Loan Shark

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Loan Sharking is a business in the Empire Building feature of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.


When you're building this racket, these are the choices:

  • Small-time: $2000
  • Medium Venture: $3900
  • High-roller: $5800

Note: This and two other businesses (Protection Racket, and Prostitution) can be constructed without access to Vice Beach.

Empire Mission

To start the mission enter the premises, approach a gang member and press the R3 button (PS2) or the Up button (PSP). The mission for this site is to repossess two vehicles. PCJ 600s, and Bensons. These are the only two vehicles to take so it will switch back and forth to the other vehicle. The mission is simple but sometimes the owners of the cars will get out and start shooting at you, or try to hit you with a melee weapon.


  • Increased income: Complete all fifteen levels.
  • New Reputation: Crim Reaper, complete all fifteen levels.
  • Repo-Man Outfit: Purchase of a High-roller site. Available at every safehouse.

See Also