User:Gta-mysteries/Little Jacob Dialogue

The following is a script of all dialogue heard during friendship activities with Little Jacob in Grand Theft Auto IV.


Conversation one

Little Jacob: Wha'gwan rasta?

Niko: What's up Jacob?

Little Jacob: Boy, it's good fe spend some quality time wit de I, seen?

Niko: Yes.

Little Jacob: Not all work, work, work, y'know? We got to ease up from time to time, to see how the world turns, you know what I'm saying?

Niko: I think so.

Little Jacob: The world can mess you up, y know? Make you tink that tings matter, when all that matter is that the sun come up and we have good time and laughter and ting, seen?

Niko: I hope so, man, I do.

Little Jacob: You uphill you know, Niko? Even for a shotta.

Conversation two

Little Jacob: Niko, Niko. How's me main man Roman! Him still gambling all his money away?

Niko: I am afraid that that is what Roman will do with any money he gets. Hopefully Mallorie will be able to straighten him out one day.

Little Jacob: Mallorie, a fine daughta, an him lucky to have her, you know? Hopefully he won't gamble her away as well.

Niko: Sometimes I think he would put her on the table if he had the chance. He doesn't hold onto much for long. I am amazed he managed to save enough money to be able to afford the cab depot in the first place.

Little Jacob: Seen, seen. There's always people around fe lend de money to a man, especially if de man have a habit like Roman.

Niko: Sure.

Little Jacob: You think Roman's addicted to gambling. You tink him have a real problem? Jah know him, he can throw his money to dem con men, you know, star. Him a real idiot, you know?

Niko: Maybe is problem, maybe he just need to get something out of his system. He don't like the cars and the guns as much as you and me do.

Little Jacob: Any money I get I, you know me spend upon sisters or sensemillia. I don't throw my money away, you know.

Conversation three

Little Jacob: You all good, Niko, man?

Niko: Sure. How you doing?

Little Jacob: Usual a whole heap of trouble, but, me nah, complain, you know. Me learn from me Uncle Bradshaw, you know.

Niko: Really? You know him?

Little Jacob: Yes I, in spirit and love, you know. Seen?

Niko: Okay.

Little Jacob: Him speak de truth, man, him know de way, him understand tings properly, you know?

Niko: He plays good music.

Little Jacob: Raas, him play de best music, man. Him play from de heart, you know.

Conversation four

Little Jacob: Irie, man. How's it going?

Niko: Same old, you know, getting by. How's Badman?

Little Jacob: Badman vexing me someting wicked at de moment, you know, star. Won't leave him place unless him packing more heat dan de sun. Getting all paranoid and shit.

Niko: Yeah? Is someone out to get him?

Little Jacob: If you ask him, every dead pon de corner is out to get him, but... it's all dem spliff he been smoking, man. It don't de him head no good.

Niko: You seem to be okay, and you smoke a lot.

Little Jacob: Blacking up don't affect I and I de same way, you know. I an' I a chill dread. I don't like that kass kass in the way Badman de. The herb make Badman's head work in all type of ways it shouldn't be working. He think his friends are after him. He ain't turned on me yet, but one day. You know, one day...

Niko: Shit, I wouldn't want to see the fight if you two went against each other.

Little Jacob: Nuh I, rasta, nuh I.

Conversation five

Niko: How you doing, Jacob?

Little Jacob: Okay, rasta, but, you know, not great, you know?

Niko: Why not?

Little Jacob: The herb is gonna kill me up, here.

Niko: What?

Little Jacob: The herb! It's bad for the head. The stuff here.

Niko: Really?

Little Jacob: The hydroponic and artificial and made with chemicals and produced with chemicals. Covered with pesticides... it's wrong. Man, it's wrong!

Niko: Well, stop smoking it.

Little Jacob: I trying, star. I trying.

Conversation six

Niko: Jacob, is good to see you.

Little Jacob: Alright mem man, Niko, is good to see de I. What's happening with you?

Niko: Same shit, cops still chasing me, still getting into fights.

Little Jacob: Don't nobody treat you wit de respect you know you deserve, you know, Niko. All of life be about is respect, sight? You don't got nothing unless you got people paying you no mind, you know?

Niko: Sure, man. I don't let nobody talk down to me.

Little Jacob: Being a dread, being a rasta, is all about getting respect and ting, you know? Rastas weren't getting no respect, we follow Jah till we get respect, sight?

Niko: Okay.

Little Jacob: Problem be when man no pay another man no respect, you know? Each rasta be vital. Babylon a try hold rastas down, but Jah, him hold we up. We say I an' I need dat respect, you know, star? Babylon downpressors is where we get de problem in society from. Make everything crash.

Niko: Something made everything fucked up, man. I'll tell you that.

Conversation seven

Little Jacob: One love, Niko. Wha'gwan?

Niko: Hey man - how you doing?

Little Jacob: Good man, good. I was just enjoying some Massive B dancehall pon de radio.

Niko: Yeah, it's cool.

Little Jacob: Respect due. Bobby Kenders is hard man, you know. De sound is rawl.

Niko: Yeah.

Little Jacob: Him are de real selecter man. It's an incredible sound system. Only in Liberty City, ye. Man, music from de whole world come a here for massive sound clash, you know. And massive B are de top notch, man. Top notch.

Niko: Yeah - this city has some incredible music.

Little Jacob: Respect.

Conversation eight

Niko: Jacob, what's going on man? You seem down.

Little Jacob: Boy, me vex rasta! Badman outta him mind, man. Him lose it.

Niko: It's his paranoia, man. He's smoking too much of that shit. You got to tell him to calm it down.

Little Jacob: I ain't saying nothing to him face. You no call no alligator long mouth til you pass him, bredren. If me tell Badman fe calm down, him a pull out de ratchet and cut I good.

Niko: This must have happened before, how'd you calm Badman then?

Little Jacob: Grandad was here back inna the days. Him tell Badman, no badda bawl, don't be feisty. He bring him right down. Grandad a hertical don, you know?

Niko: Where is this Grandad now?

Little Jacob: Boy, him back a Jam Dung. Catching a de sun, man. Couldn't take de city no more.

Niko: I don't blame him, maybe Badman should go to Jamaica too?

Little Jacob: That could be de best ting, you know, Niko. Best ting for all of us, seen?

Conversation nine

Niko: How you doing?

Little Jacob: All good, me breda, all good. Me get a whole heap of Kali from Jam dung, from me cousin, him just bring it up.

Niko: Oh, well no wonder you're good.

Little Jacob: This shit is spiritual man. Let me see clearly, hear the I-rations, let I and I enjoy life, and give I and I-tection.

Niko: Whatever you say.

Little Jacob: You stick with your schisms and your isms, bad boy.

Conversation ten

Little Jacob: Niko, how old are you now?

Niko: Shit, I stopped counting birthdays when I saw my friends die back home. I didn't think I deserved any more when they weren't getting any.

Little Jacob: That's some deep shit, man. Some deep shit. You tink things like dat, but you don't smoke trees. You need a spiritual edge, you know. You take anything?

Niko: I drink.

Little Jacob: Alright, Rum be a spiritual ting, It wake up your senses and point dem out to de world around you. Rum is I-tal. It made from the earth and it put you in tune with it. It's a natural ting.

Niko: I drink vodka.

Little Jacob: Seen. Vodka be from de earth too. Inna Jam Dung we have de rum, where you from de rum is de vodka. It be de same. It put you in touch with de spiritual side. Herb be the most spiritual, y'know, messa man. You smoke it, it open your mind to be what's going on in the earth.

Niko: Thanks Jacob, but I'm alright with the shots of vodka. They fuck me up enough.

Conversation eleven

Little Jacob: Whappen Niko?

Niko: All good, Jacob, all good. Or at least, I'm trying not to think too much about things.

Little Jacob: How you mean?

Niko: I mean, I'm trying not to worry too much about the things that are messed up. Relax, you know, have some fun.

Little Jacob: Yeah man, I hear that. We gonna have some fun, we gonna sit and enjoy a lickle silence, and enjoy de world as it turns. Relax!

Niko: Cool.

Little Jacob: We gonna have a whole heap of relaxation. A whole bunch of chilling it out. OF silence, yes? Seen?

Niko: Okay.

Little Jacob: Then why you keep talking?

Niko: I'm not.

Little Jacob: Hold you corner, rasta, shhh.

Niko: Hold your fucking corner, rasta - I was being quiet.

Little Jacob: Gwan man, hard ears, relax. Unwind.

Niko: I'm trying! You keep talking.

Little Jacob: Whatever you say, messa. Whatever you say.

Conversation twelve

Little Jacob: Alright, Niko, you mind me ask you a serious question?

Niko: No Jacob, go for it.

Little Jacob: What made you come outta you own country, what ruined it for you?

Niko: War ruined my country, Jacob. One village fought another. Friends had to fight friends. Then, the West takes notice and you are watching your neighbor's house blowing up on the international news channel.

