Race Tracks

Revision as of 17:07, 29 October 2009 by gtw>Wildbeemer
Driving While High

These are the following Race Tracks on GTA IV's Race Mode in Multiplayer.

  • Driving While High (in southwest Alderney)
  • 15 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoints 10-12
  • Ideal Fast Supercar Lap: 1m 35s or less

This first track is your basic track that has it all: High speed sections, hard braking areas, tight turns and obstacles. Master this place and you can win anywhere!

Cautiously work your way through the first corner and avoid going onto the sidewalk on the left, as sometimes the curb may catch your tires and spin or stop you.

Gas your way up the small hill to the next corner. If there are a bunch of racers ahead of you, you might take the option of cutting across the very narrow parking lot at the fire station. You can still collect CP2 going through there.

Follow the somewhat crooked straightaway though CP3 and to CP4 then up the hill towards the tricky 5th CP.

CP5 is on an off-camber, high-speed, sharp left turn, so be careful and take a bit of a wider entrance into the turn to avoid sliding out to the mailboxes and buildings on the right.

Blast up the hill to a small jump and hit the brakes approaching CP6 to make the 90-degree lefty. Sometimes bouncing off the building if you don't brake in time may save you.

Head to CP7, another 90-degree corner, to the right this time. CP8 will be right ahead.

SHORTCUT: Instead of taking the left turn where CP8 is and going up the hill, turn down the road just before, onto the other ramp that takes you to the highway, then cut across between the medians back to the proper side. You will come out a good 2 or 3 seconds ahead of where you would have been if you followed the yellow route.

CP9 is on the highway, where you will be wide open heading to the off-ramp, where CP10 is located on a small bump that will put you in the air a little bit.

This area is very tricky because the next left hand corner is over 180 degrees, the turn gets tighter as you go, the wall is just a small barricade that you can easily go over, and the corner is negatively banked. Should you go over the wall, you may have to respawn.

At the foot of the off-ramp is CP12 on the right. Follow the road to the right-hander that CP13 sits in. Don't swing out too wide because there is an unmovable pole on the edge of the sidewalk.

Nail the throttle across the final CP where you started from to complete a lap at Driving While High!

SHORTCUT: The final corner, where CP14 is, there is a easily breakable wooden fence you can plow right though. Be cautious of the fence after it has fallen because you can bounce off the debris and get some very good unwanted air!

Exhaust Fumes

  • Exhaust Fumes (in Alderny)
  • 17 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoints 11-S/F
  • Ideal Fast Supercar Lap: 2m 15s or less

This is probably one of the easiest tracks to race at because of the fact it's an open highway!

Cruise up the hill at the start and haul the mail to CP1 where you will make a long left turn. Snake your way to CP2, where you may have to squeeze off the gas to get through the right-hander without crashing into the wall on the left. From here, it is full throttle again through CP3 to CP6, which sits at the top of a big incline.

After you make the small right turn, be careful the the next pair of left turns. Stay close to the wall on the left as you make the turn because if you are too far to the right, you may hit the construction cones that may (or may not) spawn in time. You can still hit cones even if they aren't actually "there" yet. Those cones will almost definately cause you to just go straight into the wall or even through the break in the wall.

Pass through CP7 and you get to do this again with another left turn with cones and a hole in the wall on the right.

Full throttle through CP8 and CP9 to a tight right hand corner that you can easily misjudge and smack the wall on the left, so you may want to back off a little bit to get through there cleanly.

Pass through CP10 that is beyond the left corner ahead and fly downhill to CP11, where you leave the highway. Here, you have to hit the brakes for the first time, real hard, to make the tight right and avoid any trees and poles that will be in the way.

CP12 will greet you before you go downhill to CP13, where a tricky left awaits you. There is no full throttle through this corner, so back off and apply brakes to get through without crashing.

Shoot up the hill to CP14 where you will get some air, but be careful of how much air you get because as soon as you leave the ground, the road turns left again and you may fly into the building ahead of you!

Up another small hill, CP15 awaits you and here you set yourself up for the final corner at the bottom of a small hill that CP16 is on. Brake before you get to the intersection or you will blow right on by the corner.

The final checkpoint is right there after you turn, at the entrance to the highway where you started.

SHORTCUT: It is risky, so only do this on the last lap if you are right behind someone. It is a bonzai move to crash through the fence, but if you do it right, you can clip CP16 and slide ahead (or into) your opponent and beat them to the finish!

Thunder Road

  • Thunder Road (in southern Alderny)
  • 14 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: The Whole Course!
  • Ideal Fast Supercar Lap: 1m 10s or less

Why is the whole track so difficult? Turns, bumps and jumps litter this very short course, so one mistake can completely screw you up. This track is about crashing the least!

