Russian Revolution

Russian Revolution
Dimitri betrays Niko to Bulgarin.
Dimitri betrays Niko to Bulgarin.

Dimitri betrays Niko to Bulgarin.
For Dimitri Rascalov
Location Broker
Reward None
Unlocks Roman's Sorrow
Unlocked by Shadow, The Master and the Molotov

Russian Revolution is Dimitri Rascalov's final mission in Grand Theft Auto IV, where he is supposed to give Niko Bellic payment for killing Mikhail Faustin. This mission is triggered not long after "The Master and the Molotov" is completed, when Niko calls Dimitri or vice versa to find out if Dimitri has Niko's payment.

This mission introduces the player to large scale shootouts and briefs on the cover system and blind fire.


After Niko and Dimitri agree to meet in an abandoned warehouse in East Hook to collect the payment for Faustin's assasination, Little Jacob calls Niko to express his suspicion of Dimitri's motives and insists joining Niko as backup in an event the deal goes sour. With Jacob concealed and keeping an eye on the deal, Niko enters the warehouse to meet Dimitri, only to learn, to his surprise, that Dimitri has been working with Bulgarin, who Niko has worked with in Eastern Europe and fled from after a botched job that left Niko in debt.

As Niko is unable to repay what was owed to Bulgarin, Niko was ordered killed, but manages to fight back and is joined by Jacob, resulting in a firefight in the warehouse. Dimitri and Bulgarin escape, leaving Niko and Jacob to deal with and kill a dozen of Bulgarin's men, as well as the police who have surrounded the building after Dimitri's and Bulgarin's departure from the area.

Stealing a car and escaping the police, Niko drives Jacob to the Homebrew Café while voicing his anger at both Dimitri and Bulgarin, vowing to kill them while Jacob assures him that they will inevitably pay the price. After dropping Jacob off, Niko must contact Roman to tell him the bad news, thus leading to the next mission.



  • The goons that work for Rodislav Bulgarin.
  • Some police officers - The game prompts the player to take out the police however it is not required to complete the mission.
