
Revision as of 23:12, 26 October 2013 by Andreaz1 (talk | contribs) (Added script)

Complications is a mission in Grand Theft Auto V, given by Simeon Yetarian to Franklin Clinton.

Game GTA V
For Simeon Yetarian
Target Jimmy's BeeJay XL
Location Rockford Hills
Unlocks Father/Son
Unlocked by Repossession


When Franklin arrives at Premium Deluxe Motorsport, Simeon is speaking with a potential customer about a car. Shortly, Simeon tells Franklin to go to Rockford Hills to repossess the BeeJay XL recently purchased by Jimmy De Santa in an earlier mission, stating that Jimmy has failed to make his first payment. Franklin drives from the dealership to the De Santa estate, where a gardener is working. After knocking the gardener out, Franklin climbs onto the gardener's pickup to access the open bathroom window. After he sneaks past Jimmy, Tracey, Amanda and her tennis instructor, he takes Jimmy's BeeJay XL, with Michael covered up in the backseat, unbeknownst to Franklin.

After driving away from the De Santa estate, Michael emerges from the backseat, holding Franklin at gunpoint. Franklin attempts to explain the situation to Michael; however, Michael demands that Franklin drive to his intended destination, the dealership. Shortly before arriving at Premium Deluxe Motorsport, Michael tells Franklin to drive the SUV into the front window. After crashing the SUV into the showroom, Simeon demands an explanation from Franklin, after of which the game switches automatically to Michael, who then proceeds to beat up Simeon. Simeon fires Franklin shortly after this mission.

Upon completing the mission, the game will explain to the player that certain missions are only available to certain protagonists, with Michael's missions highlighted in blue and Franklin's in green. The number in each character's section of the selection wheel represents the number of missions currently available to that character. The player can then choose to continue as Michael or switch back to Franklin.


(Franklin arrives at the showroom. Simeon is accusing a potential customer of being racist.)

Simeon Yetarian: You're a racist.

Customer: Wh-what?

Simeon Yetarian: You don't like me because you think that I am an Arab.

Customer: What? No! What are you talking about?

(Simeon notices that Franklin has arrived.)

Customer: It's nothing like that, wait!

Simeon Yetarian: Excuse me.

Customer: No wait, I...

Simoen Yetarian: That boy, I am his mentor.

(Now speaking to Franklin.)

Simeon Yetarian: I am so proud of you.

Franklin Clinton: What do you mean, a mentor?

Simeon Yetarian: Don't worry about that.

Franklin Clinton: Okay, so what you got for me?

Simeon Yetarian: James De Santa. Some kid, he is already late on his payments and I have this bad feeling that he will do more damage to the car than we can get back from him in the exorbitant interest rate payments. Just go and get it. The house is on... Hampstead, off Eclipse. It's an SUV. Some Rockford Hills daddy's boy nonsense. Don't worry about it, try to bring the car back in good condition, huh?

Franklin Clinton: I gotcha, don't worry about it.

Simeon Yetarian: It's so good to see you, my boy. Good luck in... Law school.

(As Franklin leaves, Simeon turns his attention back to his customer.)

Simeon Yetarian: So, Mr. Kenneth, were we at financing?

(En route to the De Santa residence, Franklin receives a phone call from Simeon.)

Franklin Clinton: Eh, did you change your mind?

Simeon Yetarian: When I discover that you betray me, perhaps. I hear you took the bike for yourself, my Employee of the Month!

Franklin Clinton: Listen, man, me and Lamar was gonna get that back to you, dog.

Simeon Yetarian: Oh, I am sure! You will get this car off the Daddy's boy, and then we talk. Insurance papers say they have a locked garage, so you'll need to gain access from inside the house.

Franklin Clinton: Man, it's never easy with you, is it, Simeon?

Simeon Yetarian: Do not talk to me about easy, you thief!

(Franklin arrives and is about to climb in through an open window when he can hear arguing from inside.)

