Assets in GTA San Andreas

Assets in GTA San Andreas are places where you can periodically go to collect a predetermined amount of money. Each asset takes a different amount of time to reach a different maximum amount of money. There are 3 properties that you must purchase, and 6 properties which you acquire assets for during or upon completion of specific missions. They are listed and linked to below.

Required Assets

These must be purchased to complete the game, but are only available after certain missions.

Side-Mission Assets

These are obtained by completing the side-missions associated with each, and are not required to complete the game. They are however part of the 100%-Game-Completion, and will most-likely make the game easier for anyone who doesn't cheat by offering a much larger income than normally possible.

All of these assets are automatically purchased for no price after completing the side missions, each of which is relatively simple except for the moderately difficult last level.