Luis' Apartment

Revision as of 15:32, 25 March 2010 by A-Dust (talk | contribs)
File:TBoGT Apartment.jpg
The Northwood Apartment Interior

In The Ballad of Gay Tony, Luis Lopez owns an apartment in Northwood, Algonquin on Galveston Ave. Available from the first mission of the game, "I luv LC", it is the first and only safehouse available to the player in the game.

It has a wardrobe where Luis can change into any of his seven outfits, a TV, and a bed to sleep in. Its right down the street from his mother's house. It is also close to the local Pay 'n' Spray, a Burger Shot restaurant and a TW@ Internet Cafe the latter two located in neighboring North Holland. The Angels of Death are commonly found around this area.


  • The default music playing in Luis' apartment is always set to San Juan Sounds.
  • Three pictures of Luis' father are hung up around the apartment.
  • Luis is an obvious fan of shoes, as his bedroom is taken up by boxes of them.
  • Luis has what looks like an Xbox 360 elite next to his TV, although it is oddly shaped.