move their prisoner Gracie Ancelotti to a different safehouse in Algonquin, because the Ancelotti Family has finally tracked her down and is coming to save her.


Get into the car with Gracie. During the ride, the Ancolettis are chasing Niko with guns blazing. This mission requires some finesse behind the wheel; If Niko drives too recklessly, Gracie will break her neck and the mission fails. If Niko drives too slowly, the Ancelottis will accidentally shoot her and the mission fails. During the mission, Niko can hear Gracie screaming in the trunk. If she stops screaming, she may be dead. Drive carefully to the new safehouse. An alternate starting route allows Niko to get a head start on the Ancelottis. To use this shortcut, take a dirt road on the left, just past the garages, as Niko starts out. This shortcut will allow Niko to arrive at the freeway before the Ancolettis, and avoid the majority of the pursuing cars. After Niko and Gracie safely arrive at the new safehouse, Packie comes uot to get the car, and the mission is complete.