Vice City Beach

Revision as of 18:06, 6 August 2008 by gtw>Kareljanis

Vice Beach is the main beach in Vice City. It is based off Miami Beach. It is one of the reasons the city is a touristic destination. It stretches along the entire section of land that shares the same name. The beach is comprised of the neighbourhoods of Ocean Beach, Washington Beach and Vice Point. There is a lighthouse on the south end of the beach and a dirt bike track on the north. Ocean Drive is located next to the beach, providing transportation.

As the manual for the game suggests, Vice Beach is where Vice City's millionaires and models hang out for recreation. In-game, pedestrians in beach attire crowd the streets and roller-skaters ride on the boardwalk. The buildings in the area are of an Art Deco design, much like the real-life Miami Beach.

Located in Vice Beach is Tommy Vercetti's first safehouse, the Ocean View Hotel, as well as The Pole Position Club, and Collars and Cuffs.