Playboy X

Trey Stewart AKA Playboy X, is a character in Grand Theft Auto IV. He currently runs the African-American crack cocaine ring, North Holland Hustlers.

PBX began his criminal career as a crack dealer in Liberty City, working for then crime boss Dwayne Forge. Forge ran the Hustlers at the time, controlling the majority of crack cocaine in northern Algonquin and Bohan. When Forge went to prison in the early-to-mid 1990's, PBX took over the gang and brought it to new heights.

Playboy became one of the most premier gangsters in the city, and his success bought him a nice penthouse in North Holland. Almost immediately Playboy began to turn away from the "old school" values taught by Forge and began the 21st century as a 'gangsta', favouring bling and increasing his reputation. He also sought to expand his horizons, becoming friends with cocaine empress Elizabeta Torres and following all drug deals in the city. Eventually he was introduced to Niko Bellic through a heroin deal and the two began a business relationship.

The major move between the two involved pressuring Yusuf Amir, an entrepreneur from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Amir was under intense pressure to cooperate with Mafia members trying to extort him. The mobsters were starting union troubles for Amir, but PBX believed he could move into the conflict and start a partnership by clearing out the mobsters. Niko Bellic cleared out the men in charge of the shakedown, but Amir was unresponsive. Instead of being grateful to PBX, he feared further retaliation from the Mafia and caved into their demands.

Eventually Dwayne Forge is released from prison and tensions rise almost immediately. Playboy ignores Forge and attempts to distance himself from his former mentor, leaving Forge bitter and heartbroken. Eventually Forge retakes his former base of operations, the Triangle Strip Club, back from associates of Playboy's, the Trunchez Brothers. Playboy is furious and it is clear that the beef between the former partners is going to come to a head.

In The Holland Play, Playboy X offers Niko $25,000 to kill Dwayne Forge. He alleges that Forge is talking behind his back and attempting to usurp leadership from him, even though PBX claims he offered half of the business to Forge. Subsequently, Niko is also hired by Dwayne to kill PBX after word hits the street that there is a contract out on him.

If Niko chooses to kill Dwayne, Playboy has a change of heart, upset that his mentor was killed. He blames Niko's cold-heartedness for the betrayal and severs all ties from Bellic, threatening him for his actions. Later, his answering machine even claims that "you don't know what you got until it's gone." If Niko sides with Forge, he shoots his way through PBX's penthouse and corners him on the roof, easily executing him and returning control of the gang to Forge. As a token of gratitude, Forge gives Niko the apartment Playboy once inhabited.

Playboy X claimed that his goal in life was to make enough money to support young African-American youth in Liberty City. He hoped to become a major philanthropist and community hero.

He is voiced by Postell Pringle.