
The Maibatsu Monstrosity, manfactured by Maibatsu Corporation (a parody of Mitsubishi and Zaibatsu conglomerates in general), is a massive SUV that is mentioned in GTA III and GTA IV. It is touted to be a monster truck size SUV with a extraordinarily low MPG rating. (GTA III ads claim it only gets 3 miles to the gallon). Though it is not seen in any of the games (the GTA IV Landstalker presumably being the closest in size to the Monstrosity), it is a focal point of radio ads, with many deriding it for its size, fuel consumption, propensity to lose ones children in the back seat and danger to pedestrians as well as the environment. It remains to be seen whether the Monstrosity will make an appearance in future GTA games.


The advertisement in the American and European handbooks actually differed of the Monstrosity.

American Monstrosity
European Monstrosity

This category contains a list and associated pages of vehicles in all GTA games.

A vehicle is only considered a vehicle if it is in the game's files as a vehicle by default. Static map objects like the USS Numnutz and wearable items like the Jetpack or rollerskates are not classified as vehicles and therefore should not be in this category. Vehicles still count if they are not usually accessible to the player (ie: require a mod to access but are included with the game by default), but do not count if they are added by a modification.

If you are creating a vehicle page, please add it to this category by placing [[Category:Vehicles]] at the bottom of the page and a relevant subcategory.