Katie Zhan

Revision as of 15:06, 18 August 2006 by (talk)
The lovely Katie Zahn

Katie Zhan is one of Carl Johnson's optional girlfriends. She is a nurse who also spends her spare time at San Fierro's karate dojo. She appears in the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Due to her health-concious image, she eats at diners but avoids fast food restaurants. She is also homophobic and doesn't like it when the player drives by the Queens gay and lesbian district. Ms. Zhan also likes the shoreline and becomes happy when the player drives by the area. If the player desires to kill her off, she is the easiest to kill with a submachine gun while drive-by shooting on a motorcycle. 100% progress will give the player the ability to keep his weapons and money after becoming wasted, a form of universal healthcare not found in other Grand Theft Auto games.