Easy Fare

Revision as of 16:54, 19 July 2008 by Gboyers (talk | contribs) ({{cleanup}} + category)

Roman, seemingly overwhelmed with work, asks you to go and pick up a longtime customer of his in the taxi- a man named Jermaine- and take him to where he needs to go. Sounds simple enough, right?

Wrong, but we'll get to that. For now grab the cab from the Depot garage and drive to the marker on your GPS. As always, honk the horn to draw Jermaine over. He'll get in and ask you to take him to a lockup a few blocks away.

If you take your time in getting there, he'll lay things out in detail; there's a shipment of hot auto parts in the lockup that he's tasked with reselling, and he's basically going to enlist your help with the transportation. Niko doesn't seem to have any real problem with this, but you might in a little bit.

When you reach the lockup, Jermaine will get out and note that the door is open. It shouldn't be, and that's the first sign of trouble. Jermaine's been "stung" by the cops, and as though on cue a cruiser comes rolling up the street, sirens wailing. Jermaine panics and yells for you to get him out of here.

This is easier than in past GTA games, wherein Wanted Stars could only be removed by a Pay 'N Spray for the cost of $100. Pay 'N sprays still apply here in GTA IV, and if you're not good at dodging traffic your best bet is to make for the Broker one, just south of Overlook Park. But if you can drive fast enough, you can get outside the "effect ring" of the cops' alert- and provided you can keep any of them from spotting you while you're out of it, the heat will eventually die down. This may prove difficult, though, as much of Broker is twisty streets packed with cars.

Either way, Jermaine calms down once the heat dies off and asks that you take him home. Do so, and the mission is done.