Mr and Mrs Bellic/Script

Pre mission phone calls

Roman: Niko, I'm getting married tomorrow. Can you believe it? Make sure you get lots of beauty sleep. You need to be at the church at 10am though.

Niko: Sure Roman, I'll see you at the church. I'm looking forward to it.

Roman: Niko, where are you? I'm at the church now! I'm getting married. This cannot happen without my best man.

Niko: Don't worry, Roman. I'm on my way.

Roman: Thank you, cousin. Remember to wear some nice clothes. I want you looking good for the happiest day of my life.

Dialogue (Deal)

Brucie: Alright, time to preen like a peacock.

Roman: Look at you in those fancy clothes, Niko. Trying to upstage the groom on his wedding day? Let's get me married.

(Everyone walks into the church)

Preacher: I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.

(Mallorie and Roman kiss)

Mallorie: Mwah!

Roman: Ah man, yes I did it!

Crowd: Wonderful, wonderful...

(Everyone walks outside)

Crowd: Yay! Yeah!

Niko: Congratulations cousin!

Mallorie: Mwah!

Roman: Alright! Yes... Thank you. Thank you all for coming! Yes! Okay!

(As everyone cheers, a man in a dark suit walks up behind Niko)

Assassin: Niko Bellic?

Niko: Yes?

Assassin: A gift form Dimitri Rascalov.

(The assassin puts a gun to Niko but he struggles with him, firing several shots off before eventually turning the gun on the hitman and killing him)

Bernie: Ah! Oh my God!

Mallorie: Ahhh! Roman... no!

Little Jacob: Bumbaclot.

(After seeing that a shot from the gun killed Roman, Niko shoots the gun into the corpse of the hitman and begins kicking it)

Little Jacob: Yo, yo, yo... Niko, Niko, Niko. Calm down man, calm down man. Easy, easy.

Niko: He told me to leave it. I left it!

Little Jacob: Niko, Niko, get up man, get up man, get up.

Niko: Ohh... oh, man!

Little Jacob: Gotta get you outta here now, police dem soon come. Don't worry, man, me find Dimitri me call you. Leave!

Niko: Okay.

Mallorie: No!

(Niko awakens to his alarm clock in his Bohan safehouse)

Roman: Roman. I'm so sorry, cousin.

(Niko then receives a text message from Little Jacob)

Rhaatid, Niko. Be strong, sight? I going to find this bumbaclot! You need fe get some hardcore weapons and ting while you waiting for me call. I ain't got my car or I'd bring them to you. Easy - LJ

Dialogue (Revenge)

(Niko calls Kate)

Niko: Hey, Kate. I took your advice. I cut my connections with that man.

Kate: I'm really proud of you, Niko. It must have been really hard to turn down the money and stick to your principles.

Niko: Well it was the right thing to do. Are you coming to Roman's wedding?

Kate: Can you pick me up and take me there? I'll be at my ma's.

Niko: See you soon.

(If Niko doesn't have a car)

Kate: Can you get us a car?

(If Niko picks up Kate while he is wearing anything besides a suit with smart shoes)

Kate: Oh, I didn't realize it was going to be such a casual service. Shall we go to the church?

(If Niko picks up Kate while he is wearing a suit and smart shoes)

Kate: Thanks for coming to get me. You're looking really nice. Shall we go to the church?

(Niko begins to drive to the church)

Kate: So?

Niko: So... what?

Kate: So... this is weird.

Niko: Why is this weird?

Kate: Because I'm going to the wedding of a couple I've never met with a man I barely know.

Niko: Okay, maybe it is weird, but maybe it isn't. I feel like I want to get to know you properly. I have tied up a lot of loose ends in this city recently. I feel like it's time to move on, start living my life right.

Kate: But you're a tough guy with a death wish. A thieving, murdering, drug dealing idiot. Do you just think you can just walk away from all that?

Niko: I can try.

Kate: Good luck, Niko. I really hope you can walk away. But, do you think the men you've dealt with will just let you leave and walk into the sunset?

Niko: They will have to.

Kate: I thought that when you do the work that you do, that people get their hooks into you. And then there's no way out.

Niko: I was good once, I was a normal kid who got sucked into a war he didn't believe and forced to watch his friends die. Forced to do things he did not want to do in order to survive. If I can get pulled into this world I can pull myself out. I have tried to make the right choices, to surround myself with good people rather than bad ones. Good people like you. That has to count for something.

Kate: Tell me, have these good people been hurt by what you've had to do? Has your cousin been caught up in your mad life?

Niko: Maybe you're right, Roman has been hurt. He has lost a lot because of me. Someone without his good naturedness and optimism would have been broken by what has happened to him. I am lucky that he is still happy to be part of my family. The one family I have in this city...

Kate: He might be your only family, but he's not the only one who cares about you, Niko.

Niko: Really?

Kate: Don't be stupid. I'm not coming to this wedding for the free nibbles. I'm coming because of you. Because... no matter how stupid I think this is, I'm willing to take a chance on you. Willing to take a chance on the possibility that you can walk away from the craziness. That there is a real human being under all that hardness. The rational half of me says get away from him - protect yourself. But the other half says he's good, he can be redeemed.

Niko: Well, which half are you going to listen to?

Kate: I'm Irish, Niko. We're a people known for strong whiskey, mystics and Catholicism. Rational blood doesn't flow through these veins.

Niko: You won't regret this, Kate. I'll look after you. I'll protect you.

(If Niko shows up in clothing besides a suit and smart shoes)

Roman: Niko, what are you doing? I told you to dress up. We will wait. Go and change, quickly.

Kate: I'll wait for you here, Niko. I'd like to get to know the groom.