Tunnel of Death/Script


Derrick: Alright, boy?

Niko: Yes... good.

Derrick: How do you do it? I went into a situation full of optimism, full of naivete... I got burnt. Look at me... like smack on a fucking spoon.

Niko: Well...

Derrick: How do you manage?

Niko: I don't know that I got off so lightly.

Derrick: We all got our demons... Aiden O'Malley.

Niko: What about Aiden O'Malley?

Derrick: I heard he's being moved. Maybe this is our time... put all this crap to bed... get off the drugs... live with the memories! Aiden's being moved by van from the bacon factory, where he's been talking shit about me, back to the Alderney State Correctional Facility. Please, Niko, boy... just this last one... please?

Niko: Sure, Derrick.

Derrick: You and me, we're the same. The same. The, the same... we're the same...


(Patrick calls Niko)

Patrick: Niko, I hear my brother Derrick is asking you to ice his old drinking buddy, Aiden O'Malley?

Niko: Yeah, he has, what's the big deal?

Patrick: O'Malley is in government custody. He's got more police protection that the mayor. I left a truck with a rocket launcher in it for ya in an alley, off of Applewhite in Alderney City.

Niko: A truck with a rocket launcher in it? What am I meant to do with them?

Patrick: Who knows? Anyway, the convoy with O'Malley in it has to go through the Booth Tunnel. You're gonna get there first and block the road with your truck. I'm gonna come in from the rear and block 'em that way. Pick up the truck and gimme a call.

(Niko gets the truck and calls Patrick)

Niko: Alright, I've got the truck.

Patrick: When we have them blocked in, we take down the escort and make off with the prisoner.

Niko: Why don't we just kill the fucker there and then?

Patrick: That's probably what Derrick would have told you to do in his smacked out state. Problem is, he's the first one they'd talk to if that happened. We got to make this look like a prison break. Great. They're leaving the old cop show now, should be at the Booth Tunnel soon.

(Niko goes to the tunnel and blocks the convoy's route and calls Patrick)

Niko: I'm in position, Packie.

Patrick: Alright, man. We're coming to ya. Take out the escort but keep Derrick's pal alive.

(The convoy drives through the tunnel and sees Niko's truck)

LCPD: What's this jerk think he's doin'? Hey Mitch, can you find out what this guy's up to?

(An LCPD officer walks up to the truck)

LCPD: Come on, buddy you're going to have to move this thing.


LCPD: Hey Buddy, get this thing outta the road, will you?

LCPD: Hey buddy, we're gonna need you to move this thing.

(If Niko stalls)

LCPD: I think we might have a problem here.


LCPD: I got a bad feeling about this.

Patrick: Get rid of the escort, Niko. Come on.

Patrick: Come on, Niko. Take 'em down.

Patrick: Go, Niko, go! Get these fuckers!

LCPD: They're making a play for the prisoner. Defend the Stockade.

(Patrick and Niko begin fighting the LCPD and NOOSE)

Patrick: Alright man, get these guys, will ya?

Patrick: Bring them down, Niko.

Patrick: Clear the area for us, Niko.

Patrick: Fuck, boys. I ain't doing too good over here.

Patrick: Fucking get rid of these guys, Niko.

Patrick: I'm getting screwed here, boys.

Patrick: I need you to clear the area for us, Niko.

Patrick: Shit, Niko. They're all over me.

Patrick: Take them guys down, Niko.

Patrick: This ain't my idea of fun, boys. Would ya give me a hand?

LCPD: Don't let them get this perp outta here.

LCPD: We ain't letting this one get away.

LCPD: They ain't gonna break this perp out on our watch.

(They kill the escort)

Patrick: Alright, Niko. You're driving the van.

Patrick: Drive the van, Niko. I'll handle the prisoner.

(Niko and Patrick gets in the Stockade)

Niko: We need to lose this van, Packie. The cops'll be looking for it.


Niko: We got to ditch this truck. It don't exactly blend in.

Niko: Okay, man. First thing we gotta do is dump this prison van. Cops'll be looking.

(The three drive to a quite location)

Niko: Okay, there's a car. You're not free yet, asshole. Get in that car!

Patrick: Alright, Niko. Now that we lost 'em we gotta go out to the cliffs in Leftwood.

(The three get in a car and Niko starts to drive to Leftwood)

Aiden: The cliffs of Leftwood them. Is there a boat coming or something? Where am I going?

Patrick: You're going to a faraway place, my friend.

Aiden: Damn right, somewhere the cops'll never find me.

Patrick: Nobody's going to find you where you're going, friend.

Aiden: Shit, I don't even know who sent you guys. Who do I got to thank for springing me from the joint?

Patrick: We're doing this on behalf of an old acquaintance of yours.

Aiden: I knew I wasn't forgotten about. I knew that no matter how long I rotted in there, people on the outside world still remember me.

Patrick: People remember you alright. You're at the front of certain people's minds.

Aiden: Well, who is it? Not Julia? She stopped writing and coming on visiting days but I could tell she was still thinking of me. I knew it.

Patrick: You'll find out who it was when we get there. In the mean time, shut the hell up buddy!

Aiden: Alright friend, thank you.

(The three arrive at the cliffs)

Patrick: Out you come, old boy.

Aiden: The cliffs... the sea air... I really am free. I could cry. You've made me a happy man, boys. Now it's time to tell me who asked you to do this.

Patrick: Derrick McReary? He's my brother.

Aiden: Derrick? But he ratted me out. He's the reason I ended up in that place to start with, the spineless...

Patrick: So you thought you'd talk about him? He's my brother, and guys like you are killin' him! Niko, get rid of dear old Aiden...

(Patrick leaves)

Aiden: Shit, I thought I was out. I thought I was liberated.

Aiden: Fucking Derrick Mc-fucking-Reary.

Aiden: Derrick fucking set me up in the first place.

Aiden: Why? Why? Why, in God's name, why?

Aiden: I don't wan to die. I've been rotting in prison for years. I don't want to die.

Aiden: Please, I just want to be free.

Aiden: He's a rat. Derrick McReary. Always has been always will be.

(Niko kills Aiden)

Post mission phone call

Niko: Aiden is dead.

Derrick: That's the end of a chapter. I can close the book on a whole lot of my past now Niko. Thanks. Maybe a clean break is in order. A fresh beginning.

Niko: Good luck to you.

Failing the mission