Friendships in GTA IV

After you do so many missions for someone, eventually they will call you and ask to hang out. From that point onward, you can call them to set up times to hang out. Hanging out with your friends is a fun way to work on your relationships with them so that eventually you can get their "friend benefit".


Drive to one of the Bowling Lanes in Purgatory (Algonquin) or Firefly Island (Broker) to go Bowling. Also works as a date.
Seek out the Pool Hall in Schottler (Broker) and play some Pool. Also works as a date.
Find one of the Strip Clubs in Northern Gardens (Bohan) or Tudor (Alderney) to catch some lap dances.
Visit the Cabaret Club in Hove Beach (Broker), the Club in North Holland (Algonquin) or or the Comedy Club in Star Junction (Algonquin).
Throw some Darts at the Inn in Steinway (Dukes) or the one in Purgatory (Algonquin). Also works as a date.
Get sloshed and ready to call a cab in the bars in Hove Beach (Broker), Steinway (Dukes), Purgatory (Algonquin), or Hatton Gardens (Algonquin). Also works as a date.


note: sometimes your friend will NOT be able to perform their service for you.

Little Jacob - drives to your location with a trunk full of guns for you to purchase. Roman - sends a cab to pick you up and take you anywhere for free.