CPS/F is right under the old bridge that leads to the Industrial section of Alderny. Head to CP1 along the very bumpy road. CP2 is in the middle of a quick lefty that has a bump in the middle, sending many driver flying into the immoble poles on the right. If you get through clean, you can stay in the gas and blast through the right-hander CP3 sits at and the left turn CP4 is located.

Just as you hit the dip on the left before CP5, slam the brakes to make the hard left turn where more unbreakable poles and a concrete pillar stand in your way.

Haul up the straightaway and the hill that CP6 sits at the base of. CP7 is at the top of a hill where you need to be turning left or else you will crash off to the right.

Head downhill to CP8 and hit the brakes at the crosswalks to make the left turn without flying into the poles and small pillars on the right.

CP9 directs you into a narrow alley off the main roads where you start with a small uphill climb towards CP10.

Make that tight corner, avoiding all the light stands and debris and step on the brakes before you crash through the security gate and CP11. If you don't, you will land in the parking lot across the srteet and miss the left-handed corner you should have made instead!

Turn right where CP12 is and head towards CP13.

SHORTCUT: It may sound too easy, but do you know how many people miss this? Cut across the grassy median instead of following the road right through CP13 and you can make a ton of time! Just be sure you don't cut the corner too much, you may not collect the checkpoint.

Drag race towards the final checkpoint to finish a lap around the bumpy Thunder Road!

Industrial Action

  • Industrial Action (in southern Alderny)
  • 23 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: The Whole Course!
  • Ideal Fast Supercar Lap: 2m 5s or less

This track is hard enough to get around by yourself. Throw up to 15 other competitors and this place becomes a mad house! With more than 20 turns, there are more than your fair share of places to have to brake and few places for speed - this track is ALL about brakes and handling, so use caution with vehicles that don't turn on a dime!

From a standing start, you can go full throttle into the small left and right hand turns in front of you. If you have a full head of steam from already running a lap, you may want to hit the brakes when you make the left hand turn before you hit CP1 so you don't fly off the course and into light poles on the left when you try to make the right turn over the little hill. The next corner just beyond CP2 is a 90-degree right turn and a slight continuous turn when you hit CP3.

Drag down the short straightaway to CP4 where things get interesting here!

This tricky set of turns can be easily avoided by cutting corners at a cautious pace (and awareness if you miss a checkpoint) and you can almost go straight to hit CP5 and CP6. At CP6, you need to turn left because the map shows yellow routes everywhere because the course will come back around to this same location in about 20 seconds. Shoot down the short straight and pile on the binders before CP7 to make the right turn, avoiding poles and concrete pillars that hold up fencing and the highway above. Head down that short road and make another right turn where more poles await you off the road. More right turning is required to take you throught CP 9 and CP10, where you cross back onto the small straightaway you were on just moments ago. This time at the end of the road, take a left when you get to CP11 (which is in the same location that CP7 was). That area can be a pain if there are slower racers that are far enough behind because you can easily crash into them when you are heading the other way on that little stretch. That section is almost like completing a figure 8.

CP12 and CP13 await you in a set of right turns (or one long right turn if you ride along the sidewalk on the left on the very short road between those checkpoints). You need to get out of that corner good to get enough speed to carry you down the next straightaway, which is long enough to build up some good speed. There is a small set of curves in the road but nothing major and CP14 is at the end of this stretch. Don't wait too late to get on the brakes for this sharp left turn at CP14 because there is posts, pillars, a guardrail and a big ol' tree sitting right there if you drive into the corner too hard!

You follow this road with a long right turn through CP15 into a parking lot where CP16 sits at the end of a fence. If you overdrive this very, VERY tight right turn around the fence, you can get stuck behind more pillars and concrete.

SHORTCUT: you can cut through the fence most times, just don't follow someone too close for you may flip or stop dead in your tracks from the fallen/falling fence!

Stay to the right and avoid the grassy median as you speed around the buildings through CP17 and CP18, where a fence on the outside of the corner can mess you up should you drive too fast into that right turn.

Head down the small straightaway and avoid the immobile pole in the middle as you make the right turn to get back onto the roads. Carry some good speed through these corners and hit the brakes where CP20 is to set up for the left turn ahead. The curbs at this corner WILL grab you in most cars (high-suspension vehicles might be able to get away with this), so stay off of them!

SHORTCUT: cut across the grass on the left just past the fence to avoid the curbs all together and it helps keep up speed for the long final straightaway ahead!

