Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus

Staunton Island Military Base is a military base at the north of Rockford, Staunton Island in Liberty City, featured in Grand Theft Auto III. The base seems like a reserve warehouse, as there are no military personal in there and you can freely enter it, although part of base is fenced off by a moving gate.

In mission "Arms Shortage" you have to meet Phil Cassidy in this base; then you will defend it from the Colombian Cartel members. After that mission you can buy high powered "army grade" weapons here, such as Rocket Launcher. A Barracks OL is usually parked in here. If you have completed the storyline, the usually locked Rhino will be unlocked and available for use. If you have a wanted level, occasionally, law enforcement vehicles will spawn halfway inside the wall of the building.

Sometime after the year 1998 this area was changed to a military base from a Ferry terminal, as shown in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.