Operation Northwood

Revision as of 21:12, 12 February 2010 by Bluesboyjr (talk | contribs)

Operation Northwood is a Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars mission given to Huang Lee by Wade Heston.


Talk to Heston for the job and then grab a car with some decent giddyup. Drive the car to the bomb shop at the northwest corner of Huang Lee]] and drive into the garage to execute a touchscreen mini-game in which you arm the car with a bomb. So equipped, drive to the new GPS destination to wait for the dealer.

The dealer hops in a car of his own and starts tear-arsing around the city. Chase after him but don't worry about trying to bash him. If you hit his car, you'll only make him angry, so keep a fair distance away (but also don't worry about him seeing you). If he gets off the top of your screen, take note of the tire marks he seems to leave behind everywhere he goes so that you can easily track his turns.

The dealer will eventually come to a stop at his warehouse. Drive your bomb-equipped car to the waypoint marked between a couple of gas tanks and then exit the car. Put some distance between you and the explosives before setting off the bomb, completing the mission.


You earn $200 from this mission.


Mission Replay description

"Heston's dealer was going to sell him out to IAD.

I chased him down and removed him, and the evidence he had against Heston."