Two more DLCs

Revision as of 06:04, 17 April 2009 by JFletcher (talk | contribs) (Reply)
Forums GTA Two more DLCs

Does anyone know if us PS3 users are going to get a some downloadable content? I heard that after the second DLC for XBOX, the PS3's going to get two DLCs. Has anyone else heard about it or got ideas for new characters? TommygunAl

Rockstar has said that DLC for the PS3 is "likely", but have not said what it will be, so I have no idea if it will be the same two, but I hope it is. What Rockstar said about DLC for the PS3 being likely has caused alot of speculation that what Microsoft has paid for is "time-exclusivity", but that they aren't telling us that so that everyone who owns a PS3 goes out and buys a 360 just for TLAD, before they find out it's coming to PS3 (and many people have done that I would guess). Personally, I own a PS3 so I hope we get it, and I don't want it to be different DLC (that would be stupid). As for what I know about TLAD, I think they did a bad job of it, and that things like weapons and vehicles exclusive to TLAD should also be added to the main game. However, If it was to come to PS3, or I owned a 360, that wouldn't stop me from buying it for other reasons (like seeing the connections to the main storyline). Biggest GTA Fan EverTalk 06:04, 17 April 2009 (UTC)