
Appearances GTA V
Full Name Ameer


Gender Gender::Male
Nationality American
Home Rockford Hills, Los Santos
Main Affiliations Epsilon Program
Cris Formage (cult leader)
Haylee (fellow cult member)
Jesse (fellow cult member)
Joscha (fellow cult member)
Tiana (fellow cult member)
Occupation Cult member

Ameer (Arabic:امير) is a character in the HD Universe who appears as a minor character in Grand Theft Auto V.

Character history

Ameer is an American man who, prior to 2013, had joined the Epsilon Program. He can occasionally be seen outside of the Epsilon Program HQ in Rockford Hills, Los Santos.


  • The player can use Ameer as an actor in Creator mode and is a playable character in Director mode.
  • Ameer is based on a real person who entered a contest to have his likeness appear in GTA V along with Haylee, Jesse, Joscha, and Tiana.

External link