
Revision as of 15:00, 1 January 2008 by gtw>Jim-jam 123
The minigun in use by CJ at Las Venturas airport

One of the most powerful weapons in GTA. The minigun is based on General Electric's M61 Vulcan Cannon , the mainstay gun for the US military's aircrafts. It has an insane rate of fire and can annihilate most vehicles in almost less than a second around a certain radius. In Vice City, the minigun was perfect for mowing down targets level with the player, however, it could not be aimed manually. Instead, it shot upwards automatically to e.g. helicopters, similar to the Rhino. In San Andreas, thanks to the new aiming system, the minigun could be pointed in any direction, making shooting higher targets much easier. It is almost 100% accurate as there is no recoil, but it can't lock on to a target.

Locations: San Andreas

  • On top of the southern arc of the Kincaird Bridge.
  • Inside Mike Toreno's ranch after completing all his missions (along with the flamethrower and rocket launchers)
  • On the bottom-most level of an underground parking garage in northeast Las Venturas
  • On top of some scaffolding in the building site in South Las Venturas (jetpack needed, unless you're skilled at jumping and climbing)
  • Inside the restricted area 69 labs in an control room. If you enter the resticted area into the underground (you get an 5 star wanted level) you can explore till you find it .In the black project mission you get to go there and not be having a wanted level unfortunatly there will be high security ,search lights & military personal with M-4 carbines & 9mm pistols.