User:Gta-mysteries/Roman Dialogue (drinking)

Activity One

Roman: You see the way that man was looking at me? Did you see him?

Niko: An ex-boyfriend?

Roman: Fuck you. Fuck you, Niko Bellic. He was looking at me like he wanted to fight. Like he thought I was nobody. I'm a somebody. So what if I moved here. Everyone except the Native Americans are immigrants to this country and even they were meant to have walked here from Russia when the sea was frozen over.

Niko: I didn't know that.

Roman: Stick with me, cousin, and you'll learn a lot. About games of chance, about hard work and opportunity, about pleasuring women - you'll learn a hell of a lot. What did that scumbag think he was staring at? I'm a continental lager, he's just a domestic brew. Tastes like fucking piss. Everyone loves an imported and classy beverage. If I knew where he lived I'd go there and seduce his wife.

Niko: She wouldn't be able to resist you, Roman.

Roman: Not many women can, not many can...

Activity Two

Roman: I'm sober. I had a lot to drink, but I'm straight sober.

Niko: Sure.

Roman: I am... listen, man... I'm seeing funny. I think I got spiked.

Niko: What? What is spiked?

Roman: I think someone put something in my drink. Evil people do it to women they wish to take advantage of.

Niko: And which nice sailor in there do you think wanted to take advantage of you, pretty lady?

Roman: Firstly, I wasn't in the fucking merchant navy. And secondly, cousin and friend, fuck you. And thirdly, people also do it if they want to steal your kidneys or your liver.

Niko: Who would want your kidneys or liver? They must all be shot through by now.

Roman: Fuck you, I'm an alpha male. I'm at the top of the tree...

Niko: Like a fairy.

Roman: Not that tree... the tree of life.

Niko: Oh, that tree. Stop talking shit.