Little Jacob: Rhattid, Niko.

Niko: Why do you ask?

Little Jacob: I look at Badman and tink what could be turning him into the man he's becoming. He's being ruined, you know, Niko? He ain't the dread he used to be. He used to be righteous man, now him a bad seed. It de coke dat he's doing, you know.

Niko: Badman is putting coke in his spliffs?

Little Jacob: Nah man, he be selling it, and it making him gravalicious. De whole Jam dung getting greedy off a des coke money. It a turn dread against dread. Rastas be fighting one another, when they should be cotching and smoking de herb together. Badman included. We should be fighting Babylon, but instead we are fight one another.

Niko: I wish my country had an excuse as good as cocaine for their fighting. Sadly, is not the case.

Conversation thirteen

Niko: What's going on, Jacob?

Little Jacob: Easy now, star, me worry about everything with Badman, you know?

Niko: Badman? Why?

Little Jacob: Him want to be inna de mafia business, big time rude boy, all de time want mash up de place and broke down de place, seen?

Niko: Yes - from what I understand he's pretty wild, but aren't we all?

Little Jacob: Man, we worry about him, you know? Man me right hand man, but him big inna de cocaine ting and him want bring it in from Jam Dung, seen? And it no good.

Niko: No - cocaine is a bad business, but this whole life is a bad business.

Little Jacob: Don't deal wit cocaine, everything end up fine. If I deal wit cocaine, everything end up raas clot mash up, seen?

Niko: I hear you.

Conversation fourteen

Little Jacob: The world be a fucked up place, Niko. A place rammed up with fuckery.

Niko: Sure, Jacob, it is. What I have seen of it at least.

Little Jacob: Since you got to Liberty City, you meet anyone what wasn't crazy?

Niko: No one I liked. I might have robbed some sane people, but I did not stick around for conversation.

Little Jacob: Seen, Niko, you, me, Badman, we all crazy living de life we live.

Niko: Cops chasing us, gangsters trying to rip us off, it ain't an easy life, that's for sure.

Little Jacob: Maybe it's this madness, this crazy shit, that make de world go round. People say it be the rules, the laws that make the world work, you know? But maybe it ain't dat way. That's just Babylon keep a rasta down. That's just bucky massa hitting out backs, making de slave ship keep moving. That's just dem downpressors in grey suits, making us waste our life filling out forms and ting. Doing that shit instead of really experiencing the world, the spiritual side. That's that shit that's shutting down life. Crazy rastas like I an' I, we don't listen to Babylon. It us a keep de world moving and jamming. Is us, and we make de world I-tal. We give the world it's life and it's madness, you know.

Niko: Sure, I think you could be onto something there.


Calling Jacob

Niko: Hello, Jacob.

Niko: Hey there, Jacob.

Niko: Jacob.

Niko: Jacob, it's me, Niko.

Niko: Jacob, it's Niko.

Niko: It's me, so listen Jacob.

Niko: Mr. Jacob, it's Niko.

(If Jacob hasn't been contacted for a while)

Little Jacob: Niko? Me can't hear from you. Me tink you inna trouble or something?

Little Jacob: Niko, me tink you gwan away, man. You haven't called in a long time.

(Jacob's answering machine)

Little Jacob: Yeah, I'm busy. Call me back.

(If Jacob is unavailable)

Little Jacob: Yeah man, me asleep man. Call me back 'bout two o'clock, seen?

Niko: Sorry, Jacob - I didn't realize what the time was.

Niko: Sorry, man.

Arranging an activity

Little Jacob: Cool, Jacob - I'll be there in a bit.

Little Jacob: Excellent - I am on my way, Jacob.

Little Jacob: Good. I'll be there in a bit.

Little Jacob: Good - I'll come get you.

Little Jacob: Great. I'll head over to your place.

Little Jacob: Great - see you in a bit Jacob.

Little Jacob: Great - see you soon.

Little Jacob: I'm on my way.

Jacob calling

Little Jacob: Niko, it's me, Jacob.

Little Jacob: Whappen rasta?

Arranging an activity

Little Jacob: Great Niko - see you soon.

Little Jacob: Me check the man here.

Little Jacob: Respect, me see ya soon.

Little Jacob: Yeah, man. Me see you here soon.

Meeting Jacob

(Niko on foot)

Little Jacob: Wha'gwan, me breda? We gonna need some wheels y'know.

Little Jacob: Whappen, me breda? We gonna need a car y'know.

(Niko in a car)

Little Jacob: Let's go star.

Little Jacob: Yeah, let's go.

(Niko on a motorbike)

Little Jacob: Nice bike, man.

Little Jacob: Nice bike, rasta.

(Niko in a helicopter)

Little Jacob: Nice bird, me breda.

(Arriving late)

Little Jacob: Let's go? And by the way, you're late.

Little Jacob: What, you lose your watch, Niko?

Little Jacob: Why the man late? Let's go.

Little Jacob: Whappen rasta, you late ya know. We need fe find a car ya know.

Little Jacob: Yo, you're late y'know, rasta. Yo, we need a car y'know.

Little Jacob: You're late, but let's go anyway.

Finishing an activity

Little Jacob: Can ye take me back a me home rasta?

Little Jacob: Can ye take we home?

Little Jacob: Drop me at me home, man.

Little Jacob: Drop me at me yard, man.

Little Jacob: Hey man, take I home.

Little Jacob: Take me home rasta.

Little Jacob: Take me home star, back to me house.

Taking Jacob home

Little Jacob: Good times man, respect yeah?

Little Jacob: Yo. Good seeing ya, ya know rasta.

Little Jacob: Yo, me have a good time ya know, star.

Little Jacob: Yo, that was fun ya know?

Declining an activity

Niko: I'd enjoy that but I'm in the middle of something.

Niko: No Jacob, I can't just now.

Niko: Not right now, Jacob.

Little Jacob: No problem, man. Hit me up when you're free.

Little Jacob: Yeah man, no problem, man - just call me when you're free.

Canceling an activity

Little Jacob: Alright den, maybe a next time. Gwan man.

Little Jacob: It's alright, man. Maybe a next time, it's alright.

Jacob declining

Niko: Okay, Jacob. I'll call again soon.

Niko: Okay, man. Another time.

Niko: Okay, no problem. Another time.

Niko: No problem, let's play soon.


Niko calls

Niko: So, you got any interest in a game of darts?

Niko: You got time for a quick game or darts?

Niko: You wanna go play darts man?

Niko: You wanna play some darts?

Little Jacob: Okay, me breda. Me love play darts, y'know. Come on my place in about an hour.

Little Jacob: Sure, why not? Come get me inna the next hour.

Little Jacob: Yes, rasta, for sure. I and I wait an hour for the I, seen.

Little Jacob: You know me, Niko - me love play darts. One hour me wait.

Jacob declines

Little Jacob: I'm a lickle busy right now, y'know - maybe later, star.

Little Jacob: No - me can't play darts right now, star, maybe later.

Little Jacob: No, rasta, not now, maybe later.

(Declining from recently playing darts)

Little Jacob: Did we nuh just play arrows?

Little Jacob: No star - we play recently - another time.

Little Jacob: No, me play recent - maybe later, star.

Jacob calls

Little Jacob: Let's go play some darts.

Little Jacob: Yo, star. You wanna play some darts or something?

Niko: Yeah sure - I'll pick you up in the next sixty minutes.



Little Jacob: Jacob I can't make the darts, sorry man.


Little Jacob: Darts and ting! Come on, star!

Little Jacob: Let's do this, star!

(Playing Darts on a different activity)

Little Jacob: Darts? For real? Okay.

(Niko wins)

Little Jacob: Yeah man, well done, Niko.

(Niko loses)

Little Jacob: Me heart bleeds as me ego grow large ya know, me breda.

(Not finishing the game)

Little Jacob: Next time, no sheg up the game.

Little Jacob: Next time, we finish up the game.


Niko calls

Niko: So, you wanna go for a drink?

Niko: Wanna hang out, have a drink or something?

Niko: You got time to have a drink with me?

Niko: You wanna have a drink man?

Little Jacob: Everything cook and curry, so why not, star?

Little Jacob: Why not, rasta? Be at my place for one hour.

Little Jacob: Yeah, man. Pick me up in about an hour, seen?

Little Jacob: Yeah, man. Pick me up inna my place inna one hour.

Jacob declines

Little Jacob: No disrespect, but me can't meet up for a drink right now.

Little Jacob: Not now, star - another time.

Little Jacob: Yo, no feel no way, but me can't have a drink right now.

(Declining from recently drinking)

Little Jacob: Ease up with the drinking now. Niko, maybe a next time?

Little Jacob: Nah man, we went drinking the other day, man. Maybe a next time.

Little Jacob: Yo, me can't drink all the time y'know, Niko. Maybe a next time?

