Key to Her Heart/Script

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Carl Johnson: Now, I know you're blind, man - but you gotta see this.

Wu Zi Mu: Very clever. So what's the prognosis? Is this just going to be extremely difficult, or next-to-impossible?

Carl Johnson: Hear me out on this, homie. Alright, the cash room is on the bottom level. There's a bunch of rooms and a tunnel under the whole building with access to the casino floors at either end of the complex. Alright? Now, security consists of CCTV, a keycode access, and in places, a swipe card.

Wu Zi Mu: Hey, are you pointing again?

Carl Johnson: Oh, my bad - habit.

Wu Zi Mu: Ah, don't worry; it's good practice for when we finally get a crew in on this.

Carl Johnson: Yeah, I know.

(Guppy enters the room)

Guppy: Hey boss, this arrived for CJ.

Carl Johnson: Hey, hey hey hey! Damn, man - now he's seen the plans!

Wu Zi Mu: Well, then we've got our first recruit. Come on in and shut the door.

Carl Johnson: Alright, cool. This is a security card reader that Zero's sent over. Now all we need to do is get one of those cards...


Carl Johnson: Luckily, there's always one guaranteed weak link in any security set up. The human heart.