is an online dating service in Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto IV. Niko Bellic can connect to the site using the in-game Internet to choose to date women. The site is based upon the concept of dating sites in the real world. This site is introduced in the mission Out of the Closet which involves Niko to "date" "French Tom," where Niko must kill him. The founder of Love-meet is Mr. Fackler who emails Niko to visit the site. The website's slogan is "Making you whole again...".
Eight men (including Niko) and nine women show up on the site at a time. During the course of the whole game, a total of 11 men and 12 women have profiles up on that site. While it is possible to select "Date" on any of their profiles, only two of the nine women are actually datable. Selecting "date" on non-dateable users will cause Mr. Fackler (the site's founder) to send you an email containing a message from the users, rejecting your request, and often insulting you.
Female users
- LawChick (Kiki Jenkins) (datable)
- SoBoHoe (Carmen Ortiz) (datable)
- From Russia Without Lover
- Undercover Lover
- Miss Understood
- Jennifun
- Lickingood
- Susiside
- Princess Renee
- Mittens
- Gogetter
- 2Hot2Handle
It is also possible for the player to date Alex Chilton, however the contact is made through a different site.
Male users
- NikoLiberty / SweetBellic (Niko Bellic)
- French Tom (Tom Rivas)
- Troy Harder
- The Nickmeister
- HumpPleaseRupert
- Colonel Cuddles
- Oscar Wild
- NoBigWillie
- Matte Black
- Mark Tenninch
Niko uses the screen name "SweetBellic" only during the mission Out of the Closet. Later his screen name has been changed to "NikoLiberty".
Other users
- GTA IV's official website
- On Liberty (PC manual) p.19
- Mysteriousdarkness2
- Richstud143
- Lookingforlove