From here, it is full throttle through CP22 (even around the right turn just beyond the checkpoint) all the way back to CPS/F, but be cautious to stay away from the right lane because a cop car will almost always be parked there, even if traffic is turned off!

Short Circuit

  • Short Circuit (in central Alderny)
  • 14 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoints 2, 6-9 and 11-13
  • Ideal Fast Supercar Lap: 1m or less

This track is fairly easy to get around by yourself, but if you are in a race with players who may be your equal, this place is hell because of how hard it is to pass (cleanly).

You start off underneath the highway and drive down a small hill towards CP1. CP2 sits at the tricky first braking corner. Brake early to avoid crashing into the building but beware that if you are immediately in front of a few others, you may get run over!

Drag your way to the next left turn that CP3 lingers at and dont bother lifting off the gas because you can turn in early and go full throttle through to CP4, where you do need to apply brakes to make the right hander that goes uphill.

At the top of this hill is a small left before a very hard left. Don't overdrive into this area because trees and poles of all sorts line the road. Blast down this straightaway past the parked Fire Truck to the small right hand kink in the road before a very sharp left turn.

SHORTCUT: Risk vs. Reward here because you can cut the corner where the poles are but risk  striking one of them. The big brown pole on the corner is immoble and the grey street light in the middle can be knocked over - both can screw up your shortcut if you don't execute it correctly!

Fly downhill through CP10 towards CP11 where a tricky right-left pair of corners await you. CP13 will take you back under the highway and towards the finish.

Don't Look Down

  • Don't Look Down (in central Alderny)
  • 16 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoints 6-7 and 8-10
  • Ideal Fast Supercar Lap: 1m 15s or less

This track features very few places to pass, so make them count! You are facing the entrance to the highway, so get hard on the gas and climb the hill! The first three checkpoints require minimal attention as you pass straight through them. A small but sometimes tight right turn leads you to CP4.

Just like on Exhaust Fumes, there is another one of these left-handed turns where there are cones on the right that sometimes don't appear quick enough and a broken wall that easily will lure you into their grasp!

You must take the off-ramp in the middle of the highway to follow CP5 down the rediculously steep hill heading towards the hard-braking right turn that CP6 sits in front of. Brake early or else you may see yourself crossing over the low wall and landing in the unforgiving water. There are a few poles in the way too that take no mercy - avoid them at all costs! Oh, don't forget about the pack of racers coming down the hill all around you!

Don't let off the gas when you take the right hand turn through CP7 (you aren't running fast at this point anyways) and head towards the easy-to-find CP8 and CP9 that hides around a blind corner caused by a big ole building. Be sure to avoid the poles on the insides of both these two corners because the longest straightaway on the course is ahead and you want all the speed and momentum you can muster!

Not much to do except follow the road through the next few checkpoints until CP14 comes up on your screen. There is a left turn here that you can pretty much completely cut across to get to CP15 where you really need brakes to make this 90-degree righty that takes you back to the starting point. If this is not the finish, you have to make another perfect angle right corner to head back to the highway. If this last checkpoint is the finish, why not try and aim to get your car to finish sideways in the empty alley just ahead? That can be as challenging as the race itself!

Duck And Weave

  • Duck And Weave (in northern Alderny)
  • 19 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: The Whole Course!
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 25s or less

A very appropriate name for this course as you try to duck and weave through the neighborhood and duck and weave your way around poles, walls and fences!

You start next to the Pay'n'Spray under the Plumber's Skyway. Work your way to the first two checkpoints directly hahead of you. CP2 is placed at the first turn, a sudden right-hander at the top of a small hill, so don't go too fast and blow the corner.

SHORTCUT: Crash through the chain link fence on the inside of the corner. Test this trick out from time to time to see how far away you can get from this checkpoint without missing it because it can be very much worth it!

Cruise down the small hil at CP3 and be ready to do a considerable amout of turning. There are an abundant amount of sidewalks here that you can use to cut corners at, so USE THEM! Just be careful not to strike the poles because alot of them ones will NOT move.

CP4 is a left turn that will lead you towards CP5.

SHORTCUT: Crash through the wooden fence so you can almost go straight from CP3 to CP5, collecting CP4 from a distance.

CP6 is at the top of a small hill where you turn left, so be cautious here because your vehicle will slide straight into the house ahead if you aren't slow. CP7 is at a dip right hand corner that leads you uphill towards another left turn that CP8 occupies. Again, your car will get light for this lefty, so slow down! More sidewalk riding and corner cutting to get around the right turn at CP9. Stay off the sidewalks now because the curbs aren't forgiving anymore in this area. Cut the corner again at CP10 that directs you downhill towards the abandoned casino, where you take another right turn at CP11 (cut through the poles and tree if you want).

