User:Gta-mysteries/Mission Failures (1 - 30)

It's Your Call

Roman's car is destroyed

Roman: I see what I can do about getting money for cab. You think anyone will let me take out insurance policy? We see.

Loan sharks attacked

Roman: Shit, I have to call these loan sharks and try to make things cool.

Loan sharks see Niko

Niko: Cousin, you don't need to worry about those guys. I think I just persuaded them to drop your debt.

Roman: What have you done, cousin? This is not good. Others will come and take more money from us. I really must win now. Leave me here.

Loan sharks catch Roman

Roman: Cousin, shit. Why you no warn me that these guys are coming in the store? Now they take all my money from me.

Niko: If they had not taken it, other players would have. It's all the same, Roman.

Roman: Eh, fuck you Niko.

Three's a Crowd

Car is destroyed

Niko: Cousin, the car got screwed. I couldn't get your woman to her place.

Roman: Now I'm really in the doghouse. Thanks a lot, cousin.

Girls get killed

Niko: Cousin, I'm sorry. The girls have some injuries.

Roman: Niko, what am I to do? I need to trust you with some things. It better not be nothing serious.

Mallorie gets killed

Michelle: What's wrong with you Niko?

Niko: roman, I am sorry, but Mallorie... she got hurt.

Roman: Cousin, no. I should have driven her. Shit.

Michelle gets killed

Mallorie: My god!

Niko: Cousin, Mallorie's friend, Michelle.. had an accident.

Roman: I hope it wasn't too serious. I thought you two would get on. I will call Mallorie.

Shop assistant is killed

Niko: Hey, Roman. Maybe I shouldn't be trusted to do my own shopping. Me and the shop assistant had a difference in opinion over the pricing.

Roman: Niko, what am I to do? I need to trust you with some things. It better not be nothing serious.

Bleed Out

Dardan escapes

Roman: We got some of them, cousin. But not all. This is not a good thing.

Roman's car is destroyed

Roman: Screw money I owe the Albanians, paying for the cab will be a lot harder. See you later, cousin.

First Date

Michelle is scared off

Niko: I'm sorry about that, Michelle. I get carried away sometimes.

Michelle: I didn't realize you were so violent, Niko. Have you got caught up with the Hove Beach criminals?

Niko: I can look after myself Michelle, don't worry about me. Sorry again.

Michelle is abandoned

Niko: Sorry I had to run out on our date, Michelle. Something important came up.

Michelle: Is that a fact? You haven't gotten involved in anything dubious here in Liberty City, have you? You'd tell me if you had, wouldn't you?

Niko: We don't know each other very well, Michelle. I'll talk to you soon.

Michelle's car is destroyed

Niko: I'm sorry about the car, Michelle. I can get you a new one.

Michelle: Do you mean you'd steal one? Have you got caught up with the Hove Beach criminals, Niko?

Niko: Forget about it, I'll talk to you soon, bye.

Easy Fare

Jermaine dies

Niko: Roman, man, I got some bad news. Your client, Jermaine, he got hurt.

Roman: Shit, Niko. He was one of my only regulars. This ain't good at all, man. Later.

Roman's car is destroyed

Niko: Hey Roman, sorry about this, but your cab got trashed.

Roman: Niko, how come you trash my cab but you never trash those tanks you drive back home? This is real bad, man.

Jamaican Heat

Little Jacob is killed

Niko: Bad shit happen, cousin. Jacob ain't around no more.

Roman: Jacob. Oh, oh... I don't want know what happened. Fuck, now I have to call his friend Real Badman. This ain't going to go well cousin.

Bull in a China Shop

Shop owner is killed

Niko: Vlad, I scared the old man too much. He's dead.

Vlad: Stupid peasant, think about it. Dead men can't pay me money. Now you cousin's going to have to owe me for this as well.

Hung Out to Dry

Shop owner is killed

Niko: Vlad, the muscovite ain't around no more.

Vlad: I hope you didn't kill him, I hope he choked on some detergent or something? Stupid peasant, think about it. Dead men can't pay me money. Now your cousin's going to have to owe me for this as well.

