User:Gta-mysteries/Taxi Driver/Script

Calling Roman

Niko: Cousin, I'd like to help you out by taking a fare.

Niko: Hey cousin, have you got any fares that need picking up?

Niko: Hey Roman, how about I drive someone for you?

Niko: Hey Roman, you want me to drive anyone anywhere?

Niko: Roman, are there any fares going?

Niko: Roman, I'm doing by bit for Bellic Enterprises. Does anyone need to be picked up?

Niko: Roman, I want to take a fare for you.

Roman: Niko, you are a good cousin. I was hoping that you would start to help me.

Roman: Niko, you are doing Bellic Enterprises proud. Come get a cab from the depot.

Roman: Of course, Niko. Come get a cab from the depot.

Roman: Come collect a car from the depot.

Roman: You are an absolute star, Niko. Come get a cab from the depot.

Roman: I would only love you more if you had titties, Niko! Come get a cab from the depot.

Roman declining

Roman: Sorry, Niko. No one is looking for cabs at the moment. Call later.

Roman: This is tough luck, NB. No one is calling for cabs. I don't know what's wrong.

Roman: Cousin, I just sent out my last cab, I'm sorry. Maybe if you try later.

Roman: Hopefully things will have picked up later.

Roman: There aren't any fares at the moment, Niko. You should call back later.

Calling Roman (after canceling/failing)

Roman: You can collect a cab from the depot, but Niko, you should know that you messing these fares up is really bad for business.

Roman: Sure, you can come get a cab form the depot - if you promise to do this right?

Roman: Come get a cab from the depot, Niko. Please don't mess this up.

Roman: Sure, I've got a fare for you, but you need to get this one where they're going.

Niko already has a cab

Niko: I'm already in one of your cars, I'll go collect them now.

Niko: I have a car already. I'll go do it now.

Niko: Don't worry, Roman. I've already got a cab. I'll go straight there.

Niko: Don't you pay attention to who has your cars? I've already got one. I'll go right there.

Niko: Roman, come on, I have a car already. I will go straight to get them.


Roman: Alright, the fare called from Northern Gardens. Drop them over in Meadow Hills.

Roman: Okay, go over to Cerveza Heights to pick up the fare. You're driving them to Schottler.

Roman: The fare is in South Bohan. Bring them over to Meadow Hills station.

Roman: Go to Bohan Industrial to pick them up, cousin. Take them to East Island City.

Roman: You have to pick them up on Firefly Island. They're going to Boulevard.

Roman: They're over in Boulevard. Go pick them up. You're taking them to Bohan Industrial.

Roman: Pick them up from Beechwood City. Bring them to Fortside.

Roman: You need to pick them up in Outlook, next to the park. East Island City is where they're heading.

Roman: They're waiting here, in Hove Beach. Take them to Cerveza Heights.

Roman: The fare is over in Outlook. They need to get to Steinway.

Successful fare

Niko: They're safely dropped off, Roman.

Niko: Alright, man. I took care of that fare for you.

Niko: Cousin, they have been dropped off.

Niko: I got them where they wanted to go.

Niko: It's done, Roman.

Niko: The fare is taken care of, Roman.

Roman: Great, Niko. Thanks. If you want more fares just call.

Roman: You are truly a Bellic,thank you cousin. Speak soon.

Roman: Niko, you make my life so much easier. Thank you. Call me if you want more work.

Canceling the job

Niko: Cousin, I'm sorry about this but I can't do that job anymore.

Niko: Roman, man. I'm not going to be able to look after that fare. Sorry.

Niko: Hey Roman, something's come up. I'm not going to be able to help you out with the fare anymore.

Niko: Shit Roman, don't mean to let you down but I can't handle that fare for you. Hope that's cool?

Roman: No one's perfect. Call again if you're serious about driving a cab for me.

Roman: Okay, Niko. That's too bad. Call me soon if you want another try.

Roman: I guess this could not be helped. Call me if you want another fare.

Roman: This is not so good for Bellic Enterprises. Call again if you want to help the family company.


Niko: Sorry Roman, but something went wrong with the fare. I couldn't get them there.

Niko: I've let Bellic Enterprises down, I couldn't complete the fare. Sorry.

Niko: I couldn't get them there, Roman. I hope this fuck up doesn't affect your business.

Niko: The fare didn't get where they wanted to go. Sorry Roman.

Text message

Cousin, my other drivers got jealous about you taking all the fares. I've nearly got a mutiny on my hands. You're going to have to earn your money with your firsts and not my cabs from now on. Let's hang out. - Rom