Cheats in GTA Liberty City Stories: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 04:02, 7 April 2009

Code Effect
▲ R1, L1, ↓, ↓, R1, R1, ▲ All Vehicles Chrome Plated
●, →, X, ↑, →, X, L1, ■ Change Bike Tire Size
L1, R1, L1, R1, ↑, ↓, L1, R1 Display Game Credits
↓, ↓, ↓, ●, ●, X, L1, R1 Bobble Head World
↓, ↓, ↓, ▲, ▲, ●, L1, R1 Have People Follow You
L1, L1, ●, R1, R1, ■, ▲, X Sunny Weather
↑, ↓, ●, ↑, ↓, ■, L1, R1 Clear Weather
↑, ↓, X, ↑, ↓, ▲, L1, R1 Overcast Weather
■, ■, R1, X, X, L1, ●, ● Aggressive Drivers
▲, ▲, R1, ■, ■, L1, X, X All Green Lights
L1, ↓, ←, R1, X, ●, ↑, ▲ Commit Suicide
L1, ↑, ←, R1, ▲, ●, ↓, X Perfect Traction
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, ↓, X Faster Gameplay
R1, ▲, X, R1, ■, ●, ←, → Slower Gameplay
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, →, ● Peds Have Weapons
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, ←, ■ Peds Riot
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, UP, ▲ Peds Attack You
↑, ↓, ■, UP, ↓, ●, L1, R1 Rainy Weather
L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, X, ■ Destroy All Cars
L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, ●, X Faster Clock
L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, ▲, ● Spawn Rhino
↑, ↓, ▲, ↑, ↓, X, L1, R1 Foggy Weather
L1, R1, X, L1, R1, ■, L1, R1 Full Health (Red Bar)
L1, R1, ▲, L1, R1, ●, L1, R1 Money Cheat ($250,000)
L1, R1, ●, L1, R1, X, L1, R1 Full Armor (Blue Bar)
↑, ●, ●, ↓, ←, ●, ●, → Weapon set 2
↑, X, X, ↓, ←, X, X, → Weapon set 3
↑, ■, ■, ↓, ←, ■, ■, → Weapon set 1
L1, L1, ▲, R1, R1, X, ■, ● Never Wanted
●, X, ↓, ●, X, ↑, L1, L1 Cars Drive On Water
L1, R1, ■, L1, R1, ▲, L1, R1 Raise Wanted Level
●, ●, R1, ▲, ▲, L1, ■, ■ Black Cars
X, X, R1, ●, ●, L1, ▲, ▲ White Cars
L1, ↑, →, R1, ▲, ■, ↓, X Raise Media Attention
▲, ●, ↓, ▲, ●, ↑, L1, L1 Spawn Trashmaster
X, ■, ↓, X, ■, ↑, R1, R1 Calls closest Ped to come hop on/in your vehicle.