Jazz Nation Radio 108.5


Jazz Nation Radio 108.5 is a Jazz radio station that appears in Grand Theft Auto IV and is hosted by Jazz musician Roy Haynes. Both JNR and Fusion FM are among the first Jazz radio stations to appear in a Grand Theft Auto game.

DJ: Roy Haynes

Genre: Jazz




  • If you turn to this station with Jimmy Pegorino, Phil Bell, and Ray Boccino present in the car, they will comment positively.
  • The "American.gxt" data file in The Lost and Damned lists a jazz standard, Billie Holiday - "Fine and Mellow" (1939), hinting that JNR was planned, but dropped, as one of the radio stations to be updated by downloadable content.
  • An advertisement for JNR says that it's at the "end of the dial", however it's not true since there's a station (K109) that has higher frequency than it.