Paparazzo - The Highness/Script

The following are dialog and mission scripts for "Paparazzo - The Highness", a mission in Grand Theft Auto V.


(Franklin arrives at Mirror Park and is phoned by Beverly)

Beverly Felton: Yo, what up, my brother? Check this shit out! You know Princess Georgina, that snooty English royal?'

Franklin Clinton: Shit, not really. She don't kick it in Chamberlain Hills much.

Beverly Felton: Well, word has it she likes to blaze one for Queen and country, if you know what I mean. There's a deal going down right now. I need you to meet my contact outside Chico's Hypermarket. And try not to blow his cover. Okay?

Franklin Clinton: A'ight man, this one I got. I'll hit you when it's done.

(Franklin drives to Aqua Drive-Thru)

Beverly Felton's Contact: Yo, you Beverly's boy?

Franklin Clinton: Shit, I guess I am, homie.

Beverly Felton's Contact: They're round the back, heavy security. I'd take a photo from the roof I was you. Okay, I gotta go. This conversation never happened.

Franklin Clinton: Yeah, I got you homie, it's good.

(Franklin begins climbing to the roof of Chico's Hypermarket)

Drug Dealer: I have Sticky Cowboy, Mindless Passion, Purple Plunder, Endless Panic, whatever you want.

Princess Georgina: Marvelous. I'll take it all.

Drug Dealer: Okay.

Princess Georgina: I am on holiday... I mean, apart from a few photoshoots with orphans and cripples, but, like, I could do that in a coma. They really are the same the whole world round, you know?

Drug Dealer: Okay. Gimme a second.

Princess Georgina: So, like, back in England, my help would, like, totally do this for me. But they're, like, super scared of being arrested and totally banged by scary dudes in a US jail, yah? So, like, so ghastly. It's just, it's such a total drag. I mean, the UK tax payer gives them money to protect me and be my servant, so they should just, like, do what I say. Even if it's, like, lick my shoe, or buy me drugs, or, like, perform a sex act on my dog. You know, the tax payer should totally get their money's worth, right? I mean, back when we had an empire, the king could, like, chop people's heads off and stuff, and that was so much better. I mean, the Queen is, like, my granny. You know, it takes hundreds of years of inbreeding to get a recessed chin, buck teeth, and a snout-like nose like mine. I mean, I'm a rare breed. I should be, like, cherished and stuff.

Drug Dealer: Okay. Here you go. This should chill you the fuck out.

Princess Georgina: Will one of you apes please pay this poor man? Really, the secret service has gone down the pan. Thank you. Fantastic! I really enjoy meeting the underclass. I'm so relatable in that way.

(Franklin, having taken a photograph, sends it to Beverly)

Beverly Felton (text message): Sweeeeet! Get the fuck out of there!

(Franklin leaves the area or allows Princess Georgina and the British secret service to leave)

Beverly Felton: Incredible, dude! That photo is solid gold. This is bigger than climate change. Imagine the headlines. All those highness puns! I'm going to be rich!

Franklin Clinton: Don't you mean we?

Beverly Felton: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, mi casa, tu casa. You know? I'll catch you later, I need to get this to print!