Jacob calls



Little Jacob: Jacob, listen, I'm sorry, but I ain't going to be able to go out drinking.

Little Jacob: Sorry, I've got to back out of the drinking.


(Comrade's Bar/Steinway Beer Garden)

Little Jacob: I and I gonna get drunk and stupid.

Little Jacob: Me like this kinda place.


Little Jacob: Respect due to you, that was fun.

Little Jacob: Yeah, me have a good time ya know, man.


Conversation one

Little Jacob: Now, let me sit in peace, Niko. You know me get funny when me drink and you make de world spin funny, man.

Niko: Sure. Hang in there.

Conversation two

Little Jacob: Sorry, Niko, me can't... take de drink so good.

Niko: No problem.

Little Jacob: Me all mud up, me back to front, de world is turning, gwan wrong way.

Niko: So you say.

Little Jacob: So it is man. You know, say me are mash up man, me mash up, just mek me cry in peace, man.

Conversation three

Little Jacob: You know me man, me hate de car, and de... and de drinking, and de drinking ting man.

Niko: I remember - I didn't realize you couldn't handle a drink.

Little Jacob: Mek we shut up now, Niko, and man, me wonder in peace why you have three heads all of a sudden.

Conversation four

Little Jacob: Boy, me drink too much, you know, rasta.

Niko: Okay, okay, take it easy.

Little Jacob: Me head spinning, me stomach turning, me all pyoua pyoua, me can't take it easy.

Niko: Sorry.

Little Jacob: Shut up and mek me dee in peace, man.


Niko calls

Niko: You wanna get some food, man?

Niko: You wanna get some food?

Niko: You wanna get something to eat?

Niko: You want to get a meal or something?

Little Jacob: Sure, me hungry, man. Just pick me up.

Little Jacob: Sure, I'm a lickle hungry y'know. Pick me up.

Little Jacob: Sure, just pick me up in a hour.

Little Jacob: Yeah man, me hungry, man. Me need some good. Pick me up in about a hour.

Jacob declines

Little Jacob: Nah, man - maybe later, man. Me full up.

Little Jacob: Nah, man. Me full, star - but... maybe a lickle later.

Little Jacob: Nah, man. Me have nuff food inna me belly, man, to last a week - maybe later.

Little Jacob: No, Star. Me full, man - maybe later.

(Declining from recently eating)

Little Jacob: Maybe later. Did we nuh just eat, man?

Little Jacob: Nah, man. All you wanna do is eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat - maybe later.

Jacob calls



Little Jacob: Jacob, I'm sorry, I ain't going to be making the meal. Something has come up.


(60 Diner/69th Street Diner)

Little Jacob: I and I gonna eat good here.

Little Jacob: Love a place like this.

Little Jacob: Yeah. Yo that were fun y'know, man.

Little Jacob: Yo that was a good eating, boy.

(Burger Shot)

Little Jacob: It's not healthy, but it refreshes the spirit.

Little Jacob: Yo. Good choice, me breda.

Little Jacob: Yo, bad the heart but great for the soul.

Little Jacob: Yo, that was not natural but I dunno, say it taste fine, ya know?

(Cluckin' Bell)

Little Jacob: Cluckin' Bell? I love that shit rasta.

Little Jacob: Cluckin' Bell! Nice.

Little Jacob: Yo, me love the place ya know, Niko.

Little Jacob: Yo, the Bell make the best chicken ya know, bredaman.

(Superstar Cafe)

Little Jacob: Are you going foreign now?

Little Jacob: Yeah a bit risto but, they done most o' their food good, y'know?

Little Jacob: Yeah, that was good for such a risto place, y'know.


Niko calls

Niko: Any chance you can play a bit of pool?

Niko: Any interest in playing pool?

Niko: You got time for a game of pool?

Niko: You wanna play some pool, man?

Little Jacob: For sure, breda. Just pick me up.

Little Jacob: Sure, man - just pick me up in about a hour.

Little Jacob: Why not? Pick me up in about a hour - me play.

Little Jacob: Yeah, man - me play pool, for real. Pick me up in about a hour.

Jacob declines

Little Jacob: No, I and I too busy for pool just now, y'know. Call me later or something.

Little Jacob: No, star. Me a lickle busy, man. Call me later.

Little Jacob: No pool right now - mek we play a lickle later or something.

(Declining from recently playing pool)

Little Jacob: Mek we play pool again? So soon? Nah man.

Little Jacob: Nah man, did we nuh just play, man? Maybe later.

Little Jacob: Not again so soon, man. Me could play ya later, man.

Jacob calls

Little Jacob: Wanna play a lickle bit o' pool or something, me breda?

Little Jacob: Yo, me breda. Long time we had no business, man. Mek we play some pool or something.

Little Jacob: You wanna play some pool?



Little Jacob: I'm afraid I won't be making the pool - sorry man.


Little Jacob: Mek we play some pool then?

Little Jacob: Okay, me breda, mek we play some pool now.

(Playing Pool on a different activity)

Little Jacob: Pool? It's not what I was thinking but, alright.

(Niko wins)

Little Jacob: Well played, rasta!

Little Jacob: Yo easy now, star! Ya the big man.

(Niko loses)

Little Jacob: Sorry, me breda.

Little Jacob: Yo, unlucky - but ya know what? At least your breda win.

(Leaving before the game is finished)

Little Jacob: Next time, let's finish up.

Little Jacob: Yo, next time, let's finish the game before we check out.


Little Jacob: Rasta, it's me. Yo, me need a lift from Meadows Park.

Little Jacob: Niko, it's me, Jacob. Niko, me breda, me need a lift man, can you pick me up a' me house?

Little Jacob: Whappen rasta? Me down Firefly Projects star, just link up man, me need a ride man, pronto.

Little Jacob: Star, me down Steinway man, me need a ride man, link up.

Niko: Sure Jacob - I'm on my way - be there in an hour.

Niko: Okay, no problem. I'll be there in an hour.


Niko: Sorry, Jacob - I'm busy right now. I can't at the moment.

Little Jacob: Okay, bad boy - just call me when you have some time.


Niko: Jacob - sorry - I'm not going to be able to give you a lift.


Niko calls

Niko: I got some free time. You wanna go to a show?

Niko: I'm bored. You got time to go to a show?

Niko: You got any interest in going to a show? I'm bored.

Niko: You want to go to a show or something?

Little Jacob: Mek we go a' de show? Why not. Pick me up.

Little Jacob: Niko, sure - pick me up.

Little Jacob: Okay, man, pick me up in about a hour.

Little Jacob: Sure, rasta - pick me up in about a hour.

Jacob declines

Little Jacob: Me a lickle bit busy right now y'know, breda. Maybe later.

Little Jacob: Nah, man. Maybe later.

Little Jacob: Nah, Niko - me kinda busy just now, man - maybe later.

(Declining from recently seeing a show)

Little Jacob: All you wanna do is show, show, show, seen? Maybe another time.

Little Jacob: Not too soon, rasta, another time.

Little Jacob: Some other time - did we nuh just go a' the show?

Jacob calls

Little Jacob: A long time we're at work me good friend, me could go watch a show or something.

Niko: Sure I'll come over and pick you up.



Niko: I won't be able to make that show, man.



Little Jacob: Alright, mek we see what kind o' lunacy are gwan down here.

Little Jacob: Okay, rasta, let's see what kind of craziness them have tonight.

(After the show)

Little Jacob: Me had a good time, even though the acts was mad.

Little Jacob: The show's okay.

(Leaving early)

Little Jacob: Why you stepping out now?

Strip Club

Niko calls

Niko: I feel like checking some girls out. You want to go to a strip club with me?

Niko: Why don't you and me hit up a gentlemen's club?

Niko: You feel like coming to a strip club with me? Relieve some tension...

Niko: You want to come to a strip club with me?

Little Jacob: Mek me look at the girl den. Why not.

Little Jacob: Okay ram goat! Just pick me up.

Little Jacob: Rasta want a ketchy shuby? Sure thing. Pick me up in about a hour.

Little Jacob: Sure thing, ram goat. I wait for an hour for the I.

Jacob declines

Little Jacob: Maybe later, ram goat. Me too busy for that right now.

Little Jacob: Me can't go look pon some umoden right now y'know, ram goat. Maybe later.

Little Jacob: Mek we go the strip club? Nah, ram goat.

Little Jacob: Nah, ram goat, maybe later.

(If Jacob and Niko recently went to a strip club)

Little Jacob: Again? So soon? Ram goat - maybe later.

Little Jacob: Nah, me nuh going to the strip club now, ram goat - maybe later.

Jacob calls

Little Jacob: Yo, you wanna go down the strip club, Mr. Mention?



Little Jacob: I won't be making the trip to the skin club, Jacob. I'm having a few problems.


Little Jacob: Alright, Mr. Mention, let me see the girl them now.

