
Gambling is the wagering of money on an event with uncertain outcomes with intent to win additional money. The ability to wager money is first introduced in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City however the player had a set limit on how much he or she can bet, with only one activity, which was the Vice Street Racer. But in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas more activities were available that the player can take part in to wager money on in order to gain more money if the player wins the activity or lose the money wagered if the player loses the activity. With it's expansion in GTA San Andreas the chances of losing/winning are more probable.

Gambling Skill

The player can increase the gambling skill of Carl Johnson by spending money at the casinos. The skill increases by 1 for every $100 spent up to a maximum skill of 1000. There are certain activities that bars the player from playing due to a low gambling skill. The player can borrow money from the casino, leading to a negative money value. The amount allowed to borrow is based in how high the gambling skill is, the higher the skill the more is allowed to borrow.

Percentage Skill Level Max wager or borrow
1 Gambler $1,000
5 Professional $10,000
10 Hi-roller $100,000
100 Whale $1,000,000

Casino Activities


GTA San Andreas

GTA Chinatown Wars

Casino Activities

Name Image Description
Blackjack Blackjack is one of the activities in which the player can take part in. In-game the actual rules of the game apply except for splitting. The goal is to get as close to 21 as the player possibly can. Each two players start out with two cards. After the cards are dealt they are given the choice to either hit (receive new cards) or stand (stay with the cards in their hands). If one goes over 21 then they are bust. Acquiring a blackjack (an ace, and a card equivalent to 10) will award the player with double the payout, but if the casino gains a blackjack normal payout occurs. Receiving five cards without going over 21 still works. Also sometimes what is called a push can occur. This is when both players have the same number amount in cards. When this happens both get their money back.
Slot Machines File:Slot Machine-GTASA.jpg Slot Machines are another source of gambling. While pretty standard, the slot machines can give the player a range of currency from a small amount to a substantial amount. The price to play a certain machine can vary. The amount of money the player can attain depends on the symbols. Playing these do not increase the gambling skill.