Vice City News

Eight-Ten VCN is a news station found in Downtown Vice City in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Here you can find a VCN Maverick on the roof on a helipad.

Easter Egg

Also a real easter egg can be found in the building behind it. To see it go to the roof of the building then get on the helipad. The helipad has four poles, two in the top corners, and two in the bottom corners. Stand next to the one in the top right corner. Then look at the window closest to it. The window is not solid so you can just jump right through. When you jump through it you will be in a small room with a chocolate easter egg on a podium with happy easter written on it. This is for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, if you go there in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Storiesthe same thing will be there but seeing as how it's in 1984 two years before 1986 the easter would be under construction.