High Dive

High Dive is a mission in GTA IV DLC The Ballad of Gay Tony. It is given by Yusuf Amir to Luis Lopez.


In Yusuf's apartment, Yusuf will be on the phone with a business associate. Then, his father calls, and Luis suddenly realizes that all of the money, wealth and material possessions around him aren't really his, but his father's. Undeterred, Yusuf needs Luis to come along with him to somehow legitimize it. Yusuf and Luis head outside and drive to Rotterdam Tower for a meeting, then, Yusuf asks Luis to go up and scope things out. Luis then arrives at the observation decks and sees Tahir Saeed and Ahmed. Both act suspiciously and repeatedly question where Yusuf is. Suspecting something's up, Luis threatens Tahir to let him what's going on. When he doesn't spill the beans (but does imply that Luis just walked into a bad situation), Luis throws him off of the building which he falls to the ground below, killing him, while Ahmed flees. NOOSE agents starting closing in.


Chase Ahmed, while shooting both officers and NOOSE Annihilator(s). The Explosive Shotgun is best for this part of the mission. It should take at one shot to kill an officer close up, and least two at range, and three to four to down the Annihilators. Ahmed is, for some reason, heading up instead of escaping into the streets, so follow him up the ramp, stairs and 3 short ladders, wiping out anyone who gets in your way. Eventually you should get to the extremely high tower with a ladder in the middle. Start climbing. It takes about a full 30 seconds to get to the top, and it only leads to another ladder. Again start climbing after Ahmed until he reaches the very top. Finally you have Ahmed cornered on the spire, and Ahmed reveals that he and Tahir wanted to get Yusuf on wire tap for NOOSE. He also shows the Parachute he was planning to make his escape with. Luis takes the parachute and lunges at Ahmed, purposely scaring him off the building and to his death.

Ahmed is dead, but you still have a 4 star wanted level. So use your new found parachute to jump of the building to freedom. Freefall for a couple of seconds, then pull the cord to deploy the chute. Mission passed. (Note: You do NOT have to land outside the search radius, you can just freefall and land on the ground.)

100% Mission Requirements

  • Time: 4:10
  • Player Damage: 50%
  • Headshot: 6
  • Accuracy: 70%
  • Helicopters Destroyed: 4
  • Free Fall Time