Little Jacob: Alright, Mr. Mention, me see skettels, brand 'em ya know?


Little Jacob: The girl were alright y'know, me breda.

Little Jacob: Yo, that skettel was fine, yo.

(Leaving early)

Little Jacob: Whappen? You wanna check out now?

Standing Jacob Up

Text Messages

(Not contacting Jacob for a while)

Bredren, whappen? Leks hang and ting. Lickle more. Easy - LJ.


Little Jacob: Yo, Niko, I'm coming out today, man. Can you pick me up at the hospital?

Little Jacob: Yo, Niko. Them have let me out of the hospital. Can you pick me up?


Niko: Sure man - I'm on my way.

Niko: Yeah, I'll be there within the hour, Jacob.

Little Jacob: One love, rasta.

Little Jacob: Yo, thanks, me breda.


Niko: Sorry, I've got some serious shit on just now, Jacob. I can't help just now.

Niko: Sorry, Jacob - I'm kind of busy - you'll have to make your own way home.

Little Jacob: Yo. Whappen to my friend, Niko?



Little Jacob: Niko, you a righteous brother, will you take I back to I apartment?

Little Jacob: One love, Niko, thanks for pickin' I an' I up, can ye take I back home?

(Arriving on foot)

Little Jacob: Niko, I legs ain't workin' good right now. Get I some transport for the rasta now?

Little Jacob: Yo Niko man, I ain't got the strength to be walking right now, man. Can I get some transport?

(Taking Jacob home)

Little Jacob: Yo, me appreciate that y'know, Niko? Thank you, me see you later, seen?

Little Jacob: Yo, Niko, me appreciate that an' ting, give thanks, one love.

Weapons service

Little Jacob: Yo Niko, I your bredaman, Jacob. Listen, we been friends for a long time, seen? Phone me up if you need to buy some guns, seen?

Niko: Thanks Jacob - I appreciate that.

Calling Jacob

Niko: Jacob, I need some of that hardware you promised me.

Niko: Jacob, I need to get a hold of a weapon. Can you help me?

Little Jacob: I see ya Acter Industrial.

Little Jacob: Meet me at Tudor.

Little Jacob: Meet me down at Colony Island now.

Little Jacob: No problem man, just meet I an' I at Hove Beach.

Little Jacob: No problem man, me see you at Berchem.

Little Jacob: No problem Niko.

Little Jacob: No problem Niko, meet me at Schottler.

Little Jacob: No problem Niko man, jus meet me a' South Slopes.

Little Jacob: Okay man, jus meet me a' Suffolk.

Little Jacob: Pick me up a' - em, the gardens yo, Northern Gardens.

Little Jacob: Yeah, pick me up a' Lower Easton.

Little Jacob: Yeah man, me down a' Westdyke man, link up.

Little Jacob: Yeah man, meet me down at Purgatory.

Little Jacob: Yeah man, meet me round Chase Point, man, link up, link up.

Little Jacob: Yeah man, ya can find me at Lancaster man, just come for me, nuh?

Little Jacob: Yo, me down Varsity Heights y'know, link up, star.

Little Jacob: Yo, me see you a' Willis.

Little Jacob: Yo, meet me at Cerveza Heights.

Little Jacob: Yo, Niko, meet me at Steinway.

Little Jacob: Yo, pick me up a' North Holland, now.

Little Jacob: Yo, pick me up at Charge Island now.

(If the service is unavailable)

Little Jacob: Yo, me can't hook you up again y'know, star. Just gimme some time to get some merchandise, seen?

Little Jacob: Yo, sorry rasta, yo. I don't have nuthin for ya right now, man. Try again later.

Meeting Jacob

Little Jacob: Dat's me main man, Niko.

Little Jacob: Righteous, bredren. Good fe see de I.

Little Jacob: Wha'gwan Niko? Good fe see de man.

Little Jacob: Wha'gwan Niko? How's it going?

Little Jacob: Wicked Niko, yah here.

(Walking up to Jacob)

Little Jacob: All de heat is right here, seen?

Little Jacob: Everything a mafia don could want inna dis shit.

Little Jacob: I got some teeth inna here ya know, bredren.

Little Jacob: Yeah man, me have di heavy firepower ya need, ya know man?

(Jacob opens the trunk of his vehicle)

Little Jacob: I an' I got nuff guns ya know, my youth.

Little Jacob: It all there, me breda.

Little Jacob: There it be and ting.

Little Jacob: What? You feeling this?

Little Jacob: Yeah man, check this shit out ma bredren.

(While buying weapons)

Little Jacob: Der be an explosion.

Little Jacob: Don't miss.

Little Jacob: Hurry up now Niko man!

Little Jacob: You're a dangerous man ya know Niko Bellic, BOOM, BOOM!

Little Jacob: You get dis one, you win rasta.

(If Niko meets Jacob with a wanted level)

Little Jacob: Cha, me need fe get outta here me bredren, later.

Little Jacob: Had enough o' dis.

Little Jacob: I and I best clear outta here before Babylon arrive.

Little Jacob: I hot-stepping outta here Niko. See ya.

Little Jacob: Yo, me not having no more o' dis.

Jacob leaves

Little Jacob: Be safe, rude boy.

Little Jacob: Easy now, star.

Little Jacob: Irie, Niko. Gimme a call, nuh?

Little Jacob: Keep outta trouble bredren. I an' I see ya soon.

Little Jacob: Later my youth. Call me and ting.

Little Jacob: One love, Niko. I and I be seeing each other real soon.

Little Jacob: See you later, rasta.

Unscripted dialogue

Jacob 1

Little Jacob: Get off of I.

Little Jacob: You set de car pon fire!

Little Jacob: Rasta.

Little Jacob: Spear the bull.

Little Jacob: Irie.

Little Jacob: De car's on fire!

Little Jacob: Ras, we're crashing an ting!

Little Jacob: One love.

Little Jacob: Shit!

Little Jacob: Bumba colt. Babylon on pon our tail an ting.

Little Jacob: That's a maximum score.

Little Jacob: That's a good score, rasta.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, Babylon be on us.

Little Jacob: You crazy man!

Little Jacob: Come on, rasta.

Little Jacob: Give me some cover.

Little Jacob: Ya ain't too good and ting.

Little Jacob: Cha, Jacob don't look too good here.

Little Jacob: Rasta, now go an wait for I an I.

Little Jacob: Get outta here, Rasta.

Little Jacob: Ya hungry drunk.

Little Jacob: Dis be fuckery.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Shit, that ain't alright!

Little Jacob: Ja.

Little Jacob: Every ting gone blurry, rasta.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Open your eyes, ras clot.

Little Jacob: Jacob doing good.

Little Jacob: Course, Niko, course.

Little Jacob: I an I be dead!

Little Jacob: Ras.

Little Jacob: Hot step, rasta, hot step.

Little Jacob: Yo, me bored off a this thing, ya know.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, that ain't how I goin!

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Good move, rasta. Babylon won't see us now.

Little Jacob: I reckon you drive faster drunk, Niko.

Little Jacob: What? How? Where?

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Shit, ya real good.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: We playing til somebody wins two games, seen?

Little Jacob: Me can win pon dis dart, ya know.

Little Jacob: Dere be an explosion!

Little Jacob: Dat's a proper chase an ting.

Little Jacob: How come she ain't good at dis?

Little Jacob: Get in some cover and ting.

Little Jacob: Is the best of three and ting.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, I ain't doin well.

Little Jacob: Bad luck and ting.

Little Jacob: Sure.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Ya miss!

Little Jacob: Cover I!

Little Jacob: This some mad shit, Niko.

Little Jacob: You can throw dem darts and ting.

Little Jacob: Don't touch I!

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Ya man, ya throw like no other man.

Little Jacob: Go for the middle man.

Little Jacob: Get dis to win, me bredren.

Little Jacob: Ras, Niko, throwing darts take a long time, ya know.

Little Jacob: Step in the vehicle.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Okay.

Little Jacob: Chill, Niko, real chill.

Little Jacob: Don't get distracted.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid.

Little Jacob: Get in here.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Eye on the ball.

Little Jacob: This not going well for I, rasta.

Little Jacob: What's going on, Niko?!

Little Jacob: Rasta, it's the best of three games.

Little Jacob: Bye bye.

Little Jacob: Me can throw dem darts and ting, rasta.

Little Jacob: Get out of here real quick!

Little Jacob: Fire be pretty like a fine daughta.

Little Jacob: Niko, you can finish the game with this dart and ting.

Little Jacob: Dey ain't fast enough for I and I.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Wicked.

Little Jacob: We need fe lose babylon, seen?

Little Jacob: Babylon ain't gonna stop us at this speed, Niko.

Little Jacob: Jacob throw darts like a professional.

Little Jacob: Ya aiming for the wall an ting.

Little Jacob: We need fe get out of here.

