Myths in GTA San Andreas

There are many myths regarding the large world in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Only couple of them really exist, while some were denied by developer Rockstar Games, and the rest can not be proved or disproved. Most of these myths are either misconceptions (thinking a shadow/tree is bigfoot) or made up. Here is a currently up-to-date-list of all allegded myths.


Bigfoot in GTA San Andreas?

Bigfoot is the most commonly cited myth from GTA San Andreas. Please see the full Bigfoot article for more information about it.

Loch Ness monster

The legend of Loch Ness monster was also one of the first to emerge. It was believed, that Nessie appears in the Fisher's lagoon, one of few lakes accessible by player at the very beginning of the game. Like many other myths, this had a strong support back in 2005, but completely lacks any evidence and even in-game references which classes this myth as fake. It was confirmed later by Rockstar Spokesman that Nessie myth is fake. The scan of the interview can be found half way down the page.

Rusty wheelchair

File:Sa wheelchair3.jpg
The infamous wheelchair, taken from

There's an abondoned wheel chair at the end of the wharf in Fisher's Lagoon. There's also a waste skip in San Andreas world carrying the same text, "Skip hire". The wheel chair was believed by many to be a reference to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, as one of the youths in this movie is in a wheel chair, but actually it is the same wheel chair that can be seen in the start of the Rockstar game Manhunt.The pedestrian dialog can be heard in Palomino Creek:

- Have you seen this disabled person chair moving?

- No, have you?

- Neither have I, bye-bye!

Some people see timings on the front wheels of the chair and assume that something is ough to happen at those times. The "mystery of the chair" was never solved in the standard GTA game, and it is believed the chair doesn't carry any hidden meaning. Although, when two members of GTAForums have launched their own competition called GTA Treasurehunt, the last mission there included solving the wheelchair mystery. The lake was filled up with rocks and stones and the dead body was floating in the middle.


Jaws is the name given to sharks in GTA San Andreas. It has been in debate wheather or not they are really dolphins. Many people claim that they were eaten or stabbed to death while swimming. Those who do not believe in this myth usually blame the oxygen level which some people tend to forget to watch sometimes. There were many videos and pictures featuring the shark and CJ, quite often - under the Gant bridge. However, all cases of the shark's appearance were described in a different way, which made people believe that all those stories are made up. Up to now, it is believed that sharks are not present in GTA: San Andreas; if the dolphins are supposed to be sharks, they do not attack the player in any case.

There is a shark model in game's data files, which makes this myths pretty pausible, although many people claim that this model is the shark that appears in the sea in GTA Vice City or is Steve Scott's robotic shark from Interglobal Studios.


UFO myth appeared quite early in the game and though it is not so popular at the moment, there still are people looking for it.

It is believed that the myth originated when the restricted zone was discovered. The only mission which involves entering Area 69 involves the player to invade the place, find and steal secret project - Jetpack. The suden appearance of CJ in a secured place causes havoc and confusion; the internal radio is heard warning staff (not exact quotation):

- Would the personnel working with the alien's body put it away.

This line made some people believe that there is indeed alien presence in GTA. However, there is no evidence of any aliens or flying saucers in the game. The only known UFO is the one spinning near the Area 69 where the Lil' Prob Inn is located.

The map from the Lil' Prob Inn and Toreno's ranch

That Inn has started multiple specualtions about possibles places where UFO can be seen - if you go down the back behind the couter you will see a small room with radio transmitter, computer and a map on the wall with 11 dots on it. Four dots are believed to be the pins, while other seven look like they are marks on the map. The same map is located at the Toreno's ranch which made people believe that he is somehow connected with the aliens. Nothing suspicious has been found regarding the map. It is believed that it is there only for decorative purposes and to create the athmosphere. There are some pictures on the walls in the bar itself - some of the feature San Andreas locations with UFO seen on the sky, while other are real-life picture (e.g. one has got Orthodox church domes on it - it suggests that the picture was taken in real-life city of Moscow).