Finally, a little speed can be made as you follow this road down a small hill and then turn right to go uphill to the Burger Shot and CP14. If you can cut across the sidewalk just right, you can blow through that tough right/left section without having to crack out of the throttle and keep your motor wound up to carry you down the long straightaway!

There is a small kink in this road (CP15) but no brakes are usually needed there. Brakes are a premium though at the end of this stretch where CP16 is. Cut across the sidewalks and between buildings and poles to cruice your way through this tough right-left combo and into CP17. Drop downhill with brakes in mind and you take the final 90 degree right turn that takes you back under the highway and into the same place you started!

Drag Kings (affectionately known as "Drag Queens")

  • Drag Kings (in west Algonquin)
  • 20 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoints 5-12
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 45s or less

This is (almost) all about speed! There are only 4 braking places on this course.

Hold the throttle down and follow the highways slight dips and easy corners right to CP5. Here, decisions are made.

Take the left road that clips CP5 and goes immediately uphill or stay down low and go under the bridge. Going up the hill helps get away from the narrowness of the lower road as well as the guardrail at sticks out a little bit on the left farther down. It is easier to corner the little right-hander up above because of the road being wider. If you take the upper road on the left, there is a greater chance to get caught up in the congestion of traffic, especially at the intersection, or competitors who may be using that road to come back the other way!

Slam the brakes past CP6 in attempt to make the paperclip right turn of CP7 and CP8.

SHORTCUT: After you are facing south from CP8, you can cut across the grass halfway between CP8 and CP9 and head directly towards CP10. You can easily collect all those checkpoints without fail!

CP6 and CP10 are at a track crossroads and it is very easy to be slammed into at this portion of the course. It is very narrow and the speed difference from those coming your direction is very high. If you get hit on your way away from the area, you may as well get set to respawn from the great deal of damage you get (if damage is set to Normal) or because you will get knocked way off course and/or backwards.

If you escape that harrowing mess, you have the choice once again to take the lower road or go up the hill for CP11. You can collect it either way, but staying up high may be dangerous as others who may take the high road coming at you may cause for a massive collision (and don't forget the regular traffic).

Once cleared of all the chaos that is CP5-CP11, you throttle your way down through CP12 and CP13. Hit the brakes before CP14 for a left hand turn, immediately followed by CP15's tight right turn at the top of the hill. Be cautious of the bus stop as you exit the corner that is right there on the edge of the road.

Blast down the bumpy straightaway and hit the brakes before you go down the hill that leads you to CP18 and a wall directly ahead of you. Make a wide U-turn that takes you across CP19 and onto the main stretch where the final checkpoint awaits you just 2 blocks away!

Rize In The East

  • Rize In The East (in northern Algonquin)
  • 18 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoints 10-12 and 15-16
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 20s or less

This fairly fun course is still a challenging one.

You start off by making your first turn at CP1 to the right and climb a hill before you turn left at CP2. Drive up this small hill and be sure to slow down early to make the right turn at CP3. Be ready to dodge poles and a bus stop that make this street very narrow.

As you stort to drop down the hill, hit the brakes to make the lefty at CP5 that takes you down another small hill towards the subway. stations. Follow the street and hit the brakes really hard to make the tricky right corner at CP7. Get through this corner as best as you can because you have a long run on the gas despite many small corners on this road.

CP10 is located just before a tricky corner that if you dont make a wide entrance, you will crash into the fences on the left. This particular corner has a small hill in the middle of it that really makes this part tough! Once past here, keep gassing your way towards CP11 where you back off and apply the brakes to make the blind downhill right turn under the bridge through the narrow arch.

Follow the curvy road towards the difficult and slow section that CP15 awaits you at. This tricky left/right combo will really slow you down, so cut the corners in between the poles and the walls if you can to save some speed and time.

Shoot down this short road to CP17 and make the hard right turn to cross the last checkpoint where you began, next to the Police station. I wonder if they seriously care about street racing!

Horse Punch

  • Horse Punch (in central Algonquin)
  • 11 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoints 4/9
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 20s or less

A very simple square figure-8 around Middle Park. Most of the turns here are 90 degrees aside from the small road in the middle of the park that has a slight set of corners.

You start out with a small strip in front of you before the first checkpoint and the first corner. Swing through that corner and avoid the construction equipment ahead on the left and head towards CP2.

SHORTCUT: Recommended for only the start, cut across the corner at the first turn. Not a good idea for any other laps because while you are slow, the curbs won't grab you as much. At faster speeds, you can't successfully make it without a problem.

