
The Sabre GT, my preferred mode of transport in GTA. I know I've blatantly stolen this from elsewhere on the site, but I love this car. I mean, just look at it, it's a work of art.

Personal Information

Real Name Leigh Burne

Age 21

Hometown Chipperfield, England

Occupation University student

About Me I'm a student, so obviously I waste a whole load of my life playing computer games. Otherwise I spend my time buried with coursework or out around town with mates. I'm a particular fan of the TimeSplitters games, but almost anything involving shooting and/or driving is ok in my books.

Best game ever? Possibly Perfect Dark on the N64. Oldschool but never really bettered.

Grand Theft Auto

Favourite GTA game I'd say it would have to be Vice City, the whole feel and theme of that game is perfect. Damn I wish I'd been around in the 80s.

Favourite GTA character Tommy Vercetti.

Favourite GTA weapon AR-15 aka Carbine Rifle.

Favourite GTA feature GTA IV's ragdoll physics, they never fail to crack me up.

Other Stuff

Movies Action, crime, thrillers... Aliens is easily my favourite all-time flick. Closely followed by Transformers; brilliant no-brainer entertainment.

TV Miami Vice, a few other crime dramas; the darker the better. And though it shames me to say it, Hollyoaks. (I'm a student - it goes with ther territory.)

Music Rock, mostly 80s stuff, none of this modern emo crap. Queen is easily my pick of the crop. But I like a lot of stuff, from Dire Straits to Metallica.

Books Crime thrillers or war non-fiction. Or something darkly comic.

Video Games GTA, duh. Timesplitters is awesome as well. And I've gotta mention again the masterpiece that is Perfect Dark on the N64.

Magazines Tend not to waste my money, but FHM if I'm going on a raod trip or something. Hey, I'm a guy.

Snacks Depends what mood I'm in but probably Chinese.

Drinks Anything with booze in it. Seriously, depends what I feel like.