Miss Understood

Miss Understood is the name used by a female love-meet.net user in Grand Theft Auto IV. No matter how many times Niko Bellic contacts her, she will never date him. From her profile, it is revealed that she is a stripper. However, she is looking for a change, and reveals that she is tired of men only liking her because of her appearance. She claims that she wants people to love her for her mind, and not think of her as a sexual object. Yet still, her profile contains many sexual innuendos. In her rejection email she makes it obvious that Niko is too old for her tastes.
Love-meet profile
- Quote: I'm more than a 36DD
- Age: 27
- Loc: Dukes
- Job: Exotic Dancer/ Adult Film Star
- Sexuality: Flexible
- Build: I haven't met a pole I couldn't handle
- About Me: I'm looking for a guy who can see past my physical assets, which I know won't be easy. I just want to get close to another person without any kind of lubricant being involved, I've been around the pole and back again and now I'm ready for love.
- Likes: I like things that challenge me mentally, the harder the better. On the weekend I like taking off my PVC underwear and just relaxing, away from any crude euphemisms. I also enjoy gardening, I just find that getting down on my knees and really going at it til I'm all dirty and sweaty is so satisfying.
- Dislikes: I don't like being taken the wrong way. I hate how people just assume everything I do is about sex. I want people to think about what goes on inside me and not what I do for a living.