Republican Space Rangers

Revision as of 03:07, 29 July 2008 by gtw>Aircop 2006

Republican Space Rangers is a show that's viewable on the TV in Niko Bellic's safehouse. The plot consists of three white, homosexual redneck American men who travel the universe searching for and eliminating what they perceive to be threats to America. Their suits look alike to master chief's from the halo series.

The Cast

  • Commander: Commander is the leader of the squad. He is always seen with a cigar in his mouth.
  • Dick: Dick seems to be second in command. He has a moustache and wears a headband. He hero-worships the Commander, and has a sexual fetish with embracing him.
  • Butch: Butch is the tall, obese pilot of the ship who carries two guns. He has a distinctive, hillbilly-esque voice.

Parody of/Trivia

  • Republican Space Rangers is a parody of modern American foreign policy.
  • Their suits look like Master Cheif's suit from Halo.
  • Their spaceship is phallic in shape, continuing the tradition of phallic images appearing in GTA games.