Little Jacob: Jump in an flee 'em.

Little Jacob: Cha, me structure!

Little Jacob: Ya get this one, ya win, rasta.

Little Jacob: It's gonna blow, rasta!

Little Jacob: Shit, me haffi ride the bike.

Little Jacob: Go away.

Little Jacob: We haffi step away from Babylon now.

Little Jacob: Come on now, rasta, get in.

Little Jacob: It's too easy for us, rasta.

Little Jacob: Remind me of a fire on a beach in Jamdown.

Little Jacob: Downpresser inna de ground.

Little Jacob: What you doing?!

Little Jacob: Bad luck, rasta.

Little Jacob: I like fe watch the flame, nuh true, Niko?

Little Jacob: Alright.

Little Jacob: I don't have time to be throwing darts an ting all day.

Little Jacob: You my boy.

Little Jacob: We need fe get out of here, Niko.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Where ya throwing that ting?

Little Jacob: Get in the transport.

Little Jacob: It's hard nuff to ride a bike without crashing.

Little Jacob: Aim at the board and ting.

Little Jacob: You're crazy man!

Little Jacob: What's going on?

Little Jacob: Ahh!

Little Jacob: Cover me.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, that are the best.

Little Jacob: Where be oppressor?

Little Jacob: Good darts, Niko.

Little Jacob: I love them darts, rasta.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Throw the dart now, man.

Little Jacob: Throwing them darts sure take long, ya know?

Little Jacob: Cha!

Little Jacob: Yeah man, Jacob all professional.

Little Jacob: Shit, I thought I was better at darts.

Little Jacob: Spear that thing, Niko.

Little Jacob: You're shifting it, rasta. Righteous.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Dis goes on don't it, rasta?

Little Jacob: That flame is spiritual, man.

Little Jacob: Stay away!

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: We need fe make fast moves out of here, Niko.

Little Jacob: Shit, rasta be flying an ting!

Little Jacob: No thanks.

Little Jacob: Niko!

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, king! Transport on fire.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: That's bad luck ya know, Niko. Jacob a dons of dons.

Little Jacob: Ras, I care.

Little Jacob: We should step out of here.

Little Jacob: Bredren, cover me.

Little Jacob: Alright, you beat me an ting.

Little Jacob: Bad luck, man.

Little Jacob: Dis a cruising speed, Niko.

Little Jacob: Ras, the car be flaming an ting.

Little Jacob: Ya tink that the police know I and I is drunk, Niko?

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: I can't see the road good and ting.

Little Jacob: Cover me no, rasta.

Little Jacob: Get in the car, Niko.

Little Jacob: Don't do no breath test for them, Niko.

Little Jacob: Nice one, Niko.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Dere be the police.

Little Jacob: The first rasta fe take these two games take it.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, the car.

Little Jacob: Yes, rasta, real chill. I in the mood for black out now.

Little Jacob: Cha.

Little Jacob: Ya won that one, rasta.

Little Jacob: Jump in, rasta.

Little Jacob: Ras.

Little Jacob: Good throw, rasta.

Little Jacob: Yo, dis be the dart, ya know.

Little Jacob: I an I playing the best of three games.

Little Jacob: Ya a master for dart throwing ya know.

Little Jacob: Don't miss.

Little Jacob: Bumba clot!

Little Jacob: Hot step outta here, seen?

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Ya need fe watch where you're going.

Little Jacob: You don't let off them ting near rasta's ear, ya know.

Little Jacob: No.

Little Jacob: Ras.

Little Jacob: Here, ya did a good job, rasta.

Little Jacob: That's a fine score.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid!

Little Jacob: Get in, rasta.

Little Jacob: Bumba clot, ras clot.

Little Jacob: Jump in, Niko.

Little Jacob: Nah, man.

Little Jacob: Gretchen, get in.

Little Jacob: Yo, this is some mafia shit, ya know, Niko.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid.

Little Jacob: Fuck.

Little Jacob: Dat ain't a good throw.

Little Jacob: Yeah, you get me good didn't you.

Little Jacob: You're good, bredren, you're good.

Little Jacob: Cha!

Little Jacob: Hello, Babylon.

Little Jacob: Ras clot!

Little Jacob: Dis thing going to blow!

Little Jacob: Babylon bumba clots.

Little Jacob: Ya dangerous man, ya know, Niko Bellic. Boom!

Little Jacob: I don't want me no prisoner, Niko.

Little Jacob: Irie.

Little Jacob: I'm being held in a cage ya know, rasta.

Little Jacob: Ah!

Little Jacob: Irie!

Little Jacob: Fuck off.

Little Jacob: Nice one, Niko.

Little Jacob: Ja!

Little Jacob: Hot step away from this bloodclot, king.

Little Jacob: Get in.

Little Jacob: One-hundred and eighty?

Little Jacob: We going fe die and ting!

Little Jacob: Ah, me structure!

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, I been hit and ting.

Little Jacob: Dat don't feel good, rasta.

Little Jacob: Me structure be slippin and ting.

Little Jacob: Dat ain't cool!

Little Jacob: I don't wanna fall off this bike, ya know.

Little Jacob: Cha, dat ain't chill.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid!

Little Jacob: Step off.

Little Jacob: Get away.

Little Jacob: Get off.

Little Jacob: Cha!

Little Jacob: Easy!

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, what's going on?

Little Jacob: Cha, dat's our car!

Little Jacob: They need to look where they're going.

Little Jacob: Cha, get off the car.

Little Jacob: Don't be hitting our car like that.

Little Jacob: Stupid idiot hitting the car.

Little Jacob: What you doing?

Little Jacob: Open your damn eyes.

Little Jacob: Me backs if they hit the car again.

Little Jacob: Dickhead, cha.

Little Jacob: Alright, me man, we getting somewhere.

Little Jacob: You in a hurry, me man.

Little Jacob: Alright, alright, I and I moving.

Little Jacob: We got a nice speed here.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Ya can't be driving like this in Jamdown. It's a chill place.

Little Jacob: What you doing?

Little Jacob: We flipped, rasta.

Little Jacob: You put me pon my head.

Little Jacob: Dis aint chill an ting.

Little Jacob: You a lager head.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid!

Little Jacob: Man, yo me say you cool ya know, rasta, you cool.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: That's bad luck, ya know.

Little Jacob: Irie!

Little Jacob: Ja!

Little Jacob: Rasta!

Little Jacob: We getting some air an ting!

Little Jacob: Ya drive like ya in Jamdown, real chill.

Little Jacob: You're smoking that herb, Niko? You drive like you're real chill.

Little Jacob: I didn't tink you were so easy going, Niko. You're real chill right now.

Little Jacob: You're not in a hurry, are you?

Little Jacob: This a relaxed trip we're taking ya know, Niko.

Little Jacob: Babylon!

Little Jacob: Bumbaclot, Babylon.

Little Jacob: See dem downpressers?

Little Jacob: Here the popo.

Little Jacob: There's Babylon, rasta.

Little Jacob: Dere be the police an ting.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid!

Little Jacob: Cha!

Little Jacob: Ras!

Little Jacob: Fuck!

Little Jacob: See me piece, yeah?

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Be serious.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: I goin drop some boy now.

Little Jacob: Get down.

Little Jacob: Duck, rasta.

Little Jacob: Hit the floor and ting.

Little Jacob: Down, rasta, down!

Little Jacob: Get down, bredren.

Little Jacob: Come.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: I'm gonna box you good now.

Little Jacob: You're going down hard, bumba clot.

Little Jacob: I'm gonna make you hurt, you bumba clot.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid!

Little Jacob: Cha!

Little Jacob: Calm yourself!

Little Jacob: Don't do that again.

Jacob 2

Little Jacob: Ras clot!

Little Jacob: Shit, that ting.

Little Jacob: Dis be I ting.

Little Jacob: Don't be doing that.

Little Jacob: Ras clot.

Little Jacob: Take the shot and ting.

Little Jacob: Me need fe walk no more now, serious.

Little Jacob: You break, rasta.

Little Jacob: Dis rasta don't be drunk.

Little Jacob: Come on, rasta.

Little Jacob: Feel me teeth, babylon!

Little Jacob: I don't take kindly to this!

Little Jacob: Come on, bredren.

Little Jacob: Ah, what you do, man?

Little Jacob: Chill out!

Little Jacob: We should play again ya know, rasta.

Little Jacob: Dis your transport an ting?

Little Jacob: You take the wheel.

Little Jacob: Move in, rasta!

Little Jacob: Dat's too bad an ting.

Little Jacob: I going fuck up your structure.

Little Jacob: Don't leave a rasta.

Little Jacob: Hear this, rasta, hear this now.

Little Jacob: Ras, ya too lucky, Niko.

Little Jacob: I an I article don.

Little Jacob: Me giong to shoot this up.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, rasta.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Ya man, Jacob a dons of dons.

