Black Lightman

Black Lightman
Appearances GTA Liberty City Stories
Full Name Black Lightman


Gender Gender::Male
Date of Death 1998 (during False Idols)
Nationality American
Home Cedar Grove, Shoreside Vale, Liberty City
Main Affiliations DB-P
Faith W.
Vehicles Stretch
Occupation Actor

Black Lightman is a character in the 3D Universe who appears as a minor character in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.

Character history

Black Lightman is an actor of long standing who, by 1998 had become an aging alcoholic who had entered rehabilitation, leaving his home in Cedar Grove on Shoreside Vale, which may have been up for sale with Home Ease. Shortly before entering rehabilitation he, along with DB-P and Faith W. had completed then making of a new film and the three were then scheduled to appear in an interview on Liberty City Free Radio, after turning down an interview with the Liberty Tree newspaper and its main reporter Ned Burner. Burner, posing as the father at the Cathedral, told Toni Cipriani to kill the three before they could arrive at the radio stations building. Lightman, arriving in a limousine, was killed along with his two other co-stars.

Mission appearance

GTA Liberty City Stories