Brake upon passing through CP2 when you swing right into the park under the arch. The arch is a very narrow entrance, so don't swing out wide for a good run because there is nowhere else to go. Drag down the narrow road in the park and hit the brakes as you hit the hill that take you out of the park. Any later on the brakes and you will blow straight through CP4 and miss the left turn.

Race towards CP5 and make the tight lefty that takes you down to the northwest end of the park. CP6 is at the next turn that leads you back towards the entrance to the park.

SHORTCUT: Cut the sidewalk of course at CP5 (with caution) and at CP6, but be very careful with that one because it is very easy to cut the corner too much and miss the checkpoint.

Brake and turn to make the entrance back under the arch to the park and follow the same road you took earlier. Keep your head on and remember that you turn the other way you just went when you get up to CP9 and the small hill that preceeds it. Take that right and run towards CP10, a tight right turn that leads you to the first straightaway where you started and pedal hard to CPS/F which is near the end of the street!

Stars In Your Eyes

  • Stars In Your Eyes (in central Algonquin)
  • 9 Checkpoints (least of all tracks)
  • Most Difficult Section: Braking!
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 50s or less

Anyone can win here if they know what button stops their car! Two drag strips that cross each other about halfway with slow, tight corners on each end.

Fly down the first straightaway, dodging any traffic that may get in your way. Get hard on the brakes about a block before you get to the first turn that CP3 is at. Take either side of the center divider, although the left side (against traffic) is certainly shorter. There is another left hander, much tighter than the first, just ahead.

Fly down this second straightaway, again dodging wayward cars. Slam on the brakes to make the very tight right turn ahead where CP7 is. Make this a long single corner if you can instead of two small turns so you have some momentum built up for the first stretch again.

Haul off the last turn and across the final checkpoint.

There is a high risk of crashing head-on into slower competitors at the crossover section (CP1 and CP6), so cross your fingers if you have a chance!

Road To Bohan

  • Road To Bohan (in west Bohan, Charge Island and northeast Algonquin)
  • 20 Checkpoints
  • Most difficult Section: Checkpoints 1 and 4-7
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 35s or less

You start off on top of the bridge facing Bohan. Right off the bat, you have a small downhill right turn and then a real tight right turn at CP1. The inside of the corner tends to flip fast/lightweight cars, so stay towards the middle of the road if you can help it. Race your way down the hills toward the entrance to the freeway onto Charge Island at CP4 where you should slow down or run the risk of flying over the center divider at CP5 where you crest a hill while making a narrow right corner!

Use caution entering the next turn at CP6 because the little tiny lights on the walls of the bridge tend to stop your car in an instant if you brush one of them. It can easily ruin you and your following competitors day!  Follow the road into Algonquin and downhill to the main streets where CP9 awaits you at yet another right turn.

Cut across the sidewalk if you can at CP10 to build enough speed to run you down the straightaway where you 3 checkpoints before you hit the brakes and make a very tricky turn at CP14. Use the sidewalk to cut the corner a bit if you can, just dodge the poles in the way!

Race alongside the subway tracks that come out next to you when you head down the hills towatds CP15 and CP16. Get on the brakes a little bit or back off the throttle to make the sweeping right corner at CP17. If you go too fast and slide out, there are poles and stairs that lead to a pedestrian bridge that sit there waiting to greet you! Haul up the hill that the bridge begins at and follow it to the finish!

Round The Block

  • Round The Block (in central Algonquin, Charge Island and west Dukes)
  • 17 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoint 2 and the braking zones!
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 55s or less

Long straightaways and only a couple of corners make this track great for high-end speed cars.

Head up the hill towards the bridge that takes you to Charge Island. Beware of the off-ramp entrance at CP2 because it is very narrow and had a small bump in it that can get you in the air. This ramp also hase the wall lights like Road To Bohan does that like to grab wall-riders, so this part is very tricky! Cruise downhill where you get on the main strip on the island.

Dodge competitors that may force you into the toll booths at CP3 and let off the gas before turning into the corner t CP4, the only maor left turn on the course. Don't go out to the wall because you can climb over it from time to time and you may find yourself driving underwater!

Haul uphill towards the mainland in Dukes where you slam hard on the brakes to make the right corner. Brake early because of the dip just before the corner that often send competitors heading over to the police station rather than down the hill! scoot down the short straightaway where you turn to ump on the onramp at CP10. Brakes are needed a little here, but hey, if you are angled into the corner but going too fast, no worries because you can ride up on the wall without much problem and not lose speed, really!