WCTR radio station mentiones that residents of the Bone County have reported seeing lights over the desert. According to WCTR, the goverment blames water supplies.

Truth, the hippy CJ meets later in the game, also speaks about "Them... Who can't control our minds" and "Snake-headed aliens who run oil business". As oil refenery is located near Area 69 it believed that there is more chances to see the UFO over the desert rather than anywhere else in the game.

On of the missions CJ does for Toreno involves entering the cargo plane Andromada, killing the crew and destroying it. As you do it, you notice that crew (people dressed in black as some aliens did in the Men In Black film) refer to the player as "Carbon based buffoon... evolved from shrews". These phrases are the only clue that made some people believe that they are aliens from the galaxy of Andromeda.

Mr Hat Mr Trenchcoat - || - || - ||

Big Ear - will be added

Door in the sky

Puerta amarilla valley.

Ghost cars

The only 'myth' which is proved to exist. These are broken cars which spawn in the countryside areas of San AndreasIf they spawn on a slope, they roll down it as if they're being driven.

CJ mum's ghost

Scan of Mr Donovan's interview for EGM Magazine, proving that the ghost doesn't exist

The myth has started when so-called "ghost graffity" was discovered at Los Santos cemetery. Many people were claiming that there is CJ mom's ghost that appears in the kitchen/living room of his house in Ganton every midnight. Sometimes the time varied - it had to be Haloween on computer's clock, or it has to be Friday in the game. Some were saying that the ghost appears in the cemetery under same or similar conditions. However, nobody has claimed that they have seen the ghost, neither there are any pictures or videos showing anything the even remotely resembles Beverly Johnson. Furthermore, Rockstar have officially declined it's exsistence.

Girl from TV

One frame from so-called Girl from TV video showing CJ and the dark figure

This myth is also the one that did not get much support and also the one that very small backup behind it - in fact, it all has started with the video uploaded on Youtube in 2006, featuring CJ in his living room and looking around when the black girl appears from the television in the corner and dissapears a second later. There were no other proves or even spoofes of this girl, it is believed that it is either a glitch when a ped was spawn by mistake and was removed by the game immediately or it was a mod for PC version of GTA. The dark figure looks very much more like a homeless pedestrian from San Fierro which has "God is playing with us!" sign on his front - there was even a video on Youtube comparing both TV girl and the tramp pictures. Currently, the myth is remembered occasionally, usually with an ironic purpose as there isn't any proof of the girl's existence apart from the short blurred video.

Horses in Las Barrancas

The reference to horses can be found on the Rockstar web-site, on the Tierra Robada bit of map. When you move your cursor over the Las Barrancas icon, the following text can be seen at the bottom of the map:

A quaint desert town steeped in local history, home to preserved Hopi ruins and the terrible setting of the Barrancas Mass Grave. In 1842, the 66th Cavalry, under the comand of Colonel Henry Bolt, was stationed in nearby Fort Carson when they answered a call for help from homesteaders under attack from bandits. Riding to the rescue, the whole force fell down a hole. It is said that the sound of a hundred horses can be heard riding through the town at midnight...

Though it is not much speculated myth, some people spent some time, trying to hear the sound of horses at midnight, but failed to do so. It is unclear, which hole was mentioned in the legend and whether it still exists. So far no evidence have been found about presence of any type of anomaly in Las Barrancas.

Screenshot showing the legend of Las Barrancas

Panopticon Killer/Leatherface/Chainsaw Killer

Serial Killer

He is the guy, dressed in all black. He can be seen around Fort Carson and is believed to live in a remote hut in Tierra Robada.

Epsilon cult


  • Fan-site, covering Epsilon, Leatherface and some other myths [1]
  • Official Epsilon site, maintained by Rockstar [2]
  • Chezh web-site with many screenshots of UFO [3]