
Revision as of 16:23, 7 July 2010 by gtw>Brockstar619 (Editing a gallery)
The HUD icon of the Skateboard.

The Skateboard was a weapon and vehicle that was dropped during the development of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Though the player can still use it as a weapon through modifications, the weapon is nowhere in San Andreas. The skateboard was meant to be introduced to the player in the mission Madd Dogg's Rhymes[1][2]. The skateboard is developed enough that it is specified to which surface is skateable[3]



  1. data\american.gxt>STRAP2>STP2_34>To use the skateboard pick it up and select it from the weapons inventory items. Press ~k~~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ whilst over it to pick it up if your inventory is full.
  2. data\american.gxt>STRAP2>STP2_38>To use the skateboard, select the it from your weapons inventory. Use the movement controls to steer the skateboard. Tapping ~k~~PED_SPRINT~ helps you pick up speed and ~k~~PED_JUMPING~ makes you jump.
  3. data\surinfo.dat>#SKATEABLE is skateable.