Drag race your competitors down the longest pure straightaway on any course. The brakes are at a premium so when you get to the bottom of the hill before CP14, nail the binders and take this corner as best you can. You need all the speed you can get for the next long straightaway. That corner can easily make or break your entire race! Don't slide out too far in that turn though. Bus stops, hedges, poles - you name it, all of them immobile - no knocking these down and going on down the road!

This road is another long road and very bumpy is you stay on the left. Go down the middle and you will be fine, but get to the left before you make the corner at CP16, another heavy braking area. If you do this right, you will have a ton of momentum to carry you past anyone right in front of you and you can beat them to the finish!

Southern Switch

  • Southern Switch (in south Broker and south Algonquin)
  • 27 Checkpoints (most of all tracks)
  • Most Difficult Section: The Whole Course!
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 3m or less

This course is rediculously long with the most checkpoints, 30 corners or so and two long high-speed straightaways across the Broker Bridge, this course offers as big a challenge as Industrial Action! Remember to cut across sidewalks from time to time to cut down on time.

You start off under the El-Train in Broker next to the wooden roller coaster. Almost immediately, you start turning with a left and right combo where traffic gets very congested at the start. Follow the road towards CP3's sweeping left turn that takes you to a tight lefty at CP4. This road leads you under the highway. Be careful of the quick left-right turns ahead where you typically see the small wooden road block barriers that you can smash through. Curbing can occationally ruin your speed here. You have to slam the brakes before you go down that hill to make the right turn at CP6. Follow the road and cut across the median before you hit CP7 that takes to along the park and by the Pay'n'Spray.

When it starts to get bumpy, get on the brakes to make the left turn that leads downhill a little bit to CP8, the very narrow ramp entrance to the Broker Bridge. Follow it up hill onto the highway and cross the bridge at full speed through CP9 on your way to Algonquin.

When you pass the first intersection at the end of the bridge, be hard on the brakes to make a left turn at CP10 into a narrow alley, being careful not to hit the stairs and railings on either side of the alley. Cruse down the slightly curving road and brake to make the right corner ahead. Shoot down the next straightaway to CP13's left turn. Follow the road downhill and cut across the sidewalk between the poles at CP14. It's good to have alot of speed here to carry you down this somewhat good sized straightaway (for this course at least!)

At the end of this road, you creep across the bumps to the right of the 4-lane road that goes uphill. Going up the hill is a bad thing because the course doesnt go up there! Follow the narrow road as it does a very tricky switchback at CP18.

SHORTCUT: This is a commonly missed shortcut. Remember cutting corners and driving on sidewalks? You turn in to the left just after the trailer, cutting between the poles, breeze along side CP18 enough to collect it and keep it nearly straight as you get back onto the road near the fire startion. Just be careful not to hit the poles or the pillers!

Squeeze the brakes to make the left at CP19 and go up the hill to the next left at CP20. Take that left towards CP21 where you make yet another left that leads you back onto the Broker Bridge. Make that last left turn count so you can have all the speed you can carry to get you up the hill and across the bridge.

CP24 sits at the exit ramp off the highway, where you can easily go too fast and bounce off the walls, flip, roll and sometimes land on top of a building on the right. Take it easy through there unless you don't mind crashing and losing positions! Follow the ramp downhill to the tight right turn at the bottom. Follow that road towards CP26 where you make the final left turn to run through the last checkpoint. Remember to hit the brakes before you hit that small hill or you may find yourself halfway to the beach instead of passing by the roller coaster!

Bogan's Run

  • Bogan's Run (in west Bohan)
  • 15 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoints 6-S/F
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 5s or less

Bawhan Dash

  • Bawhan Dash (in Bohan)
  • 21 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: The Whole Course!
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 55s or less

Heel And Toe

  • Heel-And-Toe (in west Dukes and northern Broker)
  • 16 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoints 7-8
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 55s or less

Quick Knives

  • Quick Knives (in northern Dukes)
  • 16 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoints 1-6
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 20s or less

Terminal Velocity

  • Terminal Velocity (in central Dukes)
  • 18 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoints 10-14
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 50s or less

This track is much like Exhaust Fumes and Drag Kings, where you hold the gas for 3/4 of the lap, then you have a few braking zones and difficult corners, then you start all over again.

You get more air on this course than anywhere else, as you can see when you start off dropping down a few small hills that give your tires temporary ground clearance. You race uphill to the second checkpoint where again you lift off of the ground momentarily. CP3 is at the bottom of two more hills that really take a good amount of skill (or an insane amount of luck) to make it without losing control of your vehicle.