Little Jacob: Yeah, ya a good player, bredren.

Little Jacob: I wasn't expecting this shit ya know, rasta. You're grinding up some girl tonight.

Little Jacob: Ras.

Little Jacob: You can rest when you're dead, Niko. Let's go.

Little Jacob: We need fe move quick, Niko, come on.

Little Jacob: Ya a ginnal, rasta!

Little Jacob: You foul and ting, rasta.

Little Jacob: I ain't in the mood for no chatting.

Little Jacob: Good game, rasta.

Little Jacob: Alright, let's get out of here.

Little Jacob: Shut your face.

Little Jacob: Mek we listen some tunes, no?

Little Jacob: Cha.

Little Jacob: Ja.

Little Jacob: Jacob be up now.

Little Jacob: I too drunk to talk.

Little Jacob: Dis rasta can't stand this radio no more!

Little Jacob: Jacob want him transport back now!

Little Jacob: Play some tunes.

Little Jacob: Is I turn for break.

Little Jacob: Keep eyes on the ball, rasta.

Little Jacob: Jacob breaking this one.

Little Jacob: Need help for walk, Niko. This rasta be drunk quite a bit.

Little Jacob: Irie.

Little Jacob: Me going kill the bumbaclot now.

Little Jacob: Where de wheel an ting? It's best you drive.

Little Jacob: De radio be annoying me right now.

Little Jacob: Time wait for no man, breda.

Little Jacob: Don't be such in a hurry, rasta.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, you're cool.

Little Jacob: Alright, mek we wind up some girl now.

Little Jacob: I don't like fe talk.

Little Jacob: Dem gone!

Little Jacob: Me walk to the car. Jacob not walking too good yo.

Little Jacob: Yo, me need fe stay together a little longer ya know.

Little Jacob: Bad luck and ting, Niko.

Little Jacob: Dat's de way for getting him transport.

Little Jacob: Everyting crash!

Little Jacob: I was in this ting.

Little Jacob: Shit, rasta, go easy.

Little Jacob: You my bredren!

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Me transport!

Little Jacob: Feel me teeth!

Little Jacob: Dat ain't a good move ya know, rasta.

Little Jacob: Enjoy yourself, king. Jacob win.

Little Jacob: Pull up!

Little Jacob: Get a car, rasta, get a car!

Little Jacob: Here, this rasta not walking too good. Walk I to the transport.

Little Jacob: I going for break.

Little Jacob: Forward, rasta.

Little Jacob: Ras clot!

Little Jacob: Where da transport at, Niko?

Little Jacob: I make ting go easier to ya.

Little Jacob: How about another game, rasta?

Little Jacob: Me tink you're my breda and ting!

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, what be up with that?

Little Jacob: Dis where dis one be ya know, bredren.

Little Jacob: What you running up on me for?

Little Jacob: Oh, that are the big ting.

Little Jacob: How about I an I just chill?

Little Jacob: Give me that ting!

Little Jacob: Jacob gonna sniff a big spliff now.

Little Jacob: Yo, we don't haffi talk and ting, just listen.

Little Jacob: No more radio!

Little Jacob: Later on, rasta.

Little Jacob: Dis rasta ain't driving.

Little Jacob: We need fe get some transport.

Little Jacob: Ya mafia don, Niko.

Little Jacob: Yo, wait for I.

Little Jacob: Take this, downpresser!

Little Jacob: Mek we listen music, rasta.

Little Jacob: Cha!

Little Jacob: Why we not just listen some tunes and chill and ting.

Little Jacob: Get this rasta some wheels!

Little Jacob: You're killing I an ting.

Little Jacob: Throw it down, Niko.

Little Jacob: Ras.

Little Jacob: What a radio haffi say?

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: I an I need fe get some wheels.

Little Jacob: Yeah man, me are the shit ain't I, girls?

Little Jacob: Cha, dis a fuckery.

Little Jacob: That were just a chance an ting.

Little Jacob: You're going down, ya bumbaclot!

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Can ya chat, Niko?

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Drive, rasta, drive.

Little Jacob: We don't need fe speak an ting pon dis journey.

Little Jacob: I an I was close!

Little Jacob: Let's move it and ting, bredren.

Little Jacob: I can't even see the road.

Little Jacob: Get off that rasta car.

Little Jacob: Relax, my bredren.

Little Jacob: That's a real shame, rasta.

Little Jacob: Damn gravalicous genal.

Little Jacob: We on fire, rasta.

Little Jacob: Shit.

Little Jacob: You got some skills, Niko.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Be more chill, rasta.

Little Jacob: I an I see ya later, alright?

Little Jacob: Bloodclot!

Little Jacob: Righteous, Niko, take the transport.

Little Jacob: I going for break an ting.

Little Jacob: What you doing, rasta.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: I don't think you can do this, rasta.

Little Jacob: Listen to this one, rasta.

Little Jacob: Maybe it's best we listen some radio.

Little Jacob: Everyting crash.

Little Jacob: Get in.

Little Jacob: Ya getting us some transport now?

Little Jacob: Give I some beat?

Little Jacob: I an I have somewhere be.

Little Jacob: Where babylon be?

Little Jacob: My turn, isn't it?

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Nice.

Little Jacob: What this got?

Little Jacob: Ain't got the idea, rasta.

Little Jacob: Move it, Niko, come on.

Little Jacob: Dis ain't cool.

Little Jacob: Move in.

Little Jacob: Ha ha ha ha.

Little Jacob: I didn't tink I was goingto a strip club ya know, rasta.

Little Jacob: Kiss me, ras.

Little Jacob: Ya man, wicked, that's a real relief, we lost babylon.

Little Jacob: Die, you bumbaclot.

Little Jacob: What hapepned to babylon an ting?

Little Jacob: You need fe take de wheel.

Little Jacob: Bumba clot!

Little Jacob: Hot step now, Niko.

Little Jacob: Jacob in no mood fe talk.

Little Jacob: Come on, breda.

Little Jacob: No babylon.

Little Jacob: Of this an ting.

Little Jacob: Yo, this place don't do too well for me driving.

Little Jacob: Me need fe get some of them girl right now.

Little Jacob: That's a foul, rasta.

Little Jacob: Yeah, man, lot more chill an ting. No more babylon pon us.

Little Jacob: Ya need fe take the shot now.

Little Jacob: I turning this off.

Little Jacob: Jacob love them girl.

Little Jacob: Bad luck.

Little Jacob: Take your eyes off of this, rasta.

Little Jacob: Alright, Niko, me don't like fe wait.

Little Jacob: Damn it.

Little Jacob: Ya haffi get dis, Niko.

Little Jacob: Alright now man, let's leave.

Little Jacob: Ain't walking too well and ting. Where the car at? Walk me now.

Little Jacob: Congratulations, me man.

Little Jacob: Ja now you're not leave here.

Little Jacob: We ain't got no babylon on us and ting no more.

Little Jacob: Forward!

Little Jacob: Me like them girl for wearing pon me ya know.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Here, Jacob put on some real shit.

Little Jacob: Me too high, me can't drive.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Nicely done, rasta.

Little Jacob: Sure, rasta, I an I leave this place.

Little Jacob: Jacob ain't doing nothing.

Little Jacob: You want fe play again?

Little Jacob: You're dead today.

Little Jacob: I an I was close, rasta.

Little Jacob: We lost the police. Nicely done, rasta.

Little Jacob: Rasta, where the transport?

Little Jacob: I thought there were downpressers after us an ting.

Little Jacob: Don't go leaving Jacob.

Little Jacob: Ah!

Little Jacob: Irie!

Little Jacob: Fuck off.

Little Jacob: Nice one, Niko.

Little Jacob: Ja!

Little Jacob: Hot step away from this bloodclot, king.

Little Jacob: Get in.

Little Jacob: One-hundred and eighty?

Little Jacob: We going fe die and ting!

Little Jacob: Ah, me structure!

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, I been hit and ting.

Little Jacob: Dat don't feel good, rasta.

Little Jacob: Me structure be slippin and ting.

Little Jacob: Dat ain't cool!

Little Jacob: I don't wanna fall off this bike, ya know.

Little Jacob: Cha, dat ain't chill.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid!

Little Jacob: Step off.

Little Jacob: Get away.

Little Jacob: Get off.

Little Jacob: Cha!

Little Jacob: Easy!

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, what's going on?

Little Jacob: Cha, dat's our car!

Little Jacob: They need to look where they're going.

Little Jacob: Cha, get off the car.

Little Jacob: Don't be hitting our car like that.

Little Jacob: Stupid idiot hitting the car.

Little Jacob: What you doing?

Little Jacob: Open your damn eyes.

Little Jacob: Me backs if they hit the car again.

Little Jacob: Dickhead, cha.

Little Jacob: Alright, me man, we getting somewhere.

Little Jacob: You in a hurry, me man.

Little Jacob: Alright, alright, I and I moving.

