Shakedown (GTA VC)

Revision as of 06:22, 29 May 2009 by Spaceeinstein (talk | contribs) (major cleanup)
Game GTA Vice City
For Tommy Vercetti
Location North Point Mall
Reward $2,000, the .308 Sniper is available to purchase at Ammu-Nation
Unlocks Bar Brawl
Unlocked by Rub Out

Shakedown is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City which the protagonist Tommy Vercetti does independently in the Vercetti Estate in Starfish Island, Vice City. It is unlocked by the mission Rub Out.


After taking over the mansion, Tommy discusses with Lance Vance, Ken Rosenburg, and Avery Carrington on what to do next. Lance tells Tommy that some stores are refusing to pay protection after knowing Diaz's death. Tommy heads to the North Point Mall to do a hit and run on the shop fronts to scare them into paying protection. As he destroys the windows of the shops, Tommy gets increasing attention from the police. Tommy manages to smash all the windows of five shops within five minutes.


Ken: Oh, we gotta redecorate this place. We gotta make it look older. I can't stand this look. Tommy, whadaya say? Whadaya say we put a bar in...

Tommy: You're my lawyer, Rosenberg, not my interior decorator. Got it?

Tommy: Listen to me, the time to take over this town is now. It's all out there waiting for us.

Lance: We need to start seizing territory, let Vice City know we're the new players in town, know what I'm saying?

Avery: What you need is a legitimate front Tommy, real estate. It's never done me no harm.

Lance: We need to start using some muscle or we can kiss all that hard work goodbye. Local businesses know Diaz is dead, and they're refusing to pay protection!

Ken: Ooh! We could try bribery...

Tommy: Bribery? Screw bribery! I'll show you how to make 'em scared! I'll be back here in five minutes...

(Tommy starts shattering windows)

Shop owner: My livelihood, destroyed!

Shop owner: Ruined...RUINED!!

Shop owner: I pay through the ass for protection!

Tommy: Vercetti. Remember the name.

Shop owner: My beautiful window display!

Shop owner: My store. My wonderful store.

Tommy: I run this town now. ME!


The rewards for completing this mission is $2,000, the .308 Sniper is available to buy at Ammu-Nation, and assets can now be purchased by the player. The mission Bar Brawl is unlocked.

External link