Follow through CP4, uphill to CP5, to a tricky downhill turn where you will get more air, when you should be turning instead. Slightly turn to the right before you begin to go down hill to keep you on the right, otherwise you may hit the barriers on the left or spin yourself around at the bottom.

Full throttle all the way to CP10, where your difficult section begins. Past CP10, there is a sharp right hand turn that goes uphill (CP11) then goes back to the left, but you need to be prepared to make another right off of the highway towards where CP12 is to the right of the Burger Shot. Lots of chances to get unwanted air, so try to slow down at CP10 and follow the right side road and cut between the poles on the right once you past CP11 where you are supposed to turn right to leave the highway. You can carry alot of momentum through CP12 as you shoot towards CP13. When you are at CP13, stay a bit to the right because the curbs on the left do bite, so feed your speed with caution there!

Go uphill but brake before you get to the top otherwise you will fly straight into the back of the hospital instead of making the downhill lefty through CP14.

You will once again go uphill for more air as you jet through CP15 but brake before you go down the hill where CP16 is, or else, guess what, more air and you miss the turn at the bottom of the hill.

Make the right-hnder and go uphill to the arch where CP17 awaits, but be cautious of the sudden incline at the top of the hill that give you more time off the pavement.

Snake your way though the last turn and drop a couple feet as you sprint towards the final checkpoint. Don't forget to reminisce on how many air miles you racked up in one lap here!


  • Taxiing (in east Dukes)
  • 19 Checkpoints
  • Most Difficult Section: Checkpoint 6 and 10
  • Ideal Supercar Lap: 1m 35s or less

A fun lap around the Francis International Airport comes with its share of bumps, bruises and circling aircraft on the runway.

Drag you way right off the bat down the runway to CP1 (dodging any airliner that may be in the way) and creep across the grass on the right to clip CP2 and then CP3.

Get heavy on the brakes before you hit CP4, a very tight corner where you can easily get run over from behind by competitors. Accelerate to the left turn ahead where CP5 and to CP6, which is on the other side of a gate. Be careful of that gate because it acts like real debris if you don't knock it over first and could get a couple wheels in the air in a place where you need to turn. If you are racing a motorcycle, try to squeeze in the small gap between the gates, as sometimes those obnoxious metal sticks can clothesline you right off your hog!

SHORTCUT: You could go straight carefully through the pillars ahead of you and cut across the parking lot, but you need to swing wide to pick up CP7, otherwise this shortcut is useless. It is great if you are behind a bunch of traffic because you can get out ahead of them, but they will have more speed on you. They won't all be able to get by without you getting totally run over!

Pass through CP8 and CP9 and be ready for the second difficult spot on the course, by far the hardest. CP10 is at another entrance to the airport, but fortunately there is no gate... unfortunately, there is a small square chunk of God-knows-what in the middle of the entry that can easily put you on two wheels, or worse, your roof. This corner takes alot of practice but turn in late and go around the left of it. Better off going through there a little slow than having to take all that time to turn yourself around after it spins you out or respawning after it rolls you over!

Throttle through the left hander ahead, cut left of CP11 and the light pole (SHORTCUT), to make a good run through CP12 and CP13. Race you way to CP14, avoiding any waywards airplanes in the way.

CP15 is in the middle of a long corner, to the right of some baggage carts.

SHORTCUT: Take your vehicle to the left of the carts, but staying close, so you can clip the checkpoint and shorten the corner alot.

Pass thought CP16 and then turn left after the "jumps" that will be on your left where CP17 is. Go far to the left so you can make a late turn into the final hairpin turn, there CP18 sits. The longer you make the entrance to the corner, the later you need to brake.Get out of that corner fast to hit the final checkpoint. Don't go out too wide to hit the checkpoint and keep speed up because if you get out into the dirt with all your tires, you will miss the last Checkpoint completely!