Little Jacob: We got a nice speed here.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Ya can't be driving like this in Jamdown. It's a chill place.

Little Jacob: What you doing?

Little Jacob: We flipped, rasta.

Little Jacob: You put me pon my head.

Little Jacob: Dis aint chill an ting.

Little Jacob: You a lager head.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid!

Little Jacob: Man, yo me say you cool ya know, rasta, you cool.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: That's bad luck, ya know.

Little Jacob: Irie!

Little Jacob: Ja!

Little Jacob: Rasta!

Little Jacob: We getting some air an ting!

Little Jacob: Ya drive like ya in Jamdown, real chill.

Little Jacob: You're smoking that herb, Niko? You drive like you're real chill.

Little Jacob: I didn't tink you were so easy going, Niko. You're real chill right now.

Little Jacob: You're not in a hurry, are you?

Little Jacob: This a relaxed trip we're taking ya know, Niko.

Little Jacob: Babylon!

Little Jacob: Bumbaclot, Babylon.

Little Jacob: See dem downpressers?

Little Jacob: Here the popo.

Little Jacob: There's Babylon, rasta.

Little Jacob: Dere be the police an ting.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid!

Little Jacob: Cha!

Little Jacob: Ras!

Little Jacob: Fuck!

Little Jacob: See me piece, yeah?

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Be serious.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: I goin drop some boy now.

Little Jacob: Get down.

Little Jacob: Duck, rasta.

Little Jacob: Hit the floor and ting.

Little Jacob: Down, rasta, down!

Little Jacob: Get down, bredren.

Little Jacob: Come.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: I'm gonna box you good now.

Little Jacob: You're going down hard, bumba clot.

Little Jacob: I'm gonna make you hurt, you bumba clot.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid!

Little Jacob: Cha!

Little Jacob: Calm yourself!

Little Jacob: Don't do that again.

Little Jacob: Ha ha, wicked.

Little Jacob: Jacob transport be him transport.

Little Jacob: Babylon!

Little Jacob: Ya gravilicous ras clot, Niko.

Little Jacob: Yo, we need some transport.

Little Jacob: Alright, rasta, we'll leave them girl.

Little Jacob: Close your mouth.

Little Jacob: Control this thing, rasta.

Little Jacob: Me need fe stay longer, Niko.

Little Jacob: You break dis one an ting.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Dis a serious mistake.

Little Jacob: A gentlemen's club, rasta? Alright.

Little Jacob: Jacob ain't leaving this place right now, ya know.

Little Jacob: You're a righteous dread ya know, rasta, you lose babylon.

Little Jacob: Nice one.

Little Jacob: Alright, I gonna wine pon some girl right now.

Little Jacob: Thank you.

Little Jacob: Bumbaclot babylon!

Little Jacob: You're going dead now.

Little Jacob: We listen some music an ting.

Little Jacob: Mek we step outta the place.

Little Jacob: Let me cover him out.

Little Jacob: Whine pon me an ting.

Little Jacob: Transport, me bredren. Transport! Where it be?

Little Jacob: Kiss me neck.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Me too red for drive.

Little Jacob: Dat's dis rasta's car.

Little Jacob: That real lucky.

Little Jacob: Let's get some tunes for this trip, bredren.

Little Jacob: Your turn for break, bredren.

Little Jacob: How bout another game?

Little Jacob: Shut up.

Little Jacob: Shit, rasta.

Little Jacob: You bumbaclot!

Little Jacob: Hurry up now, Niko man.

Little Jacob: It's Niko's turn for break.

Little Jacob: Tunes, rasta.

Little Jacob: I need fe be alone right here, rasta.

Little Jacob: Cha, Niko, get off of I an I.

Little Jacob: Me no wanna box you now, Niko.

Little Jacob: Step off, rasta.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid, Niko.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: I don't want to be fighting with you, rasta.

Little Jacob: Blouse and skirt, Niko, get off me now man.

Little Jacob: Kiss me neck. Come off me now, Niko.

Little Jacob: Don't mess with Jacob car.

Little Jacob: Ya not taking no car from this rudeboy.

Little Jacob: Give me that thing back.

Little Jacob: Me need fe take that back, cha!

Little Jacob: Yo, this my tune.

Little Jacob: Yo, me can't chat to this track ya know.

Little Jacob: Yo, me feeling this.

Little Jacob: Wicked tune.

Little Jacob: Easy now, man.

Little Jacob: Shit.

Little Jacob: Fuck.

Little Jacob: Damn.

Little Jacob: Kiss me neck.

Little Jacob: Skirt and blouse.

Little Jacob: Rhaatid.

Little Jacob: Get in cover.

Little Jacob: Find some cover, rasta.

Little Jacob: Ya need fe find cover.

Little Jacob: Get in cover an ting.

Little Jacob: Cover yourself, bredren.

Little Jacob: Me got him.

Little Jacob: I see him.

Little Jacob: Hello there.

Little Jacob: I got you an ting.

Little Jacob: I going to get him.

Little Jacob: I taking one down.

Little Jacob: About fe take him down now, rasta.

Little Jacob: I'm about fe dead a fool now.

Little Jacob: Point that shit somewhere else.

Little Jacob: That don't scare I, ya know.

Little Jacob: Get that away from me ya know, star.

Little Jacob: Don't put that in me face an ting.

Little Jacob: ???

Little Jacob: Thanks.

Little Jacob: Thank you.

Little Jacob: Nice one.

Unused dialogue

  • Boy, what a idiot.
  • Can I get a drop at Cerveza Heights?
  • Can ya take me Downtown, star?
  • Can ya take me to Meadows Park?
  • Can ya take me to Outlook Park?
  • Can ya take me to Rotterdam Hill?
  • Can ye take me back a me home rasta?
  • Can ye take we home?
  • Can you drop me at South Slopes?
  • Can you drop me off a' Steinway?
  • Can you drop me off at a Beechwood City.
  • Easy nuh - that place look fine.
  • Gwan rude boy!
  • Him make me laugh!
  • Is all good with a draw.
  • It matter more to you than me ya know, rasta.
  • Let's get going, me breda.
  • Let's go star. (duplicate)
  • Man - me love this place y'know.
  • Me breda, drop me at Firefly Projects please.
  • Me breda, gimme a drop at Hove Beach.
  • Me need a drop to East Island City.
  • Mek we play some pool then?
  • Nah man, me not like all this that gwan right now.
  • Niko! (in unscripted)
  • Niko, with all this insanity, made me miss the show?
  • No way, me breda.
  • Okay, me breda - you want a good laugh? Follow me.
  • One love Niko, thanks for pickin' I an' I up, can ye take I back home?
  • Respect due!
  • Respect!
  • Take me home rasta.
  • Take me to me house please.
  • That make me laugh, more or less.
  • That was fun.
  • That's good times, breda.
  • The best result - so there's no losers 'round here.
  • This boy mek me laugh y'know.
  • This raas clat!
  • We gonna enjoy ourself here.
  • We gonna have a good time, me breda.
  • We have fun in here.
  • What this?
  • Yo me have enough o' this y'know, star. Jus' take I home y'know, Niko.
  • Yo star, can ya give me a lift to Firefly Island?
  • Yo, can ya take me to BOABO, star?
  • Yo, can ya take me to East Hook?
  • Yo, drop me off at the airport, nuh?
  • Yo, him are the man ya know. The man incredible.
  • Yo, me done with this y'know, star. Me can't find meself warming up.
  • Yo, me have enough o' this star, man. Jus' take I home Niko, no?
  • Yo, me need a drop to Meadow Hills.
  • Yo, me need some transportation to Willis.
  • Yo, thanks for the lift, fire.
  • Yo, thanks for the lift, me breda.
  • Yo, that are me favourite place ya know, Niko.
  • Yo, that place I for real y'know. Even though it full o' spree boys.
  • Yo, that sah, is a great place.
  • Yo, that skettel was fine, yo.
  • Yo, this is some funny shit y'know, star.
  • Yo, this will be a good time y'know, Niko.
  • Yo, we gonna have fun y'know, rasta.
  • Yo, we're too late to see the show?
  • You unlucky ya know, star.
  • You wanna check out already?

