The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade

The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade
Toni being attacked.
Toni being attacked.

Toni being attacked.
Game GTA Liberty City Stories
For Vincenzo Cilli
Location Atlantic Quays, Portland Island, Liberty City
Reward $3,000 and Overalls Outfit
Unlocks Sindacco Sabotage and SlashTV

The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories given to protagonist Toni Cipriani by Vincenzo Cilli from his warehouse in the Atlantic Quays district of Portland Island, Liberty City.


Toni drops by Vincenzo's warehouse in Atlantic Quays, having received a phone call after completing The Made Man mission. However, Vincenzo is on a ship down at the docks with Toni, at first reluctant, agreeing to drop by, but only for Salvatore. When Toni enters the ship, he is ambushed by members of the Leone Family, who are armed with chainsaws. Toni manages to kill all the chainsaw wielding Leone Family gang members, with Vincenzo appearing to see whether Toni is dead. Vincenzo, armed with a gun, begins shooting at Toni, who fires back and kills Vincenzo. Toni leaves the ship, completing the mission.


(Toni phones Vincenzo.)

Toni Cipriani: Vinnie, I'm here! Where the hell are you? What is this?

Vincenzo Cilli: Toni? Com esta? ...I knew you'd call. Listen, I'm down at the Portland docks. We've got a big shipment just come in. Get yourself down here. I'm onboard the big freighter.

Toni Cipriani: I don't know Vinnie... I got stuff to do.

Vincenzo Cilli: Look, I know I've been an asshole to you Toni. And for that, I'm truly sorry. But from now on we'll be like partners.. okay. Better than partners... brothers! So, come on. What do you say? It's what Salvatore wants.

Toni Cipriani: Okay. For Salvatore. But if you pull any of that daddy bullshit, you're a dead man.

(Toni goes into the ship, and is met by Leone family gang members wielding chainsaws)

Leone Gang Member #1: Wahaahha! I'm gonna cut you up little man!

(Toni kills a couple of the attackers)

Leone Gang Member #2: Diiiiiiiiie!

(Toni kills a couple more of the attackers)

Leone Gang Member #3: Hahahahahaha!

(Toni kills all the Leone family gang members)

Vincenzo Cilli: Is that dumb-ass gimp dead yet?

Toni Cipriani: Hate to disappoint you Vinnie.

Vincenzo Cilli: You son of a bitch! Why can't you just die already? You should have never come back Toni. I worked my fingers to the bone for Salvatore. And you just come wandering back to town and he's all, Toni this, and Toni that! This is my town Toni! MY TOWN! You ain't taking it away from me! I'm gonna enjoy this.

Post Mission Phone Call

Salvatore Leone: Toni? It's Salvatore. We've got big trouble! Get your ass over here pronto!


The reward for completing the mission is $3,000, unlocks the Overalls Outfit and unlocks the mission Sindacco Sabotage for Salvatore Leone, as well as the SlashTV side mission.


The name of the mission parodied the name of the horror film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

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