  • You will find Pay'n'Spray repair shops along some of these courses. Don't bother driving into them in hopes to repair your car because they don't work in Races! Respawn by holding "Y" or "TRIANGLE" on your controller to respawn a battered and bent car at the last checkpoint you pass. If you are in dire need of a respawn, do it as you are coming up on a checkpoint that is in a slow corner. Hold the appropriate button as you are about 2 seconds from hitting it so you can time it right where you respawn at that checkpoint and not lose to much time. Respawning will cost you precious seconds almost every time, so try not to hit anything if the Damage is set to "Normal"!
  • At the beginning of every race, the first corners are the most critical because everyone wants to get into the lead as fast as possible. If you start at the back of the field, back off just a little bit and watch as the other races pile into each other at the first corner. You can make a very clean corner and go from worst to first in a split second!
  • The better you finish in a race, the worse you start at the next track. This applies when you stay in the same room for numerous races. When a new person joins the room, they start in the front. Don't complain if you always start in the back - it only means you did very well in the last race, so go ahead and pass everyone and beat them again!
  • Rubbing alongside someone down the strightaways does slow both you and your competitor down, so if you want to get away from everyone behind you (or catch those ahead), don't touch each other and end up hurting yourselves!
  • Sadly, glitches do tend to happen. You may get very close to someone in a corner and they start to spin out and complain that you hit them. On your screen, you probably didn't, but on their, you knocked them out of the way! Be sure to tell them that you didn't touch them if you seriously didn't.
  • The faster vehicle in each class is great to have on high-speed tracks where there isn't many places to have to brake. A better braking one is normally better from tracks where you use alot of brakes and turn alot. The Comet and the Sultan RS would be a great choice for places like Exhaust Fumes and Drag Kings, etc. whereas a Turismo and a Banshee are certainly better choices for places like Industrial Action, Short Circuit and so forth. Exhaust Fumes, Drag Kings, Stars In Your Eyes, Road To Bohan, Round The Block and Terminal Velocity are high-speed courses with less need for brakes. The other 14 courses require more brakes and handling. If the host selects "Random" under the "Tracks" option, your odds are better to get the handling/braking package race vehicle!
  • Slower IS Faster sometimes! Slow down a bit earlier before you enter a tough corner that leads to a longer straightaway. You may lose a few feet on the driver in front of you, but you will reap the benefits by getting through the corner better and getting a better run down the straightaway to pass them up!
  • Keep an eye on your position from time to time. If you see that you are listed farther down the running order than you should be, you may have missed a checkpoint! press Down on the D-Pad to bring up the running order in the top-left of the screen as well as zoom the map out (press Down again to get rid of them both). The running order also helps you in showing how far ahead and behind the competition you are. That time will be updated everytime you and your competitor pass through a given checkpoint.
  • Keep the pressure on the person in front of you if you want to pass them cleanly. You may cause them to drive too hard and make a mistake so you can pass them without touching!
  • If a driver in front of you is trying to block you down the straightaway, don't try and pass him, just swerve left and right a little bit. If they are so focused on blocking you, then they aren't paying enough attention to the road ahead of them! They will surely miss the next corner, allowing you to cleanly blow right on by them and drive away!
  • Is the guy behind you most likely gonna crash into you because he has done it before to you and other racers? Take care of this problem by simple pulling over just before you would normally hit the brakes and stop a bit early. Your follower will most likely go flying past you and miss the braking zone for the coner you are comin up on. Wouldn't that be embarassing for them to try and wreck you and only wind up screwing themselves up?!
  • Your in-game cellphone is a marvelous thing! If you are tired of listening to people whine, scream and complain about whatever, simply pull up your phone if you know who it is, find them in your phonebook and put them on "MUTE" so you don't have to listen to their crap anymore. If you and others have a problem with a driver going backwards or driving overly dirty, you can also find their name in your phonebook and select the option to "KICK". Majority votes (more than half the room) are needed to get the rude/obnoxious un-competitor out of your room! If you can't get enough people to do it in the race itself, the lobby has the option too by scrolling all the way to the botton with your left stick, flip left or right until you find their name and click "A" on the 360 or "X" on the PS3 to put your vote on. Remember, majority rules!
  • Wanna be host? Create the room yourself! Pull up your phone (doesn't matter what you are doing) and follow this: "MULTIPLAYER", "PLAYER MATCH", "CUSTOM MATCH", "RACE", "PRIVATE SLOTS", "1 (one)", "START GAME". This will make you the host of a room. You get the ability to change almost all the setting that you want. Anybody can join that wants to. The 1 Private Slot is the one you get, as host. Selecting "NONE" doesn't benefit you at all and just sends you into a random room. Selecting any other number of Private Slots (2-15) means you can save spots for your friends if you are worried that the room may fill right up (highly unlikely) before they can get in, so if you set the Private Slots to 7, that is reserved seating for you and 6 friends. The other 9 slots are random players spots that can be filled.
  • Don't want unwanted people in your race, just friends that you invite? Make a private room! Pull up your phone (again, it doesn't matter what you are doing) and follow this: "MULTIPLAYER", "PLAYER MATCH", "CUSTOM MATCH", "RACE", "PRIVATE SLOTS", "MAX", "START GAME". This will make you the host of the room and you just invite your buddies! Nobody can randomly join, even if they are your friends, unless you send an invite to them. Your friends can also send invites to bring in other friends as well.