  • A show? Yeah, why not? I'll come over and pick you up within the hour.
  • Absolutely. I'm on my way.
  • Ah gwan about your bloodclot business then, boy.
  • Darts? Sure. I'll pick you up in the next hour.
  • I can't just now.
  • I can't play pool just now, man - I got some shit to deal with.
  • I'd love to, but I'm in the middle of something.
  • It's alright, man. Just hit me up when you're free.
  • Jacob, sorry, man, something serious has come up. I can't make it to the hospital.
  • Let's go for a drink.
  • Let's have a drink now, star.
  • Me down a' East Island City man, just pick me up, seen?
  • Me down a' East Island City star, link up right pronto.
  • Me down at Cerveza Heights man, link me up.
  • Me down at East Hook, star, me need a ride, man. Can ya link me up?
  • Me down at Firefly Island man, link up man, me need a ride, man.
  • Me down Firefly Projects star, just link up man, me need a ride man, pronto.
  • Me down Willis, come pick me up.
  • Me down Willis, link me up.
  • Me need a lift from Meadow Hills, come pick me up.
  • Me need some transportation from Rotterdam Hill, can you pick me up?
  • Mek we go play some darts?
  • Niko, can you pick me up a' me house man, me need a lift?
  • Niko, can you pick me up in my yard man? Me need a lift.
  • Niko, it's a long time since when I hear from you.
  • Niko, me breda, me need a favor man, can you pick me up a' me house?
  • Niko, me breda, me need a lift man, can you pick me up a' me house? (possibly)
  • Niko, me hungry, man. You wanna get something fe eat?
  • No - I can't at the moment.
  • No Jacob, I can't just now.
  • No problem, man. Me find another way.
  • No problem, man. Me find someone else.
  • No problems, man. Me mek meself get home.
  • No, I can't go drinking just now.
  • No, Jacob - I can't get food just now.
  • No, Jacob, I can't do a show just now.
  • No. I can't do darts just now.
  • Okay, bad boy - just call me when you have some time.
  • Pool? Yeah, sounds good. And i've got nothing serious going on - I'll head over to your place.
  • Rasta, it's me. (possibly)
  • Sorry man, I can't do a show right now - I've got a problem I've got to deal with.
  • Sorry, man - I can't do that just now.
  • Star, me bored y'know. You wanna go for a drink?
  • Star, me down a' Hove Beach man, link up man, me need a ride man, link up.
  • Star, me down at South Slopes man, yo link up star. Me need a ride man, me need a ride.
  • Star, me down Firefly Island man, link up man, me need a ride man, link up star, link up.
  • Star, me down Meadows Park man, gimme a ride now star, link up.
  • Star, yeah, me down Firefly Projects, man, link up star, me need a ride.
  • Sure - I'd like a drink. I'll be there in the hour.
  • Sure - I'll come over in the next hour.
  • Wha'gwan, me breda? It's me, Jacob.
  • Whappen to you, rasta? Are we spar today?
  • What mek it so long me no hear from you?
  • What? You too busy to help a friend?
  • Why not? I'm bored as hell. I'll come over in the next hour.
  • Yeah, I'll be there within the hour, Jacob.
  • Yes, definitely. I will be there in the next hour.
  • Yes, I'm hungry too. I'll come over in the next hour.
  • Yes, me good friend, lets go a show.
  • Yes, why not - I'm on my way over.
  • Yo me down a' Beechwood City, man, come pick me up.
  • Yo me need a lift man, can you pick me up a' Steinway?
  • Yo star, me Downtown man, can come pick me up.
  • Yo star, me Downtown star, me need a ride.
  • Yo star, me there at Outlook Park man, can you link me up man? Me need a ride.
  • Yo star, wha'gwan, man? Me there at Outlook Park, man. Me need a ride yo.
  • Yo star, wha'gwan? Yeah, me down South Slopes man, yo, link up star, me need a ride.
  • Yo, all we do is business, yo? Mek we just go a the strip club or something.
  • Yo, can you pick me up from the airport?
  • Yo, I need a lift from the airport.
  • Yo, I'm at Meadow Hills, me need a link man, ride up.
  • Yo, me at BOABO man, come pick me up.
  • Yo, me breda. Long time we had no business, man. Mek we play some pool or someting.
  • Yo, me down at Beechwood, man. Link up, star, me need a ride.
  • Yo, me down at Cerveza Heights man, link me up.
  • Yo, me need a lift from BOABO.
  • Yo, me need some transportation from Rotterdam Hill man, can you pick me up?
  • Yo, mek we go a' the strip club, yo?
  • Yo, Niko, me vexed when me nuh hear from you.
  • Yo, star, me down East Hook, man. Link up, star, me need a ride.
  • Yo, star, me down Hove Beach man, me need a ride man, link up star, link up.
  • Yo, wa mek you such a selfish bloodclot, Niko?
  • Yo, you want get some food?
  • You got time for some food?
  • You wan' go see a show?

  • Again? So soon? Ram goat - maybe later.
  • Again? What's wrong with you, Niko? Him love the skettels y'know! Maybe later.
  • All you wanna do is drink, man - maybe later.
  • Alright den, maybe a next time. Gwan man.
  • Alright, thanks for that, yeah? Me apprieciate that, yeah, yeah, uhuh, yeah alright, cool.
  • Maybe later, star.
  • Maybe later, star. Me can't deal with them tings again so soon.
  • Me a lickle bit busy right now y'know, breda. Maybe later.
  • Me man still alive here, rasta?
  • Mek we play darts? Did we nuh just play recent?
  • Mek we play pool? Maybe later?
  • Nah man, me not take no more disrespect from you, man. Just call me back after me relax or something.
  • Nah man, not again man. So soon?
  • Nah, breda - me not have time for deal with the I y'know, still vexed with I y'know, star, for real. Call me back after me done fe? Let me relax or


  • Nah, man. All ya wanna do is full me belly up, man - maybe later.
  • Niko, me tink you dead or something!
  • Niko. Maybe later.
  • Niko? Me can't hear from you. Me tink you inna trouble or something?
  • No problem, star - another time.
  • No worries, man - everything cris.
  • Not again, star - another time, seen?
  • Not now, rasta, maybe later.
  • Sure, me hungry, man. Just pick me up.
  • ~Yeah - me asleep, man. Call me back 'bout two o'clock or something, seen?
  • Yeah man, everything cris now, ye done know. Pick me up later, rudeboy.
  • Yeah man, me done now, so me ready fe link up with de man again, seen?

  • A'ight, pick dem up a' Meadow Hills.
  • Be cool ya know, Niko.
  • Be safe, rude boy.
  • Cha! What ya are do Niko?
  • Cha, Niko. What kind of fuckery's a go on?
  • Hey Jacob, listen. I don't need the hardware no more.
  • Hey, listen, Jacob - it's all cool. I don't need that hardware anymore.
  • Hey, star - I got what you wanted.
  • I hot-stepping outta here Niko. See ya.
  • Later on Niko. Easy.
  • Me down Little Bay man, link up, link up.
  • Me down South Bohan man, just link up star, link up.
  • Meet me a' Port Tudor.
  • Meet me at City Hall now.
  • Meet me down a' Leftwood.
  • Meet you pon the Boulevard man, yo link up star, link up.
  • Niko, me there a' Fortside, link up.
  • Niko, ya need fe calm yourself down.
  • No problem man, meet me a' Meadows Park man.
  • No problem man, meet me at East island City.
  • No problem Niko, just meet me at the Exchange.
  • No problem, me meet you at Fishmarket North.
  • Pick me up a' Little Italy.
  • Pick me up a' Star Junction now.
  • Pick me up at Fishmarket South.
  • Right you are star.
  • Sorry man - I need your help. I need some equipment.
  • Sorry man - I've got a problem. I need your help. I need a tool if you know what I mean?
  • Sorry, Jacob - it's real important - I need some hardware.
  • Sorry, man - I need some help. I need some hardware, know what I mean?
  • Star, me down East Holland man, yo, link up.
  • Wa mek ya wake me up?
  • Wha'gwan? You wake us up.
  • Whappen rasta? What you doing?
  • Whappen star? I got the tings a' you wanted yo.
  • Whappen, rasta, I got de ting dem for you.
  • Whappen? Why you gwan and wake me up?
  • What you doing, man?
  • Why ya fucking around and ting?
  • Ya been blacking up too much me breda?
  • Ye dun know, ye dun know man, Middle Park.
  • Ye Niko man, me down a' Normandy, link me up now.
  • Yea star, me down a' Northwood man, link up.
  • Yeah man, just pick me up at Easton.
  • Yeah man, me see you at Chinatown.
  • Yeah man, see you at Acter.
  • Yeah, just meet me up at Triangle.
  • Yo man, meet me pon Firefly Island.
  • Yo star, just pick me up at the Presidents City now.
  • Yo, dis rasta be getting outta here. Later.
  • Yo, I an' I should be geting outta here bredren.
  • Yo, just meet me a' Firefly Projects.
  • Yo, link me down a' Hatton Gardens now.
  • Yo, link me down a' Middle Park West now.
  • Yo, me see you at Beechwood City.
  • Yo, meet me a' Outlook Park star.
  • Yo, meet me at Castle Gardens now.
  • Yo, meet me down a' Industrial yo.
  • Yo, pick me up a' Middle Park East now.
  • Yo, pick me up at de airport.
  • Yo, see you Downtown.
  • Yo, you vexing me now, fassy one.
  • Yo. You wake me up. It better be important y'know?
  • You wolf man you know Niko?