Heathcliff Waterstreet

Heathcliff Waterstreet is a homosexual theif originally from Las Venturas but now living in Algonquin with his partner Gavin Finkle in the loft his grandmother left them. He is said to be a heavy drug user and as a result has lost all his hair and teeth forcing him to wear dentures and a wig. He has been arrested six times; in 1992 for possesion of methamphetamines, in 1994 for grand larceny, In 1998 for Identity theft again in 2001 for posession of Methamphetamines, In 2005 for Fraud and finally in 2006 for Burgalry and illegal entree with intent. He is also said to be banned from Hercules for trying to disassemble the speaker system. According to the LCPD database he is often picked up stealing from mailboxes around Purgatory, Star Junction and Westminster.