Out of the Closet

Out of the Closet
Brucie Kibbutz and Niko and Roman Bellic discussing their next move with Tom Rivas.
Brucie Kibbutz and Niko and Roman Bellic discussing their next move with Tom Rivas.

Brucie Kibbutz and Niko and Roman Bellic discussing their next move with Tom Rivas.
For Brucie Kibbutz
Location Mohanet Ave in East Hook, Broker
Reward $6,750
Unlocks No. 1, Blow Your Cover, and access to www.love-meet.net
Unlocked by Easy as Can Be and Roman's Sorrow

Out of the Closet is a mission in Grand Theft Auto IV given to protagonist Niko Bellic by Brucie Kibbutz from his flat on Mohanet Ave in East Hook, Broker, Liberty City. It is unlocked by the missions Easy as Can Be and Roman's Sorrow.


Brucie wants Niko to kill Tom Rivas, cousin of Lyle Rivas, because he hasn't paid his debt. Tom Rivas is in hiding and the only way to find him is to arrange a date through the website www.love-meet.net, where Roman and Brucie created a profile for Niko to attract Rivas.

See also


The rewards for completing this mission are $6,750 and access to www.love-meet.net. The missions No. 1 and Blow Your Cover are unlocked.


  • During their meeting, Tom asks Niko if he knows "Gay Tony"; Tony is involved in several plot twists later in GTA IV, and takes a more pivotal role in the GTA IV add-on The Ballad of Gay Tony.
  • The player does not need to sit down beside Tom in order to kill him. Simply enter through one of the doors, turn auto-aim off and shoot Tom in the back of the head. This gives the player a quicker advantage as usually a man sitting behind Tom reveals a gun and attacks Niko, along with other Russian mobsters.
  • Humorously, Niko's fake profile in love-meet.net seems to have been written by both Roman and Brucie, with the writer apparently changing in the middle of various sentences. Various parts mention steroids and VIP living (Brucie) and other parts are more normal (Roman).
  • Strangely, the picture of Niko on the Love meet profile shows him in Star Junction in Algonquin. However, this area can not be accessed at this point in the game due to the closure of the bridges, although it could have been an edited photo by Brucie and Roman.
  • The name of the mission is related to the slang name for admitting one's homosexuality.
  • This mission is later referenced in an email from Roman titled "Great News", where he mentions that his upcoming marriage means "no more threesomes!". If the player chooses to respond positively, Niko will mention that Brucie will be disappointed about the threesomes, with Roman responding "Fuck you! At least I never dated a man! Unlike you!".
  • The trigger location for the mission is located several blocks north of Brucie's garage, where previous missions for him were triggered, yet the cutscene takes place in the same apartment seen earlier.


External link