The Job

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The Job
Game GTA Vice City
For Tommy Vercetti
Target El Banco Corrupto Grande
Location The Malibu Club
Reward $50000 and Bank Job Outfit
Unlocks Missions for Phil Cassidy

The Job is the last mission in the asset missions for The Malibu Club.



It's time to pull off the Bank Job for which you've gathered a team. You will drive there, you and Phil Cassidy will hold off the place, Cam Jones will unlock the safe, take the money and Hilary King will drive you away from there to the HQ.

The Mission

Time to pull off the bank job. This mission is split in three parts:

1) The Raid: Get inside the Taxi with Cam Jones, Phil Cassidy and Hilary King, then drive to El Banco Corrupto Grande. Park on the purple marker and get out of the car, Hilary will then take the Taxi and drive around the block until you get out. Head for the other purple marker and you will put on the Bank Job clothes, then get in the bank.

You will see a cutscene where you, Phil and Cam hold off the place, then Phil will take over while you escort Cam to the safe. When you go up the office stairs, you will come into an office room, be careful, since two guards will appear, one from the Security Room, and another from the manager's office, kill them and move on. Now you will be in a hall which overlooks the main part of the bank. There are two more guards here, shoot them. Now move on and get in the elevator, then you will get off in the vault floor, get in the vault room and shoot the guard in there.

Cam now needs the manager's key code to open the safe, go downstairs the way you came and enter the manager's office, you will aim your gun at the manager and he will follow you, take him upstairs with Cam and he'll start opening the safe, now you will have to go check on Phil. Go back the way you came and when you get to the overlooking hall, a guard will pull the security alarm and the SWAT will know about the raid!

2) SWAT Showdown: Ready yourself and go downstairs, position yourself on the purple marker. A cutscene will ensue, then the SWAT will storm the place through the roof and throw smoke bombs. Open fire at which ever target you see, but be careful, if you shoot Phil, the mission's over, but don't worry about Cam, if he gets killed, just pick up the briefcase with the money.

Actually it's better if you kill Cam, since if you finish him, you won't have to wait for him to get in the Taxi during the getaway. When the SWAT guys are dead, get some armor and health from the security room and the manager's office and then get out of the bank.

3) The Getaway: After a brief cutscene, Hilary will arrive with the getaway Taxi, but he will get killed by SWAT Men. So now, get in the Taxi and wait for Phil to get in, then drive through the Enforcer truck blockade and drive to the nearby Pay'N'Spray, then get in and lose your wanted stars. Now just slowly drive to the HQ and park inside the garage, then a small dialogue will take place and the mission is complete!


This is the dialogue for the mission if Cam get's killed:

(The Malibu, Tommy Vercetti, Ken Rosenberg, Phil Cassidy and Hilary King).

Tommy: As you can see, gentlemen. This going to be the easiest buck we ever made.

Ken: Tommy, seriously, you gotta consider going into law.

Phil: Tommy, what the hell are you smoking, man? This ain't no simple plan! Well, who needs a simple plan anyway? Take comunism. Now that was a simple plan, didn't do Russia any favors, huh?

Tommy: Calm down, all right? With a team like this it's going to be no problem. We got Cam on safe. Phil? You and me will handle security, and Hilary'll drive the getaway car.

Ken: Uh heh heh, aren't you forgetting somebody? Somebody who helped you to no end in this town? Somebody who...

Tommy: Ken...Ken, that's right. Ken here, he washes the money for us and he keeps the drinks on ice.

Hilary: I don't understand what I am supposed to be doing here.

Tommy: Look, it's easy. Haven't you ever seen a movie? We walk into the bank, we wave the gun around, and we leave very rich men.

(Outside The Malibu, Tommy and Hilary).

Tommy: I'll drive.

Hilary: Great. A passanger. Wait 'till I tell the group about this.

(The Cab, Tommy, Cam and Hilary).

Cam: Tommy, Hilary's taking up too much room!

Hilary: I am not!

Cam: Are too!

Tommy: Hey, shut up you two or you can get out and walk!

Cam: Yeah - HILARY!

Tommy: For god's sake, Phil, stop waving that thing around!

(Outside the Bank, Tommy and Hilary).

Tommy: Keep driving around the block, Okay?

Hilary: Okay, Tommy, Okay.

Tommy: Alright guys, Nice and easy, just like we planned.

(The Bank, Tommy and Phil.)


Phil: Wiclo, roger that!

Tommy: Come on Cam, the vault's upstairs.

(The Vault, Cam and Tommy).

Cam: Damn! It's a Flange 9000! This could take hours to crack. Or five minutes if you could find the manager.

Tommy: I'll go find where he's holed up.

(Overlook Hall, Tommy and Phil).

Tommy: Phil, things still sweet?

Phil: Sure, everything's real quiet.

(The Manager's Office, Tommy and The Manager).

Tommy: You- You're coming with me!

Manager: OK! OK! Just don't shoot!

(Vault, Tommy, Cam and The Manager).

Manager: It's on a time lock. You might as well give up now.

Cam: Hell, I can bypass he time lock, then we just need your key code and we're good.

Tommy: Stay here. You try anything, and you're dead! I'll go check on Phil, I'll be right back.

(Overlook Hall, Phil).

Phil:I told you not to touch that alarm! The SWAT Team will be here any minute. I could do with some help here, Tommy!

(The Bank, SWAT Man, Phil, Cam and Tommy).

SWAT Man: Vice City SWAT! You are completely surrounded!

Phil: Surrounded? Hahahahaha! They're crapping themselves, corrupt bastards!

Cam: TOMMY! The vault's open.

Tommy: OK, we got the SWAT retirement fund! Let's get out of here.

SWAT Man: OK! You asked for it! You've had your last chance!

Phil: They're storming the place! Take cover!

(Tommy, Phil and Cam have a shootout against the SWAT, in which all SWAT men are defeated, but Cam is killed too.)

Phil: That's the last of them! GO, GO, GO!

(Outside the Bank, Tommy, Phil, Cam and Hilary).

Phil: Shit! Where's Hilary? I'll give him abandonment issues!

(Hillary arrives with the getaway Cab.)

Hilary: Hey guys! Get in! I got you covered!

(Hillary shoot down some SWAT Men, but is eventually shot dead.)

(HQ, Phil and Tommy, fi Cam Jones died).

Phil: We made it! We're rich! RICH! Too bad about Cam though, he was a good guy.

Tommy: Yeah, well in the end. More money for us!

Phil:'You got that right!

(HQ, Phil, Kent Paul, Mercedes, Phil, Tommy and Cam Jones, if he survived the onslaught of gunfire

Mercedes: Tommy. Would you like a massage?

Tommy: Well. Hi there Mercedes. Yeah, I'm a little tense...

Kent Paul: What'd I tell you Tommy! What'd I tell you! Bent SWAT better watch out when Kent Paul is in town! Come on, gimme a bigger slice, c'mon. I gotta get some new threads.

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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City missions
Preceded by: Followed by:
The Driver 'The Job' Gun Runner