Jimmy De Santa: Just 'cause you got a massive gaper, bitch.

Tracey De Santa: You fucking homo. You're dead. Dad, he said I had a massive... Jimmy called me a bitch!

(Franklin is sneaking through the house, Jimmy is playing a videogame.)

Jimmy De Santa: He tried to knife attack me! No one creeps on the J-dog, my niggas!

(Downstairs, Amanda is talking to her tennis instructor.)

Amanda De Santa: Thank you, coach.

(After retrieving the car, Franklin calls Simeon while on his way back to the showroom.)

Franklin Clinton: Eh, Simeon, I got the ride, man. I'm coming back.

Simeon Yetarian: If you actually bring the repossession to me this time, I can have it back out on the street before the day is done.

(Michael, who unbeknown to Franklin was in the car all along, emerges from the rear seat and holds Franklin at gunpoint.)

Michael De Santa: That's a nine millimeter semi-automatic pushed against your skull. Don't look around. You just keep driving where you're going.

Franklin Clinton: Hey, come on, man, this was a repo job. Guy was behind on his fuckin' note.

Michael De Santa: Unlikely, considering my son just got the car. And looking at the way you're going about this, my guess, you're working a credit fraud.

Franklin Clinton: A credit fraud? Be serious, dude, I just work the fuckin' repos.

Michael De Santa: I appreciate a kid who follows orders without taking responsibility. Yeah, maybe one day we'll have a beer, and I'll explain how the world really works. Who gives you the slip?

Franklin Clinton: A car dealer, dog, by the name of Simeon Yetarian.

Michael De Santa: So this businessman, he look legit to you?

Franklin Clinton: Look, man, it's just between him and your fucking son.

Michael De Santa: Don't worry. Me and Mr. Yetarian, we'll work this out. That the place?

Franklin Clinton: Yeah, that's the place, man. Whoa.

Michael De Santa: Drive into it. Right through the fucking window, and fast. Or I'll put two rounds in the back of your skull, and do it myself.

Franklin Clinton: Man, you can't be for real?

Michael De Santa: I look like a fucking joke to you?

Franklin Clinton: Man... Fuck my life, man. Fuck it.

(Franklin picks up speed, aiming the car at the dealership window.)

Michael De Santa: Let's go!

(The car rams through the window.)

Franklin Clinton: Shitty situations, dog.

Simeon Yetarian: Franklin! What the fuck are you doing?

Franklin Clinton: Mr. Simeon... It's not exactly how it looks.

(Michael hands some cash over to Franklin.)

Michael De Santa: I always trump big for a job well done. Now get out of here, kid.

Simeon Yetarian: You motherfucker!

(In the ensuing fist fight between Michael and Simeon.)

Simeon Yetarian: What is wrong with you?

(Michael pins Simeon up against Jimmy's car.)

Michael De Santa: You recognize this car? Huh? Does it look like it's worth five grand a month to you?

Simeon Yetarian: You fucking racist...

(Michael slams Simeon with the car door.)

Michael De Santa: I'll tell ya something, this thing's gonna need some serious bodywork before it's worth five grand a month.

(Michael hits him with the car door again, then grips him in a head lock.)

Simeon Yetarian: He agreed to financing, I have his signature.

Michael De Santa: Yeah? Did he agree to have some punk break into my fucking house?

Simeon Yetarian: I don't know.

Michael De Santa: That kid might be a fucking idiot, but you are a fraudulent scumbag piece of shit.

(Michael throws Simeon onto the floor.)

Michael De Santa: Don't make me have to come back here.

Secondary objectives

Objective Description
Time Complete the mission within 5 minutes.
Can't Touch This As Michael, do not take any damage from the fistfight with Simeon.
Dirt Nap As Franklin, knock the gardener out with a stealth attack.

Video Walkthrough

Xbox 360 Version - GTASeriesVideos