Shop owner escapes

Niko: Vlad, I couldn't catch your friend.

Vlad: Fucking yokel, you were meant to teach him a lesson. He's going to be the problem buzzing in my ears now. Dipshit!

Clean Getaway

Jimmy's car is destroyed

Niko: Hey, Vlad. The car you wanted, it's... how you say? Fucked.

Vlad: You're going to be fucked when I'm done with you, yokel. Come back to see me.

Roman: I hope you're going to buy me dinner first, Vlad. I'm not that easy.

Ivan the Not So Terrible

Ivan escapes

Niko: Hey, Vlad. I lost your boyfriend. He got away from me.

Vlad: I should have known you would screw this up. You are born loser, just like your cousin. Come see me sometime.

Uncle Vlad

Vlad escapes

Roman: This is fate telling us to give up, cousin.

Niko: I decide when I will give up on something, cousin.

Concrete Jungle

Runners get away

Niko: Jacob, I couldn't get all those guys. Some got away.

Little Jacob: Rhattid! I call Real Badman and tell him what a' gwan. Galang bout ya business.

Crime and Punishment

Vans are shot or destroyed

Niko: Dimitri, I couldn't get you that shipment.

Dimitri: Mikhail does not tolerate failure. I hope your cousin is not nearby when I tell him this.

Do You Have Protection?

Dimitri dies

Niko: I got some bad news, Mr. Faustin. Dimitri's gone.

Faustin: Dimitri.. dead? How? This is impossible. Come see me and explain.

Porn shop guys/gun shop owner injured

Dimitri:: You need to control yourself, you could become like Mikhail. There is no room for two maniacs in our operation.


Dealer is killed

Niko: I took the dealer down. With these injuries, he won't be shifting no weight anytime soon.

Little Jacob: One? It be a whole operation, dere be a lot of dem pon da street, killing one ain't nuttin man. Wha'gwan? Come check I soon Niko.

Dealer escapes

Niko: I lost him.

Little Jacob: Ya lose him? How da blood clat ya can lose him? Pon da corner? How ya can lose him pon da corner? Badman ah get vex! Yo, come ah the apartment man. Yo, lose him pon da corner? Cha!

Final Destination

Lenny escapes

Niko: Ah... Lenny, got away. Maybe this is a sign?

Faustin: You let him go? You disobeyed me? Maybe it is you I should have killed. You and Dimitri.

No Love Lost

Faustin's daughter is killed

Niko: Mikhail, I have bad news. Your daughter... she was hurt.

Faustin: That fucking biker. I knew he was filth from the moment I heard of him. I must tell my wife.

Niko: The biker, yes, he's a dead man. I will come to see you soon.

Biker escapes

Niko: That biker got away, I'm sorry.

Faustin: You fucking better be. If my daughter goes blind from some S.T.D. then I am holding you accountable, Niko Bellic.

Rigged to Blow

Truck is destroyed

Niko: The fucking truck got trashed before I could get it there. I'm lucky to be alive.

Faustin: Are you stupid? Can you do nothing? I trust these people and they always let me down...

Search and Delete

Rivas escapes

Niko: The guy you sent me after, Rivas. He got away.

Brucie: Shit, man. That, that cat's still out there? This ain't cool at all, bro. God I'm angry. God! Angry. Not with you, man. I mean, I couldn't be angry with you. Just, like, fucking angry. Come back to see me, bro.

Easy as Can Be

Car is destroyed

Niko: Hey, Brucie, I'm sorry about this but Lyle's car got fucked. You ain't getting it.

Brucie: Fuck, I wanted that real bad. You should have seen that jumped up punk driving around in that shit. At least he ain't gonna be driving no more. Come back to see me, man.

Master and the Molotov

Faustin escapes

Niko: Dimitri, Mikhail got away from me. He is still alive.

Dimitri: Shit. Does he know that I had anything to do with this? How could you be so stupid? What am I to do?

Escuela of the Streets

Street Sweeper