The Shoreside Redemption

Revision as of 23:39, 27 May 2008 by gtw>Kglman
The Shoreside Redemption
Game GTA Liberty City Stories
For Salvatore Leone
Target Saving Salvatore Leone.
Location LCPD Central
Reward $4000

The Shoreside Redemption is the before to last mission in the game Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. Its name is taken from the prison film based on the short story by Stephen King: The Shawshank Redemption.



Salvatore is going to finally go to court for his links to organized crime, however, since Toni killed Paulie Sindacco, the only witness to the assasination in which Salvatore took part, they have no evidence against him. But the Sicilian Mafia don't want Salvatore to be a free man, so they'll probably attack him while he's being transported to court, so Sal wants you to get a police car and protect him while he's being taken to court.

The Mission

Once you are done talking to Salvatore, steal one of the squad cars outside and drive over to the marker. After that, Salvatore will be pulled out of his cell by two cops and will get placed in a Securicar outside, the caravan, fromed by a squad car, the Securicar with Sal and you will take off.

Now you will have to drive through the streets, but when you aarrive to Cochrane Dam, The Sicilians will attack you while driving Cheetas and destroy the lead squad car, then the Securicar will turn around and start heading the other way. A Damage bar will appear on the side of the screen and if the bar fills up, then the Securicar containing Sal explodes. Your mission is to fend of the Sicilians while the Securicar drives through the districts of Francis International Airport, Shoreside Vale and Belleville Park until it finally makes it to the Liberty City Court House.

When the Securicar arrives to court, Salvatore enters the court and is declared not guilty. Salvatore tells you that he's going to his houseand tells you to meet him there in a while to see what to do about the Sicilians.


(LCPD Central, Salvatore Leone and Toni Cipriani.)

(Toni is outside the Central and Salvatore talks to hi through a window)

Toni: Sal, you there?

Salvatore: Anthony! I'm getting out! My arrangement's today!

Toni: Great!

Salvatore: Yeah, but I got this notion that the Sicilians don't want me to make it to court. With me in here, who's stopping them from taking over?

Toni: Hey, they'd have to get through me first Sal.

Salvatore: Yeah, Toni. Whatever. Just make sure I get my day in court! Hey, the guards are coming now...I'll see you round the front.

(Salvatore is placed in a Securicar by some guards and Toni, in a squad car follows him as he is taken to court. However, The Sicilians attack the Securicar on it's way to the Liberty City Court House)

Toni: Holy shit!

(Toni escorts the Securicar to the Court House)

(Liberty City Court House, Salvatore.)

(Salvatore goes to court and is declared not guilty)

Salvatore: It's good to be a free man again. But listen, I'm gonna go to my house and get rid of thses stinking rags, okay? I'll meet you up there.

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories missions
Preceded by: Followed by:
Love On The Run 'The Shoreside Redemption' The Scicilian Gambit