Jive Drive

Revision as of 01:53, 9 April 2009 by Spaceeinstein (talk | contribs) (script directly from game)
Jive Drive
Lance and Vic escape the Cholos.
Lance and Vic escape the Cholos.

Lance and Vic escape the Cholos.
Game GTA Vice City Stories
For Victor Vance
Target Escaping the Cholos
Location Escobar International Airport
Reward None
Unlocks Missions from Lance Vance

Jive Drive is the first mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories to feature character Lance Vance.



Aunt Enid says that some help is coming to Vice City from a family member. However, when you arrive at the airport it isn't the person you quite expected...It's your younger brother Lance Vance, who always gets you into trouble. After a brief arguement, you decide to take Lance in with you.

The Mission

As you and Lance drive away from the airport in your red Stinger, a Cholo Sabre will drive in front of you, a Cholo Boy will get out and say that "you killed plenty Cholos, now we kill you plenty".

Lance will take the wheel and you'll have to defend the car, a damage bar will show up on the side of your screen, if it empties, the car will blow up. Now, when you see a Cholo or Cholo Sabre approach, shoot at it until you kill it or blow it up. Eventually, Lance will accidentally drive off a ramp and you will land in Little Havanna.

Now, beware, since this section of Little Havanna is under control of Cholos and there will be triple the Cholos there were before, one might even come in a Trashmaster to block the street, if you don't shoot the driver off the Trashmaster, Lance will accidentally strike the Trashmaster and you'll take damage. Soon enough you'll be in Little Haiti it's under control of both Cabrones and Cholos, and there are more Cholos around here. As Lance drives along the road, two Cholos on Sanchez bikes will appear. Eventually, Lance will drive off another ramp and crash the car, setting it on fire, in a cutscene you will get off the car as it explodes.

Now you'll be on foot and at least twenty Cholos will come after you, kill them all and you'll get a two wanted level star. Get on one of the Cholo Sabres that are parked nearby and drive Lance to his hotel, along the way, you'll have to avoid surviving Cholos and the cops.

Drop off Lance in his hotel and the mission is over.


(Escobar International Airport, Vic and Lance Vance).

(Lance sneaks up on Vic as he watches a couple share a kiss).

Lance: Hey, bro. Ha ha ha!

Vic: Lance! What are you doing here?

Lance: You don't sound so pleased!

Vic: I'm not so pleased.

Lance: Thanks, bro. Who was you expecting? What a greeting man...

Vic: Not you. Someone useful.

Lance: So what am I? A handicap, huh? Your dumb ass, low life, no good brother?

Vic: Something like that.

Lance: Yeah, well - I'm not the one who got kicked out of the army.

Vic: No - you're the asshole who got kicked out of the boy scouts.

Lance: Oh come on, man. I come all this way to see you and you treat me like I've got herpes.

Vic: Maybe that's because your whole life, you've gotten us into trouble.

Lance: Oh, gimme a break, man! I've changed!

(Vic considers this).

Vic: Okay. I'll give you a chance. One chance.

Lance: Yeah, yeah! Hey, come here man... You won't regret it, baby... I love you, man, and love can change the world. But Vic...

Vic: What.

Lance: I have got herpes.

Vic: Get off me man, just get in the damn car.

Lance: I was just kiddin'.

(Escobar International Airport, Lance and a Cholo Boy).

(As Lance and Vic drive away, a Cholo Sabre interrupts their route, a Cholo Boy gets off).

Cholo Boy: All the Cholos have been looking for you Mr. Big-Shot.

Lance: What do you want with me?

Cholo Boy: I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to him! You killed plenty Cholos... Now, we kill you plenty.

(Vic's Car, Vic and Lance).

Vic: Get us out of here Lance!

Lance: Is this your idea of a welcome party?

Vic: C'mon, move it!

Lance: W-wait, where in the hell am I going, man?

Vic: Watch the road!

(Lance drives off a ramp).


(The car lands in Little Havanna)

Lance: I'm just too pretty to die, ha ha ha! Woo!

Lance: Look out Vic. There's more of them!

Lance: Do you have any friends in this town?

Lance: Shit! They're everywhere!

Lance: One more Lance Vance Chance!

(Lance drives off a huge ramp).

Vic: Laaaaance, you prick!

(The Wreckage, Vi and Lance).

Vic: You're never driving again.

Lance: I had it wit' you man. You put me off! Always treat me like a kid.

Lance: I'd appreciate a ride to my hotel.

(Palms Hotel, Vic and Lance).

Vic: Impressive: This place ain't cheap.

Lance: Ha ha ha, I wouldn't know. I told them to bill you.

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